Defense Against the Dark Arts

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Dumbledore and Snape were in the office discussing the article published by the Daily Prophet.

Snape: What happened to Pettigrew wasn't ordered by the Dark Lord. He thought Pettigrew had deserted.

Dumbledore: It wasn't Sirius or Remus either.

Snape: Pettigrew's death hasn't affected the Dark Lord, and I doubt he'll do anything. He wants to remain in the shadows for now.

Dumbledore: If it wasn't him or us, then we have a third player in this war. My fear is not knowing where they are directing their ideals. Stay alert. Perhaps the killer will approach Voldemort to form an alliance.

Snape: Understood.

Meanwhile, the golden trio was in the owlery sending a letter to Sirius, asking him to get in touch as soon as possible.


When the students entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, they found Professor Umbridge already seated at the desk, wearing the same pink fuzzy cardigan from the previous night and a black velvet bow in her hair.

Dolores: Well, good afternoon – she said once the whole class had sat down. Some students muttered "good afternoon" in response.

Dolores: Tsk-tsk – the professor tutted. – That won't do. I would like you all to please respond, "Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge." Once more, please. Good afternoon, class.

Students: Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge.

Dolores: That's better – she said, smiling. – That wasn't so hard. Now, put away your wands and take out your quills.

Sasuke put his wand in his bag and took out a quill, ink, and parchment. Professor Umbridge opened her handbag and took out her own wand, which was exceptionally short, and gave the blackboard a sharp tap with it; immediately, the words appeared:

Defense Against the Dark Arts A Return to Basic Principles

Dolores: Well, the teaching you've received on this subject has been somewhat interrupted and fragmented, hasn't it? – Professor Umbridge said, turning to face the class, with her hands neatly folded in front of her. – The constant change of teachers, many of whom didn't seem to follow any Ministry-approved curriculum, has unfortunately resulted in you being far below the standards we expected.

Dolores: You'll be pleased to know, however, that such problems will now be rectified. This year we will follow a course in defensive magic, approved by the Ministry and carefully structured around theory. Copy the following, please. – She tapped the blackboard again, the first message vanished, and it was replaced by:

Course Aims

1. Understand the principles underlying defensive magic.

2. Learn to recognize situations where defensive magic can legally be used.

3. Insert the use of defensive magic in a practical context.

For a few minutes, the sound of quills scratching on parchment filled the room. Once everyone had copied down Professor Umbridge's three-course aims, she asked:

Dolores: Does everyone have a copy of Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkhard?

Students: Yes, Professor Umbridge.

Dolores: Excellent. I would like you to turn to page five and read Chapter One, "Basic Elements for Beginners." You will not need to talk.

It was desperately dull, as bad as listening to Professor Binns. They were losing concentration quickly; soon, many had read the same line half a dozen times without absorbing more than the first few words. Several minutes passed in silence; Theodore was twirling his quill between his fingers absentmindedly while staring at the same spot on the page.


Some time later, Ginny Weasley raised her hand.

Dolores: You wanted to ask me something about the chapter, dear?

Ginny: No, it's not about the chapter. When are we going to practice defensive spells?

Dolores: Practice defensive spells – Professor Umbridge repeated with a small giggle. – Well, I can't imagine any situation that might arise in this classroom that would require the use of a defensive spell, Miss Weasley. Surely, you're not expecting to be attacked during class, are you?

Ginny: Of course not in class, but outside of school, yes, since there are still dark wizards at large that the Ministry can't capture. The purpose of Defense classes is to prepare us for such situations, isn't it?

Dolores: Are you, by any chance, a Ministry-trained educational expert, Miss Weasley?

Ginny: No, but...

Dolores: Well then, I'm afraid you're not qualified to decide what the purpose of any class is. Wizards older and more intelligent than you have prepared our new curriculum. You will learn about defensive spells in a safe and risk-free manner.

Colin: But aren't we supposed to demonstrate that we know how to use counter-curses?

Dolores: If you study the theory well enough, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to perform the spells on the exam in a controlled situation.

Colin: Without practicing beforehand? – he asked. – Does that mean we won't practice until the day of the exam?

Dolores: I repeat, if you study the theory well enough, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to perform the spells. The Ministry will ensure you're not under threat from any dark wizard. If anyone is still concerned, you can come to me after class.

Dolores: If anyone is frightened by the lies about You-Know-Who returning, come speak to me, please. I'm here to help – she said, smiling. – Now, continue reading, please. Page five, Basic Elements for Beginners – she said, sitting back down.

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