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After lunch, the emo left the Great Hall and headed to Potions class with Ravenclaw. Luna was waiting for him at the entrance of the Great Hall so they could go together.

Snape: Silence! he ordered as he entered the classroom.

In fact, there was no need for this command, as the students quickly quieted down upon hearing the door open.

Snape: Today we will be preparing a forgetfulness potion. It is a potion that causes a certain degree of memory loss when consumed.

Snape: The ingredients and the preparation method are on the board. He said, waving his wand. You have an hour and a half. You may begin.

The ingredients are drops of water from the River Lethe, valerian roots, and mistletoe berries.

Preparation Method:

1. Add 2 drops of water from the River Lethe to the cauldron, pouring gently.

2. Heat over medium flame for 20 seconds.

3. Stir three times clockwise.

4. Let it simmer for 45 minutes.

5. Add 2 valerian roots to the cauldron.

6. Add 4 mistletoe berries to the mortar.

7. Crush until it forms a fine powder using your pestle.

8. Add 20g of the crushed berries to your cauldron.

9. Stir five times counterclockwise.

It was a complicated potion. The ingredients needed to be added to the cauldron in the correct order and quantity.

Sasuke and Luna started immediately. Luna prepared the cauldron while Sasuke went to gather the materials.

They were the only pair formed with members from different houses. The others only teamed up with members from the same house.

While everyone struggled to prepare the potion, Sasuke and Luna remained calm but attentive. Thanks to Orochimaru's experiments, the emo had developed a sixth sense for concocting poisons used in potions.

Snape walked among the students, criticizing their potions. While the emo had to focus on his potion, he also needed to keep an eye on Luna, as she was easily distracted.

An hour and a half later...

Snape: Now, a light silver vapor should begin to rise from your potions, he announced when there were ten minutes left in the time.

Several students were nervous. Most cauldrons emitted a large amount of dark gray steam, some a light gray, and others still released green sparks.

The only potion that emitted silver vapor was the one made by the emo and Luna. Snape approached them and congratulated them on their good work, awarding 10 points to each.

As Luna handed the potion to Snape, she didn't notice the envious glances from all the girls around her.

Snape instructed all the students who had failed to write thirty inches of parchment on the properties of water from the River Lethe, valerian root, and the uses of both in potion-making.

Everyone rushed out of the classroom when the bell rang. They all wore grim expressions, but the Slytherins were happy because they had Quidditch practice scheduled for the weekend.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now