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In the courtyard, the Slytherin and Gryffindor students were practicing the Vermillious charm.


So far, no one had succeeded.

Lupin: The movement needs to be smoother, and the pronunciation faster.

The students repeated the spell, and three of them finally succeeded.

The rest stopped and stared at the ones who had managed to perform it.

Lupin: Well done, Miss Weasley, Mr. Creevey, Miss Greengrass, he said with a smile. Cin— He didn't finish because three sparks suddenly appeared in the sky at the same time.

Everyone looked in awe at Sasuke, who had successfully performed the advanced version of Vermillious, which required a greater amount of magic.

Lupin: Excellent work, Mr. Uchiha. Five points to each of you, he said, looking at Sasuke, Ginny, Astoria, and Colin.

The others resumed practicing the spell, but were interrupted by the shouts of other students.

Hagrid: MOVE OUT OF THE WAY! he bellowed as he ran past the students.

They saw that the half-giant was carrying Malfoy, who was screaming in pain.

Lupin: Class dismissed. Return to your common rooms, he said, following Hagrid.

Murmurs about Malfoy's condition and what had happened began, as the other third-year students passed by, discussing the incident.


Dean: IT WAS MALFOY'S FAULT! he shouted angrily.

Sasuke turned away and left while the other Slytherins joined the argument.


In the library, Madam Pince was meticulously watching all the students present, but her vigilance was interrupted by a Slytherin.

Pince: What do you need, young man? she asked.

Sasuke: I'd like books on dementors.

Pince: Aisle 4, third shelf.

Sasuke walked to aisle 4, smiling.

Pince: Slytherins and their love for the Dark Arts. I'd better inform Dumbledore, she thought.

An hour later, Luna entered the library to do her homework but, upon seeing Sasuke at a table with several books, she smiled and walked toward him.

Luna: Sasuke, what are you reading? she asked curiously.

Sasuke: A book about dementors.

Luna: Let me see, she said, sitting beside him.

Dementors are among the foulest creatures to walk the earth. They feed on despair and destruction, draining peace, hope, and happiness from those nearby. If someone approaches a dementor, it will suck out every last positive feeling. The dementor feasts until the person is left as an empty shell, filled only with the worst memories of their life.

Luna: It seems we should be very careful around them.

Sasuke: Yes, but changing the subject, what brings you here?

Luna: I came to do Professor Snape's homework. Since you're here, why don't we do it together? she said with a smile.

Sasuke sighed and set aside his studies on dementors for later.


In the Great Hall, students were eating and discussing the incident in Hagrid's class.

At the Slytherin table, Draco was showing off his injured arm.

Pansy: Does it still hurt, Draco? she asked.

Draco: A little. I was lucky. Madam Pomfrey said I could have lost my arm.

Nott: That incompetent Hagrid should be expelled.

Draco: I've already written to my father. He'll take it to the Ministry.

Abel: Don't forget to write to the Prophet. Dumbledore's reputation will be ruined for hiring an unqualified professor, he said with a grin, but his smile faded when he saw Sasuke approaching.

He and the others who had been part of the attack began to tremble and looked down to avoid making eye contact with Sasuke.

The other students continued chatting, pretending nothing had happened in the common room.

Sasuke sat down, and as he ate, Flint approached him.

Flint: Uchiha, our Quidditch match has been rescheduled. We were supposed to play Gryffindor first, but due to Draco's injury, we'll be facing Ravenclaw in the second match.

Draco: Why did he mention it was my fault? he thought.

Sasuke: Understood.


The next day, Sasuke got up early to head into the Forbidden Forest. Since the match had been rescheduled, he had some free time to train.

He needed a place to practice both ninjutsu and magic. Using an empty classroom in the castle was a bad idea—he'd likely be discovered. The best option was the forest.

Sasuke leaped from tree to tree, venturing deeper into the forest, avoiding the centaurs' hunting grounds, as they might report him to Dumbledore.

One hour later

Sasuke found the perfect spot: a cave with a water source.

He took out a piece of paper and a pencil, and began writing down the things he'd need to turn this place into a base.

Sasuke: I'll need to set up columns and a roof. Magic and a few doton jutsus should take care of that, he thought.

Sasuke: For lighting, the best option is candles and torches. I'll have to make holders for them, he pondered.

Sasuke: I'll need to bring ninja tools, a bed, chairs, and a table. I'll also have to set traps at the entrance, he concluded.

Sasuke: Creating this base will take some time, he reflected. While making notes, he sensed the presence of something.

Sasuke: I don't know if you're fools or just acting on instinct, he said aloud.

From the trees and bushes, several acromantulas emerged, ready to devour the wizard.

Sasuke: Chidori!

The lightning-style jutsu enveloped Sasuke's hand and extended about 10 meters. He began moving his arm, slicing through everything around him.

The acromantulas were cut down as easily as butter. The few that survived were in the trees, but they soon fell along with the trees themselves.

The jutsu had cut through several trees, which collapsed onto the remaining acromantulas, killing them instantly.

Sasuke: I need to fortify this place. It'll take some time, but it'll be worth it. For now, I'll explore the depth of this cave, Sasuke thought as he held his wand, which emitted light, illuminating the path ahead.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now