Firebolt and Patronus

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Sasuke and Luna were walking down the hallway when they started hearing cheers and chants of happiness. They saw that the Hufflepuff students were happily walking along with the Quidditch team.

Luna: Looks like Hufflepuff won. – She said, smiling.

Sasuke: Seems like it. Let's get out of here before... – He didn't finish his sentence because someone shouted.

Zacharias: UCHIHA, I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL! – He shouted, full of motivation.

Sasuke sighed and accepted because he knew if he refused, Zacharias would keep insisting.

Sasuke: Let's get this over with.

Zacharias: This time, I'll win.

Sasuke: He said the same thing last time. – He thought.

Luna: On my signal, start the duel. – She said, excited to be the referee. – 1... 2... 3! – She shouted.

Everyone was watching the duel, thrilled.

Zacharias: PETRIFICUS TOTALUS! – He shouted quickly.

Sasuke: Protego. – He said, easily blocking the spell.

Zacharias gave a confident smile.

Zacharias: Finally, an opportunity. – He thought.

Zacharias: STUPEFY! – He shouted.

Sasuke dodged the spell with a quick step to the right.

Zacharias: STUPEFY! – He shouted again.

Once again, the emo dodged the spell with a simple movement.

The other students were worried seeing Sasuke dodging spells so easily. Luna was the only one smiling.

Sasuke: Stupefy.

Zacharias: PROTEGO! – He shouted, but he saw the shield crack when hit by Sasuke's spell.

Sasuke cast the spell again, breaking the shield. Zacharias quickly threw himself to the ground to dodge.

He tried to stand, but was hit by the Stupefy spell, rendering him completely unconscious.

It was clear to the older Hufflepuff students that Sasuke hadn't taken this duel seriously. He showed no sign of exhaustion, and the way he dodged spells without using his wand left them impressed. They understood that he could have defeated Zacharias at the beginning if he had wanted to.

Sasuke put his wand away and motioned for Luna to follow him. Both resumed walking, leaving the Hufflepuff students to help Zacharias.


Two weeks later, in the Forbidden Forest.

Inside a cave, a voice could be heard:




Sasuke: What am I doing wrong? I've learned all the theory from the book. – He thought, before continuing to practice.


After hours of training without results, Sasuke decided to return to the castle. He stopped outside the cave and made a few hand signs.

Sasuke: Earth barrier jutsu. – He said, placing his hand on the ground and watching a large earth barrier cover the cave's entrance.

As he walked back to the castle, Sasuke reflected on what to do to successfully cast the Patronus spell.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now