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Inside a bar on Knockturn Alley, several wizards were looking at a mission board. Slowly, each one started taking the mission notices.

Sasuke was staring intently at the board. There were various types of missions and rewards.

Sasuke: Find a phoenix egg, Exterminate trolls, Collect acromantula eyes, Hunt dragons, Hunt Cornish pixies – he read to himself.

He grabbed the mission to hunt Cornish pixies. This one will be quick, he thought, walking up to the counter to register the mission he had accepted.

Sasuke left Knockturn Alley and walked towards the Leaky Cauldron. People didn't seem to care about the kind of outfit he was wearing, as long as he didn't cause any trouble.

He entered the Leaky Cauldron and headed to the exit. Seeing no one on the street, he raised his wand, and after a few moments, the Knight Bus appeared.

The Knight Bus is a means of transport for witches and wizards who can't or don't want to Apparate, get nauseous from using Portkeys, or don't have access to Floo Powder. It's a triple-decker purple bus, with seats during the day and beds at night. It's not particularly comfortable. The doors of the Knight Bus opened, and a man appeared.

???: Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for stranded witches and wizards. Just stick out your wand, hop on, and we'll take you wherever you want. My name is Stan.

He said no more and grew nervous upon seeing that the person in front of him was a masked man.

Sasuke: Nottinghamshire, Sherwood Forest.

Stan: That'll be 25 sickles.

Sasuke paid, boarded the bus, and sat in the nearest seat. The Knight Bus sped off, zooming past cars and houses. The speed increased as it swerved around vehicles.

After 30 minutes, they arrived at the destination.

Stan: We've arrived.

Sasuke stood up and left the Knight Bus, entering the forest.

Stan: Glad he's gone.

Ernie: Why? – he asked.

Stan: I don't know why, but I felt like my life was in danger.

Ernie sighed as he looked at Stan.

Ernie: How many times have I told you not to drink on the job?

Stan: I didn't drink.

Ernie: That's the same thing you said yesterday.

Stan: Whatever, he's gone anyway.


Jumping from tree to tree, Sasuke ventured deeper into Sherwood Forest.

Two hours later, he encountered a flock of crows that stared at him.

The crows were about to fly away but seemed to be in a trance. Sasuke raised his hand to give a signal. The crows saw the signal and flew in various directions.

As they flew, the crows scanned the ground, searching for something. Eventually, one of them cawed and returned to Sasuke.

He was sitting, leaning against a tree, waiting. He raised his hand when he heard the crow's call, and one landed on it.

Sasuke examined it closely and then stood up. The crows snapped out of their trance and fled.

Thirty minutes later, Sasuke found about 30 pixies. They were holding spears, ready to attack a rabbit.

Hearing the rustling of leaves, they spotted Sasuke standing still. They grinned, thinking they had found a larger prey and noticed he wasn't carrying a wand, assuming he wasn't a wizard, just an unfortunate soul.

The pixies gave a war cry and charged to attack Sasuke. He raised his hand, crackling with lightning.

Sasuke: Chidori Senbon – he said, his hand flickering.

The pixies were confused to see several glowing needles flying toward them. They were struck, screamed, and collapsed to the ground.


The Knight Bus was hurtling down the street at high speed.

Stan: What do you say we bet, Ernie?

Ernie: Who's playing? – he asked.

Stan: Ireland and Egypt. Odds are 1 to 3.

Ernie: Who gave those odds? – he inquired.

Stan: Let's just say I overheard Bagman saying it at a bar.

Ernie: Seems like that scare from earlier has already slipped your mind.

Stan: I've already forgotten – he said, smiling. – We've got a passenger ahead.

Ernie: I see them.

The Knight Bus stopped, and the doors opened.

Stan: Besides, I doubt we'll be seeing... – He didn't finish his sentence because he saw the same masked man from that morning standing there with several cages.

Sasuke: To the Leaky Cauldron.

Stan grew nervous again. He charged the fare, and the masked man boarded.

Days later, Sasuke had completed several missions. He was gaining a great reputation for finishing missions in a single day.

Now, he was on a mission to exterminate trolls. Sasuke was calm. He used genjutsu on crows to be his eyes, making it easier to locate his targets.


County of Devon, Witches Wood Forest.

Twenty kilometers from the nearest town, one could see a campsite and various machinery being destroyed by trolls.

The people took up arms and charged at the trolls, but bullets had no effect. They kept firing out of desperation, despite doing no damage, while the trolls killed them one by one with their clubs.

After killing several people, the trolls roared and began devouring the bodies.

This was being watched by the few survivors, who were hiding under some debris, hoping the monsters would leave.

???: Why... Why didn't we listen to the locals? – murmured one of the survivors.

???: How could we have known their tales were real? – another survivor murmured.


Banks: Idiot, be quiet! – he whispered, but everyone fell silent when they heard a roar and saw the trolls looking in their direction.

The trolls began charging toward them. They scrambled out from under the debris and started running.

Banks: GOD OR WHATEVER DIVINITY, IF YOU SAVE ME, I PROMISE I WON'T DESTROY THE FORESTS AGAIN! – he shouted while running, but he tripped and fell.

Banks looked back and saw a troll hurling a tree it had ripped from the ground at him. As the tree was about to crush Banks, it was sliced by a kunai surrounded by lightning.

The group of trolls turned to look at the figure who appeared in front of Banks, wearing an animal-shaped mask.

Banks: Thank you, thank you, thank you! – he said on his knees, thinking he was in the presence of a deity or a forest spirit.

Sasuke: Leave. – he said without averting his gaze.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now