Christmas III

18 1 0

One Hour Earlier

Several silhouettes appeared on the street, all wearing masks except for one person: Bellatrix Lestrange.

Bellatrix: Not yet, Gibbon.

Gibbon: Just five more minutes, I'm finishing up the protective spells.

Bellatrix: Hurry up, I'm starting to get impatient.

Rabastan: I'm going after our other target, Bella.

Bellatrix: What are you saying, Rabastan? The master ordered us to take care of this.

Rabastan: This is something I have to do. I need to avenge my brother. I'm taking five Death Eaters with me.

Bellatrix: But what about the mission?

Rabastan: Don't tell me you need my help to kill the minister.

Bellatrix: Of course not. I can handle it on my own.

Rabastan nodded and disappeared with five Death Eaters.

Gibbon: I'm done. Let's get started.

Torfin: Wait, we need to take countermeasures.

Bellatrix: That doesn't matter. Let's go all at once.

Torfin: We can't afford to fail, Bellatrix, unless you want the Dark Lord to be disappointed in you.

Bellatrix: Fine, make your preparations.

Torfin cast anti-Apparition spells all around the house, then added anti-Apparition spells for the house-elves.

Ben: Why did you cast that spell on the house-elves?

Torfin: The information we received about the Uchiha said he used elves to move around Hogwarts. So we need to take precautions here too. The minister probably has house-elves as well.

Torfin: Let's surround the house. Go. I'll close the Floo Network in five minutes, and then we'll all attack together.

Bellatrix: Don't kill the minister and her family, but you can kill anyone or anything else that's breathing.


Rabastan appeared on another street with five Death Eaters ready to kill the Uchiha. Upon arrival, they heard the sound of several crows perched on a tree in front of the house. It seemed the sound of their Apparition had startled them.

Thicknesse: Wait, Rabastan. I'll check if the house has anti-intrusion spells—he said, waving his wand.

Rabastan: And then?

Thicknesse: There's no magical protection. I'll cast anti-Apparition and anti-elf spells.

Rabastan: Let's go—he said after Thicknesse finished casting the spells.

"You took too long; I was getting bored waiting," said a voice from above.

The Death Eaters looked up and saw Sasuke Uchiha standing on the roof of the house.

Rabastan: You saved us the trouble of looking for you.

Everyone drew their wands and cast Crucio and Avada Kedavra. The spells hit Sasuke, and he fell to the ground; however, as they approached, they saw it was a log.

Thicknesse: Where is he?

As they searched for Sasuke, a katana was thrown toward Thicknesse, decapitating him.

Rabastan: FIRE!

Sasuke swiftly dodged the spells as he closed in, cutting down one Death Eater after another. Rabastan felt his consciousness fading as he lay on the ground.

Rabastan: What was that? - he asked as he woke up and realized he was back in front of the house, with all the Death Eaters alive.

"You took too long; I was getting bored waiting," said a voice from above.

The Death Eaters looked up and saw Sasuke Uchiha standing on the roof of the house.

Rabastan: What's happening?

Thicknesse: You saved us the trouble of looking for you.

Everyone pointed their wands at Sasuke, but before they could cast their spells, Sasuke performed several hand signs.


A massive wall of fire was unleashed in their direction. Everyone shouted "Aguamenti," but the flames were too intense, and they were all incinerated.

Rabastan: What was that? - he said as he woke up again, but this time he wasn't in front of the house with the other Death Eaters; he was tied to a post.

Sasuke: You sealed your fates by coming here—he said, surrounded by several versions of himself, with the sky turned red.

Sasuke: Tell me, what was your goal in trying to kill me? Where is your meeting point?

Rabastan: Do you really think I'll tell you anything?

Sasuke: Look around.

The other Sasukes were stabbing the other tied-up Death Eaters, who screamed in pain.

Sasuke: You will talk. We have all the time in the world.

Rabastan: It's too late.

Sasuke: Then something is happening right now. Interesting.

Rabastan: It's already too late.

Sasuke grabbed Rabastan's face and looked into his eyes.

As he gazed into Sasuke's eyes, Rabastan felt absolute terror as his consciousness faded.

Rabastan: Damn it... it wasn't my imagination... those eyes.

In the end, Rabastan revealed the plan to assassinate the Minister of Magic and that another team was at her house at that very moment.


Back in reality, Sasuke stood in front of his house, observing the bodies of the five Death Eaters fallen on the ground, each with a katana pierced through their chest.

Sasuke: That didn't even last ten minutes.

Sasuke: Gama, Beta.

Gama/Beta: Yes, master.

Sasuke: Does one of you know where Amelia Bones' house is?

Gama: I know, master. My former master was acquainted with the minister, but I can only Apparate to the main entrance.

Sasuke: That works; let's go—he said while adjusting the straps on his arms.

Sasuke: Beta, hide at the base and don't come out until I call for you.

Beta: Yes, master.

The three disappeared. Sasuke and Gama arrived at the entrance of the Bones mansion; the main gate was ajar.

Sasuke: Gama, go to the base.

Gama: Yes, master.

Sasuke: KUCHIYOSE NO JUTSU!—he shouted as he touched the ground, summoning an eagle.

Sasuke jumped on the eagle, and they flew toward the main house. Rabastan's last words echoed in the emo's mind: "Today we will finish off the last members of the Bones family."

Sasuke placed his hand on the eagle's back and channeled some chakra to increase its speed, stating they needed to hurry.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now