Mercenaries II

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At the Emo House

Alpha and Beta took the barrels to a storage room. Sasuke used a fire jutsu to melt the barrels, which had magical protection that hadn't been activated by the unknown energy attack, similar to chakra.

Alpha and Beta brought metal molds to shape the melted gold. The room was filling up with gold bars, and this work lasted until dawn, but two-thirds of the gold still needed to be melted down.

He managed to get only four hours of sleep since Bones and Scrimgeour arrived around 9:00 AM.

Both appeared at the entrance of the Emo House and saw that he was already sitting on the stairs waiting for them.

Sasuke: It's about time.

Amelia: Hold my hand; I'll take us there.

The three disappeared and reappeared in a hangar on the west side of London, arriving ten minutes early.

Sasuke was going over the words Amelia would use to gain the mercenaries' support.

Two buses arrived at the hangar, and several men stepped out. Upon entering, they saw three figures: two adults in old-fashioned attire and a young man dressed in a Japanese outfit with a sword at his waist.

Amelia: Good morning, gentlemen. You must be wondering why you were called here.

Mercenary: Yes, we were surprised you called for 100 mercenaries.

Mercenary 2: And you're the one in charge?

Amelia: Yes.

Mercenary 2: I don't take orders from a woman.

Everyone else began to laugh at Amelia's expression.

Amelia drew her wand and turned Mercenary 2 into a frog.

Silence fell as they witnessed this. Some drew their weapons but were also turned into frogs.

The others were astonished and confused, asking what was happening.

Amelia: We are witches and wizards.

Mercenary 5: That can't be true; it must be some trick.

Amelia: Wingardium Leviosa.

Mercenary 5 began to levitate above the others.

Mercenary 5: I GET IT, I GET IT! PUT ME DOWN!

The other mercenaries were shocked by the scene and asked what they wanted.

Amelia waved her wand, and the mercenaries who had turned into frogs returned to normal, while the one levitating was lowered back to the ground.

Amelia: You've probably heard about the strange accidents occurring throughout the UK, from bridge collapses to unexplained deaths and hurricanes.

Several mercenaries nodded, as these events had been mentioned internationally.

Amelia: All these events have been caused by Death Eaters, a group of dark wizards led by Voldemort.

Mercenary: That has nothing to do with us. I'm leaving.

Amelia: Voldemort wants to conquer the world. If we don't stop him now, he will eliminate all of us. People without magic are known as Muggles, and that includes you. Voldemort sees you as a plague and intends to exterminate you.

Mercenary: This is your problem; you deal with it yourselves.

Amelia: The issue is that they are also wizards. Voldemort is already building an army with giants, werewolves, Dementors, and all kinds of dark creatures. Once he takes over the UK, he will move on to other countries, and their numbers will grow as dark wizards from other nations who share his ideals join his army. There will be no safe place.

The mercenaries fell silent, thinking of their families and loved ones.

Sasuke: Don't you have relatives, friends, or loved ones who have died under strange circumstances, with no explanation?

Some mercenaries began to understand; about 30 had friends and relatives in the UK, and some had indeed died under mysterious circumstances.

Amelia: Gentlemen, human life is fleeting. We may have good or bad moments, but death comes for us all, regardless of who we are.

Amelia summoned a dagger and made a cut on her hand for the mercenaries to see that wizards can bleed too.

Amelia: What truly defines someone is how they act in crucial moments of life. How do you want to be remembered? As mere mercenaries or as true heroes?

Many mercenaries recalled their pasts, when they had been soldiers serving their country. They enlisted with the desire to help people, to be heroes, to make a difference, to protect others and uphold justice. But due to economic situations and manipulation, they were discharged and lost sight of what they were fighting for. Some families suffered from hunger or illness, and in their desperation for money, they became mercenaries.

Amelia: You have a chance to fight for what is right again.

Amelia: Are you with me?

Mercenaries: YESSSS!

Sasuke: We wouldn't have you do such dangerous work for free. Check your bank accounts. Everyone who agrees to fight by our side will receive an advance of £60,000, and when the war is over, you will be paid in gold.

All the mercenaries shouted again that they would fight. Sasuke pulled out a contract for everyone to sign. He explained that it was a guarantee that, in the event of death in battle, their families would receive the corresponding payment, but what he didn't mention was that it was a magical contract.

After signing, everyone returned to the bus. Amelia, Sasuke, and Scrimgeour boarded as well and headed to the base where the mercenaries would be stationed. The weapons arrived shortly afterward, as there were no issues with customs. The Muggle minister provided ammunition and three Mil Mi-24 helicopters, and with Scrimgeour's help, he covered up any evidence of embezzlement.

The 50 house-elves were lined up, waiting for the mercenaries to arrive.

Amelia explained how the place worked and told them to treat the elves with respect. Everyone introduced themselves with their respective names.

Amelia and Rufus took the mercenaries to settle in and then gave them a tour of the base, showing them the cafeteria, bathrooms, training and shooting practice areas, storage, and introducing the elves who managed the communication and surveillance center.

Sasuke took the 50 elves to show them their rooms, the kitchen, the cafeteria, and the bathrooms, also giving each one a uniform.



Sasuke: Wear them. It's to show that you serve us. Now, I'll explain your tasks. You will be in charge of cleaning, cooking, resupplying, and will also go on reconnaissance missions. We'll divide you into three groups: one will work during the day, another in the afternoon, and the last at night.


Sasuke: In case of an attack, evacuate the base and take everyone to the designated location on the map.


Amelia, Rufus, and Sasuke left the area and Apparated to the Minister's office.

Sasuke: It seems everything is going well.

Amelia: Yes, I had my doubts about whether they would sign the contract.

Rufus: I think we don't need to worry about violating the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, since, when the war is over, they won't remember anything, but they will still have the money, so they shouldn't complain.

Sasuke: Scrimgeour, the Muggle minister got a retired general to lead the army.

Rufus: Yes, a veteran with extensive experience. Tomorrow I'll meet with him to explain the situation and have him sign the contract.

Sasuke: Since you're meeting him tomorrow, also meet with the base engineers and help them make the helicopters work with the presence of magic.

Rufus: Understood.

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