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The Quidditch season has come to an end.

The match between Ravenclaw and Slytherin was tied, but Slytherin claimed victory when Draco caught the Golden Snitch.

In the match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, despite Hufflepuff's point advantage due to their top scorers, Gryffindor won when Harry caught the Golden Snitch.

At the end of the season, Slytherin took home the Quidditch Cup.

Sasuke was not participating in the celebration. He was in the library, in the restricted section, finishing a book, but he had yet to find any important information.

It was already night, and he decided to put the books away, including the one Zacharias had taken. He abandoned the idea of becoming an Animagus as soon as he saw the complexity of the process.

The emo returned to the common room. Upon entering, he saw Daphne crying. Their eyes met, and the emo, with no choice, approached her.

Sasuke: Why are you crying, Daphne?

Daphne: It's nothing – she said, trying to pull away.

Sasuke grabbed her arm. – It's about Astoria, isn't it? What she has is not just a simple illness.

Daphne began to cry again, but this time she buried her face in the emo's chest.

Sasuke comforted her and asked her to tell him what was wrong with Astoria.

Daphne: My sister is going to die. She has a blood curse.

Sasuke remembered that he had read about this curse.

"Blood curse," known as a sanguine curse, is a blood curse that causes debilitation and can reappear in the descendants of the person it was initially cast upon.

Daphne: I was lucky not to have the curse, but Astoria does. She's my little sister, and she's going to die. I can't do anything; I can only watch her life slowly slip away.

Sasuke didn't know what to say to make her feel better. The book said that, up to that point, there was no cure for this curse. The only thing he could do was hug her to help her calm down. When she finally calmed down, Daphne thanked him and left.

Sasuke was deep in thought and remembered Itachi. Daphne was sad and frustrated that she couldn't protect her younger sister.

The exam week began. Sometimes, he studied in the common room because he knew the library would be crowded; other times, he studied with Luna and Zacharias.

Harry and his friends were waiting for the last exam, which was History of Magic. The fifth-year students entered the Great Hall and sat down. Harry was tired and wished for one thing: that the exams would end so he could sleep, and the next day he and Ron could go to the Quidditch pitch, fly, and celebrate the end of exams.

Marchbanks: Turn the page – she said from her desk at the front of the students, turning a large hourglass – You may begin.

Harry stared at the first question. Several seconds passed before he realized he hadn't understood a single word of the prompt; a bothersome wasp buzzed against one of the high windows. Slowly and painfully, he finally began to write an answer. He found it very difficult to remember the names and kept confusing the dates.

He decided to skip question four (In your opinion, did the wand legislation contribute to better control of the goblin revolts in the 18th century or lead to that control?), thinking he would come back to it at the end if he had time. He tried to answer question five (How was the Statute of Secrecy violated in 1749, and what measures were introduced to prevent the event from happening again?), but he had a nagging suspicion that he had omitted several important points; he had the impression that vampires had somehow been involved in the episode.

Harry read on, searching for a question he could decisively answer, and his eyes landed on the tenth: Describe the circumstances that led to the formation of the International Confederation of Wizards and explain why the wizards of Liechtenstein refused to join.

Harry: I know this one – he thought, even though his brain felt numb and drained of energy.

Hours passed, and suddenly he found himself walking down the cool, dark corridor towards the Department of Mysteries, with firm, deliberate steps, sometimes running, determined to finally reach his destination... the black door swung open as always, and he found himself in the circular room with its many doors...

He crossed the stone floor straight to the second door... slivers of light danced on the walls and floor, and he could hear that strange mechanical crackling, but he had no time to investigate; he needed to hurry...

He ran the short distance to the third door, which opened like the others... Once again, he arrived in a room the size of a cathedral, filled with shelves and glass spheres...

His heart raced.

Now... he was going to get there this time...

When he reached number ninety-seven, he turned left and hurried down the corridor between the shelves...

But there was a shape at the very end, a dark shape moving across the floor like an injured animal... Harry's stomach twisted in fear... and excitement...

A voice came from his own mouth, a high, cold voice, devoid of any human warmth...

???: Fetch it for me... lift it, now... I cannot touch it... but you can...

The dark shape on the floor moved slightly. Harry saw a white hand with long fingers grasping a wand rise at the tip of its arm... he heard the high, cold voice say, "Crucio!"

The man on the floor let out a scream of pain, tried to rise but fell into convulsions. Harry laughed. He raised the wand, the curse was lifted, and the figure groaned and lay still.

???: Lord Voldemort is waiting...

Very slowly, with trembling arms, the man on the floor lifted his shoulders a few inches and then his face. It was stained with blood, thin, twisted in pain, yet rigid with defiance...

Sirius: You will have to kill me – he whispered.

???: That is undoubtedly what I will do when I finish – said the cold voice. – But first you will fetch it for me, Black... do you think you have felt pain so far? Think again... we have hours ahead of us and no one to hear your screams.

Harry submitted his exam and ran towards the hospital wing in search of Professor McGonagall, but she had been taken to St. Mungo's Hospital.

After being joined by Ron and Hermione, the three debated whether Harry should go to the Ministry of Magic.

Hermione convinced him to use Umbridge's fireplace to check if Sirius was at Grimmauld Place.

The discussion was also overheard by Ginny and Luna.

Hermione said they would help by distracting Umbridge so Harry could use the fireplace.

If Sirius wasn't home, they would go straight to the Department of Mysteries.


Sasuke was at the Quidditch pitch with Zacharias while the Hufflepuff tested the emo's Firebolt, and they were both waiting for Luna, who would also test it.

After two hours, they decided to head back to the castle, and each went to their respective common room.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now