Valentine's Day

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Two weeks later, the sun was shining again at Hogwarts.

Inside the castle, the students appeared more optimistic. There had been no more attacks following the incident with Justin and Nearly Headless Nick, and Madam Pomfrey announced that the mandrakes were nearly ripe.

Quidditch games returned. The first match was to be between Slytherin and Ravenclaw, and the second between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. During breakfast, something interesting happened: an owl dropped a package on the Hufflepuff table. The letter that came with the package was addressed to the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.

A team member picked up the letter, read it, and told the others that an alumnus from Hufflepuff had donated a Nimbus 2001.

The Gryffindor students were concerned. They feared that Hufflepuff would now have an easier chance of winning the Cup.

In the match between Slytherin and Ravenclaw, it was a landslide victory for Slytherin, as more than half of the Ravenclaw players were sent to the hospital wing by the Quidditch Berserker.

Sasuke continued to ponder why the attacks had stopped. He decided to focus his investigation on the Chamber of Secrets. According to legend, a monster resides in the Chamber that only the heir of Slytherin could control.

Reviewing the book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them," he identified two potential candidates: a Gorgon and a Basilisk. These were the most likely candidates.

Sasuke resolved to study their weaknesses to prepare himself, should the need arise.


Gilderoy Lockhart was convinced that the attacks had ceased because of him.

Gilderoy: I don't think we'll have any more problems, Minerva. This time, the Chamber of Secrets will stay well closed. The culprits realized that if they didn't stop, I could catch them at any moment. He said with a smile. What the school needs now is a boost in morale to erase the bad memories of last term, and I know just the thing to do.

Lockhart's idea was put into practice during the breakfast on February 14th.

Sasuke hadn't slept much due to training. He entered the Great Hall, but when he looked around, he thought he had entered the wrong place.

The walls were covered in large pink flowers, and heart-shaped confetti rained down from the blue ceiling.

Sasuke made his way to the Slytherin table and approached Nott.

Sasuke: What's going on?

Nott, looking very furious, simply pointed toward the staff table.

Lockhart was wearing a pink robe that matched the decorations. The other professors stared at him in disbelief as he called for silence.

Sasuke could see that Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape were both extremely angry.

Gilderoy: Happy Valentine's Day! I want to thank the 46 people who sent me letters. Thank you so much.

Gilderoy: I took the liberty of preparing this little surprise for you, and it doesn't end here.

Lockhart clapped his hands, and through the Great Hall door entered several grumpy-looking dwarfs, holding harps and wearing fake wings on their backs.

Gilderoy: My loving cupids delivering letters! Today they will walk all over the castle delivering Valentine's cards and declarations. And the fun doesn't stop here.

Gilderoy: I'm sure my colleagues want to participate in this wonderful event. Why not ask Professor Snape to teach you how to brew a love potion? Although Professor Flitwick knows more about this type of potion than anyone else.

Professor Flitwick covered his face with his hands, and Snape looked ready to poison the first person who dared to request a love potion.

Everyone's attention shifted to the Slytherin table when a mountain of owls appeared, all delivering letters to Sasuke. Everyone was curious about the letters, most of them heart-shaped.

A little dwarf approached and shouted that there were about 50 letters, leaving everyone surprised. Lockhart was stunned to see that a first-year student had received more letters than he had.

The dwarfs spent the entire day interrupting classes, making the professors very angry just to deliver the letters. By late afternoon, when the Slytherins were heading to their Charms class, a dwarf ran up to Sasuke.

Dwarf: Sasuke Uchiha!

The grumpy-looking dwarf was running to catch up with Uchiha.

Dwarf: I have a musical message for you.

The dwarf began to play the harp.

Sasuke ignored him and continued walking. The dwarf rushed to catch up and grabbed his leg.

Dwarf: Wait, I have to deliver the message!

Sasuke became irritated, and his killing intent surged. The dwarf ended up fainting from fear.

Sasuke left him unconscious on the floor and went to class.

The students trailing behind Sasuke observed the fainted dwarf.

Everyone was scared and ran away screaming, thinking that the heir of Slytherin had attacked again.

Minutes later, the professors approached the dwarf.

Minerva: Severus, is he petrified?

Severus: No, he's just unconscious.

Flitwick pointed his wand at the dwarf. Rennervate.

The dwarf opened his eyes and got up.

Minerva: What happened to you?

Dwarf: I don't remember.

Severus: Are you sure?

Dwarf: Yes.

Flitwick: Maybe you're just tired.

Dwarf: That could be it. I've been working all day.

Flitwick: Come on, I'll escort you to the hospital wing.

It seemed that the dwarf's mind had blocked the memory due to the trauma of feeling the killing intent for the first time.

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