Christmas V

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Bellatrix: We have improved since the humiliation in the Department of Mysteries. I don't know how you managed to Apparate, but it's 13 against 1. You don't stand a chance.

Sasuke: 13 against 1, and...

Everyone fired spells at the emo, but he jumped to dodge. In mid-air, he performed hand seals and shouted, "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu," summoning 5 Sasukes.

Death Eater 1: What is this? How did he multiply?

Sasuke: Let's get started.

The clones took control of the battle, dodging spells and gradually overpowering the Death Eaters. Each clone had to face 3 Death Eaters, while the original faced Bellatrix.

Bellatrix: They're not illusions; they're real! — She said before taking a kick to the face that sent her flying back.

Sasuke: Those who get distracted end up dead.

Bellatrix: You bastard! — She shouted, pointing her wand — AVADA KEDAVRA!

Sasuke: DOTON DORUKO GAESHI (Earth Protection).

Bellatrix: BOMBARDA! — She fired, destroying the wall, but there was no one behind it.

Sasuke: Right here.

Bellatrix turned to see several kunai heading towards her. Quickly, she pointed her wand and shouted, "Immobulus." The kunai stopped inches from her face.

Bellatrix: Do you really think you can win by throwing knives, blood traitor?

Sasuke smiled as the kunai began to glow, revealing explosive tags.

Bellatrix: What? — She exclaimed, seeing the glowing kunai, before being hit by the explosion. She was thrown back, severely injured.

Meanwhile, the others continued casting spells — "Avada Kedavra," "Stupefy," "Crucio" — but the emo easily dodged them. He vanished only to reappear among the three, striking them with enough force to send them flying away.

Torfin: You bastard! How dare you? — He pointed at the emo — AVADA...

Sasuke pointed down. Torfin looked to see a paper on his chest with strange symbols that began to glow. The others stepped back, and Torfin was blown to pieces.

The others were terrified.

In another group:

Three Death Eaters simultaneously cast "Avada Kedavra." Sasuke used "Amenotejikara" with Ben, who ended up taking his companions' curses. The others were stunned until the sound of flapping wings was heard, and they saw a hand crackling with electricity pierce through their torsos.

In another group:


Death Eaters 2 and 3 screamed "Crucio," and Death Eater 1 writhed in pain on the ground. Then, Death Eaters 2 and 3 shouted "Avada Kedavra," killing Death Eater 1.

Death Eaters 2 and 3 were released from the genjutsu, and upon realizing what they had done, they were in shock. The emo took advantage of this moment to decapitate them.

Last group:

They stood frozen, terrified not only by the clones but also by their eyes — one red with black markings and the other purple.

Death Eaters 5, 6, and 7: MERCY, WE SURRENDER! PLEASE, SPARE OUR LIVES! — They pleaded, kneeling.

Sasuke: When you heard mercy from your victims, did you spare them? — They began to cry. — You only mocked them, only to end up killing them.

All the clones performed seals and each shouted:

KATON: GŌRYŪKA NO JUTSU. (Fire Style: Great Fire Dragon Technique)

DOTON: DORYŪDAN NO JUTSU. (Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bomb)

SUITON: SUIRYŪDAN NO JUTSU. (Water Style: Water Dragon Bomb Technique)

FŪTON: RENKŪDAN NO JUTSU. (Wind Style: Piercing Air Bullet)

Bellatrix, witnessing the scene, froze. She knew she was doomed.

Sasuke took out a scroll, summoned a Fūma Shuriken, and hurled it towards Bellatrix.

Sasuke: Now is not the time to get distracted or be in shock.

Seeing the giant shuriken approaching, she had no choice but to throw herself to the ground.

Bellatrix: Bastard! You made me kneel before you.

Sasuke: You think you dodged it?

Bellatrix didn't understand but began to feel blood trickling down her arm. She saw that one of the shuriken's blades had cut the hand that held her wand.

Bellatrix: DAMN YOU! — She screamed in pain as she tried to stop the bleeding.

Desperate, she turned her back on the emo and started to run. For some strange reason, as she ran, she saw her life at Hogwarts flash before her eyes when everything seemed easier.

Sasuke: Banshō Ten'in.

Bellatrix didn't understand, but her body was pulled by a mysterious force towards the emo. As she got close enough, Sasuke plunged his katana into Bellatrix's abdomen.

Sasuke: Come on, don't die yet. I need answers. — He said as the clones vanished.

Bellatrix: I-I won't tell you anything, blood traitor. M-my master will...

Sasuke placed her in a genjutsu. While interrogating Rabastan, he discovered that Bellatrix knew Occlumency, so he needed to weaken her first to enter her mind.

Sasuke: What's the next meeting point?

Bellatrix: G-Gringotts.

Sasuke: Why Gringotts?

Bellatrix: M-my master asked me to guard a cup in my vault.

Sasuke: Where is the cup?

Bellatrix's life was fading, and with her last strength, she whispered:

Bellatrix: It-it's hidden in my bra.

Sasuke reached into Bellatrix's bra and found a pouch containing Helga Hufflepuff's cup. He recognized it from books, but upon touching it, he felt that something was alive, understanding that this object was a Horcrux.

He released Bellatrix, who fell lifeless to the ground, and prepared to destroy the cup. However, upon spotting Amelia Bones approaching with several Aurors, he quickly stowed the cup away.

Amelia: Mr. Uchiha, it's good to see you're okay. — She fell silent upon seeing all the destruction, burned and decapitated bodies. There were no survivors.

Like her, the Aurors couldn't believe what they were seeing. How had this 15-year-old managed to do all this?

Sasuke: Before I forget, I need you to send someone to pick up the 5 Death Eaters at my house.

Amelia: He defeated 20 Death Eaters... alone.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now