Hogsmeade VI

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One Hour Earlier

West of Hogwarts, thousands of kilometers from the sea, Dumbledore and Harry had just appeared. Dumbledore had the Sword of Gryffindor strapped to his waist.

Harry: Professor, why did you bring the sword?

Dumbledore: We're going to need it, Harry. It's very important.

Harry didn't ask any more questions and followed Dumbledore as he walked along the shore. Eventually, they reached a cliff.

Dumbledore: This way, Harry. - He said, leaping into the water. Harry had no choice but to jump in as well. Despite his struggles with swimming, he managed to reach the shore, where he found a pile of debris.

Harry: Professor?

Dumbledore didn't respond immediately; he was furious. Harry could feel Dumbledore's magic radiating from him, almost suffocating him.

Harry: Professor?

Dumbledore: Oh, sorry, Harry.

It seemed that Dumbledore had calmed down, and the atmosphere became less oppressive.

Harry: Professor, what's happening?

Dumbledore: It seems we're too late, Harry.

Dumbledore: What's going on? It shouldn't be like this. The same happened at the Gaunt house. - he thought.

Dumbledore raised his wand and cast several nonverbal detection spells, but none yielded results.

Dumbledore: There's no trace of magic. What happened here?

Dumbledore: Harry, follow me.

Dumbledore began to sift through the rubble, hoping to find some clue about what had occurred. However, any trace had long since vanished, as it had been a while since Sasuke had been there.

Suddenly, a silvery glow appeared before them; it was a cat.

Cat: Albus, Hogsmeade is under attack.

Harry: It can't be.

Dumbledore: Harry, we don't have time. Take my hand.

They both vanished and reappeared at the Hog's Head Inn.

Upon arrival, they spotted the Dark Mark in the sky and several Dementors in the southern part of the village, while explosions were occurring in the northern part.

Dumbledore: Harry, don't stray from me. Let's first head toward the Dementors. - With a wave of his wand, two broomsticks appeared, and they both flew out of the inn.

They soared toward the Dementors, but a loud explosion erupted behind them. When they stopped to look, they realized the explosion was coming from near the train station. In the center of the village, they also heard the rumble and saw a massive cloud of smoke rising.

Many people were confused about what was happening. Snyde believed the explosion had originated from the direction of Rockwood's team.

From the "East," the Death Eaters also noticed the smoke curtain forming behind them.

Death Eater 1: Something must have happened to Rockwood's team; they haven't shown up in the village yet.

To the North, they also heard the explosion, but they couldn't afford to investigate. They needed to confront the werewolf, who had already injured five of them, while the others tried to stop the bleeding.

Hermione: That explosion came from Sasuke's direction. Calm down, he's strong and will be fine - she thought as she raised her wand to fight.


Dumbledore, followed by Harry, decided to ignore the explosion and fly toward the Dementors. In his mind, he hoped no one had been Kissed while they sped up.

Upon arrival, he saw several students on the ground, while others stood nearby with their Patronuses protecting them. His brother Aberforth was also there.

Harry: Ron, get your wand out, ready to cast the Patronus charm.

But Professor Dumbledore stepped forward and shouted, "Expecto Patronum!"

A blinding light burst forth, taking the form of a phoenix that began to sing as it soared to attack the Dementors. Many villagers heard the song and saw the silver glow: it was Dumbledore, he had arrived.

As the Dementors were attacked, they began to disintegrate. Others tried to flee, but Dumbledore's Patronus was exterminating them one by one.

In the center of the square:

Sirius: Looks like your attack failed.

Snyde: That's what you think. - He said as they fought - The plan failed; we need to escape. - he thought.

Snyde: Jugson, Carrow, Goyle - they understood what he was referring to as he raised a curtain of black smoke.

Sirius: You think you can escape?

Snyde: If I were you, I'd go rescue my pet, the werewolf.

Sirius interrupted Tonks and Kingsley.


Tonks and Kingsley cast several spells, but he had vanished.

Kingsley: What happened? Why didn't you stop them? Now they've managed to escape.

Sirius: Remus is here - he said, starting to run to find him - Hang in there, Moony, I'm coming. - he thought.

In the sky, Sasuke was hovering over the area with the Aurors.

Sasuke: We need to split up. To the south, Digory, Williamson, Kent; to the east, Owens, Cooper, Pfeiffer; I'll head north.

Aurors: YES, SIR. - They replied and began flying in the indicated directions.

On the eastern side of the village, the Death Eaters were preparing to flee, but several spells were raining down from above.

Carrow: Everyone together, quickly. PROTEGO.

The five Death Eaters raised their wands.

Draco, Ginny, and Zacharias seized the moment and shouted "Stupefy," hitting three Death Eaters. The five-layer shield was reduced to two. Eventually, the two remaining Death Eaters could no longer hold on. All were unconscious and bound.

The Aurors descended to check and tend to the injuries.


On the northern side, many witches and students lay injured on the ground.

Daphne: Damn it, this can't be happening. - she thought, gasping for breath. Looking around, she saw her companions being thrown into the air and crashing to the ground.

Hermione: Every time we attack, their wounds heal.

Astoria: We have to keep going - she said, raising her wand.

But the werewolf lunged at Luna, ignoring the spells hitting him.

Hermione: LUNA, WATCH OUT!

A claw swipe came toward her, but Professor Flitwick pushed Luna aside and raised his wand to create a shield. Unfortunately, he couldn't activate it in time. Professor Flitwick was thrown back and began to bleed.

Everyone screamed, "Professor!" Without wasting any time, the werewolf charged at Flitwick, determined to finish him off. However, several rocks lifted from the ground, forming a barrier between Professor Flitwick and the werewolf.

Looking up, they saw Sasuke hovering on his broomstick.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now