Return to Hogwarts

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It was 1:00 PM when the fireplace in Professor Minerva McGonagall's office flared to life. The professor wasn't surprised. The green flames died down, and out of the fireplace stepped Sasuke Uchiha.

Sasuke: Good afternoon, Professor McGonagall. Sorry for the delay; I had some matters to attend to at the Ministry.

Minerva: Good afternoon, Mr. Uchiha. Please don't let those matters interfere with your studies. Let me remind you that this year, you have to take your O.W.L.s.

Sasuke: Don't worry. I'll make up for the lost time quickly. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way.

The professor said nothing. Sasuke walked towards the door, and just as he was about to open it, he paused.

Sasuke: Before I forget, this decree is for you, from Minister Bones.

Minerva grew irritated. It reminded her of Umbridge's ridiculous decrees. She took the decree and began reading it.

Decree No. 30

From the moment this decree is delivered, Mr. Sasuke Uchiha is authorized to use the Hogwarts Deputy Headmistress's fireplace to transport himself to the Ministry on weekends or in case of emergencies.

Amelia Bones
Minister of Magic

Sasuke: Now, I'll take my leave. Excuse me.

The door closed, leaving the professor holding the decree, frustrated. She got up and headed to the Headmaster's office to inform him.


Sasuke quickly made his way to the common room to change. Once he was ready, he headed to the Great Hall.

Upon entering, all eyes turned to him, but someone quickly approached to greet him.

Susan: Sasuke, I'm so glad you're here. I was getting worried.

Sasuke: I had some things to take care of. I thought your aunt had told you.

Susan: My aunt doesn't tell me much about her work.

Sasuke: I see. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to eat.

Susan waved as she watched him walk towards the Slytherin table.

Susan: Why didn't I ask him to sit with me? - She thought, looking down.

At the Slytherin table, Sasuke was met with cheers and excitement, as everyone knew that, over Christmas, he had single-handedly defeated twenty Death Eaters, including Bellatrix Lestrange. They preferred to stay on good terms with him rather than risk becoming his enemy.

Some were genuinely happy about his return, seeing him as an ally. Additionally, with his accomplishments, Slytherin was gradually shedding its reputation of producing only dark wizards.

Zacharias, Luna, Ginny, Draco, Daphne, and Astoria all wanted to approach him, but each received a note:

At 6:00 PM, in the Room of Requirement. I'll check how much you've progressed.

P.S.: Bring healing potions.

After reading, they all swallowed nervously, wondering what he had in store for them.

All the fifth-year Slytherins left the Great Hall for their Defense Against the Dark Arts class, knowing they couldn't afford to be late if they wanted to avoid their Head of House's wrath. Behind them were the Gryffindor students.

Professor Snape entered, as always, slamming the door shut and closing all the windows. As he walked, his gaze fell on Sasuke.

Snape: Well, well, well, Mr. Uchiha graces us with his presence.

Sasuke knew it was pointless to argue, so he remained silent.

Snape: You should know that in my class, absences aren't tolerated, not even if the Minister herself vouches for you.

Snape: Now, put your books away and pair up. We'll be practicing nonverbal spells. Don't even think about muttering; anyone who does will earn a detention and lose points.

Everyone reluctantly stood up. Sasuke was about to choose a partner when Professor Snape placed a hand on his shoulder.

Snape: You'll be practicing with me, Mr. Uchiha.

Sasuke: Very well.

They locked eyes in a silent challenge, drawing their wands simultaneously, yet neither made the first move.

Everyone else stopped what they were doing, eager to watch them duel.

Sasuke: This should be good practice. I'll try not to kill him. - He thought.

Sasuke cast a nonverbal Expulso.

Snape blocked it with a nonverbal Protego.

They exchanged looks, understanding they needed to step up their game.

Sasuke unleashed three stunning spells, while Snape blocked them by levitating objects in their path.

Sasuke didn't relent, summoning six fireballs. The other students stepped back to give them more space.

Snape recalled seeing Sasuke use this spell during the Triwizard Tournament. He transfigured some objects into birds and sent them flying at the fireballs. The impact caused small explosions, but two birds survived and flew straight toward Sasuke. He dodged and, with a flick of his wand, made them explode.

Snape wasted no time and sent a petrifying curse, which Sasuke blocked by kicking the professor's desk up to use as a shield.

They exchanged glances, sharing a slight smile. The others were astonished, shocked, and excited. They couldn't believe Professor Snape was actually smiling.

They continued casting spells—some blocked, some dodged. Both knew they were holding back since neither was fighting with lethal intent.

Sasuke opened his hand, and four wind spears materialized, flying toward Snape. The professor transfigured the floor to create a turtle shell as a barrier. The impact caused a cloud of smoke. Sasuke appeared behind Snape, ready to strike, but the professor was quicker, casting a spell that Sasuke dodged with a leap backward.

Sasuke: He knows my attack patterns. Guess I'll have to speed things up. Let's see if he can keep up. - He thought.

Snape was sweating. He never imagined he'd be dueling Sasuke without resorting to more powerful spells.

Sasuke conjured four white snakes from his wand, ready to attack, when the bell rang, signaling the end of the class.

Sasuke: Vipera Evanesca.

The students applauded, impressed by the duel they had just witnessed.

Once everyone had left, Snape sat down, breathing heavily.

Snape: Damn, he's incredibly resilient. If we'd kept going, I wouldn't have been able to hold back. I'd need to use more powerful spells. - He thought, wiping the sweat from his brow, realizing he needed to work on his stamina.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now