Rita Skeeter's Exclusive

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Sasuke, seeing the entire hall in complete silence, made the snakes disappear, leaving everyone astonished. Some thought he was really cool, others believed they were witnessing the birth of the next Dark Lord, while others wondered how he performed magic without a wand. The other three champions were thinking the same thing: "How are we going to defeat this monster?"

Sasuke took Hermione's hand and stepped away. He apologized to her for the inconvenience he had caused.

Hermione's mind was a chaos. She was scared because she saw the emo's cold expression. She calmed down and asked him more about the spell he used.

Sasuke explained that it was a modification of the Serpensortia spell, which Draco used in their first year.

Hermione began to interrogate him about wandless spells. The fear she had been feeling turned into excitement. Sasuke summarized wandless spells for her and recommended some books that could help. She listened to him attentively while taking notes. The party ended, and the emo accompanied her to the common room. They said their goodbyes, and before he left, she asked if he could help her with wandless spells from time to time. Sasuke declined and said he had already given her the tips, and now it was up to her.

The next day, everyone woke up late. The Gryffindor common room was in complete silence; the only thing that could be heard was the students' yawns. Hermione's hair was back to its usual mess. She said she had used a lot of smoothing potion, but it was a lot of work to do it every day, saying this while petting Crookshanks' ear.

Ron and Hermione agreed not to bring up the topic of the ball again. They returned to being good friends, but with a certain formality, since she told them both that it was Sasuke who had taught her how to decipher the egg.

They began investigating spells and potions that could help them breathe underwater. They also sent a letter to Sirius asking for help.

On the other hand, the emo was receiving complaints from the Slytherin girls for inviting Hermione. He ignored them. The boys, especially the older ones, also wanted to complain about him taking a girl from another house, but they were afraid of what the emo might do to them.

Snape always approached the emo to talk. They spent a good amount of time discussing the preparation and investigation of new potions. The emo also told Snape about the spell he used at the party, mentioning that it was a modification of the Serpensortia spell.

While talking to the emo, Snape used Legilimency to see if he was telling the truth, and to his surprise, without changing his neutral expression, he saw that the emo was indeed telling the truth. It seemed that the emo trusted him, unlike Dumbledore.

Sasuke spent most of his time training in taijutsu and magic when he didn't have classes. He returned to the Slytherin common room irritated because he had heard about an article from the Daily Prophet that was circulating through the school.


Albus Dumbledore, the eccentric headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has never been afraid to make controversial appointments to the faculty, writes Rita Skeeter, our special correspondent. In September of this year, he hired Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, the notorious ex-Auror who sees spells everywhere, to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts—a decision that raised many eyebrows at the Ministry of Magic, given Moody's well-known habit of attacking anyone who makes a sudden move in his presence.

Mad-Eye, however, seems responsible and kind, in contrast to the half-human individual that Dumbledore employs to teach Care of Magical Creatures. Rubeus Hagrid, who admits to having been expelled from Hogwarts in his third year, has since held the position of Keeper of Keys and Grounds at the school—a job that Dumbledore arranged for him. Last year, however, he used his mysterious influence over the school's headmaster to obtain the supplemental position of Care of Magical Creatures teacher, sidelining many candidates with better qualifications.

A terrifyingly large man with a fierce demeanor, Hagrid has used his newly acquired authority to terrorize students while dealing with a collection of horrifying creatures. While Dumbledore looks the other way, Hagrid has already injured several students during a series of lessons that many admit are "really scary." "I was attacked by a Hippogriff, and my friend Vincent Crabbe got a nasty bite from a Fang," declared Draco Malfoy, a fourth-year student. "We all hate Hagrid, but we're too scared to say anything."

But Hagrid has no intention of giving up his intimidation campaign. In a conversation with the Daily Prophet reporter last month, he admitted that he breeds some creatures he calls "Blast-Ended Skrewts," an extremely dangerous crossbreed of manticore and fire crab. The creation of new species is, of course, an activity generally monitored closely by the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Hagrid, it seems, considers himself above these trivial restrictions.

"I was just having a bit of fun," he said, before quickly changing the subject. And as if that weren't enough, the Daily Prophet has now found evidence that Hagrid is not—despite his claims—a pure-blood wizard. In fact, he isn't even a pure human.

His mother, we can exclusively reveal, is none other than the giantess Fridwulfa, whose whereabouts are currently unknown. Bloodthirsty and brutal, giants were nearly driven to extinction due to the wars they waged against one another last century. The few survivors enlisted in the ranks of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and were responsible for some of the worst muggle massacres during his reign of terror.

While many giants who served He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named were killed by Aurors fighting the Dark party, Fridwulfa was not one of them. It is possible she fled to one of the giant communities that still exist in mountains abroad. But if Hagrid's outrageous behavior during Care of Magical Creatures classes is any measure, the son of Fridwulfa seems to have inherited her brutal nature.

Strangely, it is said that Hagrid developed a strong friendship with the boy who brought down You-Know-Who—and that forced his own mother, along with the other followers of the dark wizard, to seek refuge. Perhaps Harry Potter is unaware of the unpleasant truth about his great friend—but there is no doubt that Albus Dumbledore has a responsibility to ensure that Harry Potter, as well as his classmates, are informed of the dangers of associating with half-giants.

Sasuke finished reading and entered the common room, seeing everyone mocking the half-giant because of the article.

Sasuke: WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY 'WE ALL HATE HAGRID'?! he shouted as he approached Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle. The three shuddered at the emo's furious gaze.

Sasuke: If you include me in your childish disputes again, I won't be responsible for what might happen, he said irritably before leaving the common room.

The emo headed to the Black Lake and sat in a lotus position to meditate and seek inner peace while continuing his sensory training to sense the presence of nearby creatures.

After two hours, he sensed someone approaching. He opened his eyes and saw that the mysterious person was Luna.

Luna: What are you doing?

Sasuke: I was meditating to find inner peace. How was your trip?

Luna: It was exciting. Due to the significant increase in newspaper sales, we changed our trip to Spain. I saw all kinds of magical animals, and I was fascinated to see that, due to the climate conditions in Spain, normal creatures from here look different there in height and color, she said, excitedly whistling.

After a few minutes, a brown owl with gray streaks flew around Luna and landed on her head.

Luna: This is Apollo. I received him as a gift from my dad.

Sasuke: He's a beautiful owl, he said, noticing how she smiled. Did you find out anything about wand transfiguration?

Luna: I asked a few people, but they said they didn't know anything, as no one ever had that idea.

Luna: I also asked my dad. He was happy about the innovative idea and recommended a book from the Ravenclaw's private library that talks about the creation of wands.

Sasuke: That's good news. Have you been alternating between the wands, as I mentioned?

Luna: Yes.

Sasuke: Excellent, let's head back to the castle. It's getting dark.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now