Duel Club

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The news of Colin Creevey's attack had already spread throughout the castle by the next day.

In the hallways, whispers of students discussing rumors and suspects could be heard. Because of this, students began walking in groups through the castle, afraid of being attacked.

The first-year Gryffindors were frightened; many were afraid they might be attacked like Colin. However, not everyone was scared. There was one first-year who walked through the castle alone, and that was Sasuke Uchiha.

Luna would sometimes look for Uchiha to talk, but she never found him. Not even the Slytherin prefect could locate him. However, the other Slytherin first-years always commented that he was present in classes and returned to the common room before curfew.

During his free time, Sasuke was in the Forbidden Forest, training Taijutsu. He spent hours kicking a tree trunk and also practiced his chakra control by climbing trees while carrying rocks. On other days, he preferred to meditate, assessing in his mind the level of chakra in his body and his magical power. He compared these levels with those of the four strongest teachers at Hogwarts: Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall, and Flitwick.

Upon noticing the difference, he decided to intensify his training to strengthen his body and increase his chakra reserves, as well as using the library to find ways to boost his magical power.

Sasuke: I'm still far from matching those four. With the last two, I might have a chance if I use both my chakra and magic, giving it my all from the start of the fight. But with the first two, that might not be enough. - He thought.

Time passed, and the second week of December arrived. Professor McGonagall approached the Slytherin table.

Minerva: Well, students who decide to spend Christmas at the castle will need to sign this form. Could you distribute it, Miss Farley? - She said, handing over the form.

Gemma: Yes, Professor.

The prefect passed the form from student to student. Those who would stay had to sign their full names and year.

Few students chose to stay, and Sasuke was the only first-year from Slytherin who remained.


Gryffindor Table

Harry, Ron, and Hermione signed the list. They heard that Malfoy would be staying at Hogwarts for Christmas, which they found very suspicious and saw it as a great opportunity to use the Polyjuice Potion to get a confession.


A week later, Sasuke was walking down the corridor when he saw a group of students gathered in front of a noticeboard.

Sasuke approached to read what was written on the board.

Astoria: They're starting a dueling club.

Sean: The first lesson is tonight.

Sasuke continued on his way, as he had heard enough.

Tiffany: We have to go watch the duels.

Madeleine Yaxley: Why?

Tiffany: Sasuke will definitely participate.

Madeleine: That's true, Sasuke is going to defeat the Gryffindors.

Tiffany: If he gets the chance.

Sean: After what happened in the Quidditch match, they'll definitely want to duel him.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now