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The next day, the emo climbed the mountain in search of traces of the giants. He had read about them the previous night and discovered that they abducted Muggles for reproduction. He hurried along, but the tracks ended at a stream.

Sasuke thought, It must be around here, noticing the absence of any animal sounds in the area.

It was likely that animals, by instinct, avoided being near the giants' territory.

I need to cover more ground, he thought as he performed hand seals. Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! he exclaimed, summoning 10 clones.

Sasuke sat in a lotus position while the clones scouted the area. He tried to sense the presence of the giants, but it was difficult. Hours passed, and with the arrival of sunset, the emo decided to camp. Before sleeping, he marked the locations explored by the clones on his map.

The following day, the emo repeated the same process. After nearly two hours, he received a signal from one of his clones that had found something.

Sasuke dispelled the jutsu, and all the information from the clones transferred to him. He made his way to the location the clone had discovered and, upon stealthily entering the area, he saw four adult giants, one of whom had killed Mr. Matias's parents. He spotted the abducted women trapped inside a cage, utterly dejected.


Giant 4: Tonight we will perform the reproduction ritual. There are 13 females, three for each of us.

Giant 2: But one will be left over; what will we do with her?

Giant 3: We'll eat her. We're lucky that the Aurors don't care about Muggles disappearing; otherwise, we'd be in trouble.

Giant 1: Ever since the Dark Lord disappeared 13 years ago, our race has been nearly extinct.

Giant 3: But now our race is returning to its former glory, thanks to the Muggle females, he said, making everyone smile. Grab a female for us to eat.

One of the giants reached into the cage and pulled out a young woman who looked utterly defeated. It was evident that she was exhausted from crying and had already accepted her fate.


Sasuke, holding a lightning-covered katana, swiftly cut off the giant's hand, making him scream in pain.

Giant: WHO ARE YOU?! he roared furiously. Sasuke, however, said nothing.

Giant: He's not holding a wand, so he must be a Muggle, he thought.

The giants gripped their clubs and shields, ready to fight, but the masked figure vanished. Sasuke took the young woman and entered the cage to put her with the others. He cut the chains binding the others and released a light Chidori on them to bring them back to their senses.

Sasuke: I came to rescue you. Let's go, he said.

They hesitated to follow him, but seeing they had no choice, they complied. Sasuke created two clones to escort them. They were astonished, but when they saw the giants approaching, they quickly followed the clones.

Sasuke: Now I'm going to have some fun with them, he thought as he performed hand seals. FIRE STYLE: FIREBALL JUTSU! he shouted, spitting fire at the giants, who defended themselves with their shields.

Sasuke: Looks like they know how to fight as a team, he thought.

Giant 1: I think you're underestimating us, wizard. We're survivors of the First Wizarding War, he said, irritated.

The giant who had his hand severed cauterized the wound and grabbed a club; the others furiously raised their clubs and shields. Sasuke charged to attack one of the giants with the lightning-enveloped katana, but as he got close to his target, another giant attacked to defend his companion. Sasuke dodged the attacks while throwing several kunai strapped with explosive tags at the giants.

The giant with the amputated hand used his shield to defend, but he had already been hit by several kunai. They exploded, leaving him severely injured and filling the area with smoke.

They huddled together, unable to see anything. Sasuke stealthily moved through the smoke until he reached the giant with the amputated hand, thrusting the lightning-covered katana through his head.

The other three roared in fury and attacked him frantically, but the emo dodged with ease. He wanted to perform the same attack, but he had run out of explosive tags. He jumped back, positioning himself in front of the giants.

Sasuke: I recognize your strength, but I have a question. Over 20 years ago, you attacked a group of climbers, and only one boy survived from that group, he said, watching as the giants' expressions shifted from fury to a sinister smile.

Giant 4: That was just a whim. We wanted him to tell others about our existence, so the curious would come, and we'd have more victims.

Sasuke was furious. They had let the child live just to lure more people to this place. The emo grew so angry that a purple aura began to form around his body.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now