Transylvania III

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The Susanoo, in its first form, manifested in all its splendor, while the werewolf felt immense despair upon seeing that terrifying figure.

The Susanoo punched the werewolf, who was paralyzed with fear. The werewolf was thrown several meters, crashing into multiple trees that shattered from the force of the impact.

Raven untied the two women and told them to wait. Then, he vanished, leaving behind a small cloud of smoke.

Raven found him. One of the trees the werewolf had crashed into hadn't broken, and a large branch had pierced the werewolf's stomach.

Werewolf: Who... are you? - He asked with difficulty.

Raven: It doesn't matter since you're going to die. Now, tell me where Fenrir Greyback is.

Werewolf: I won't tell you anything.

Raven grabbed his head and stared at him with his Sharingan activated.

Werewolf: My name is Gin. I'm returning from a mission to...

Raven: I don't care. Where is Fenrir Greyback?

Gin: He's at our refuge, located on the highest mountain, 1.5 kilometers to the east.

Raven: How many werewolves are in that refuge?

Gin: There are 120 of us. We're waiting for the full moon night to increase our numbers.

Raven: Are there any other werewolves nearby?

Gin: No, I'm the only one. I was returning from a mission and heading to the refuge. - He said, as his voice faded until he died.

Raven quickly returned to the women who were waiting.

???: Thank you so much for saving us. My name is Sofia.

???: Ursula.

???: Viviana.

Raven: Let's go, I'll escort you back to the village.

Sofia: Thank you. Could you tell us your name, or at least show us your face?

Raven: My name is Raven, and my face is this mask.

Sofia: I see. It's a shame we can't see the face of our savior.

Raven formed a few hand seals. - KUCHIYOSE NO JUTSU! - He shouted, placing his hand on the ground, summoning a giant eagle. They all mounted the eagle and flew toward the village.


Meanwhile, in the village, the women's worried parents gathered with some neighbors and friends to begin searching for them. Armed with rifles, they were preparing to leave when someone shouted: "LOOK, UP THERE!"

Everyone looked up to see the giant eagle approaching and landing at the village entrance. They saw the women dismounting along with a masked young man.

The eagle disappeared in a cloud of smoke as the parents rushed to embrace their daughters. Most wondered who the young man was and how the giant eagle had vanished.

Sofia's father, the village mayor, thanked him for saving his daughter and the other women.

Mayor: I'd like you to accompany me to the town hall so we can talk in peace.

Raven followed them, and once inside the mayor's office, the young man was asked to recount what had happened. Raven told the story, which was confirmed by the women.

Neighbor: You expect us to believe that someone can shoot lightning with a stick?

Raven: He was a werewolf, not a wizard. And the "stick" was a wand.

The neighbor was surprised but refused to believe it.

Raven: Besides bringing them back, I've come to ask for help. - He said, surprising everyone present.

Raven: The werewolf I fought wasn't the only one. There's a refuge to the east that houses 120 werewolves. They're waiting for the full moon night to attack this village. - Everyone paled at the information.

Raven: There's no point in fleeing. After they transform, they become faster, stronger, and their sense of smell sharpens. - The people in the room began murmuring among themselves.

Mayor: What if we prepare for the attack during the full moon?

Raven: Your defenses won't hold, and even if they do, I remind you that they're also wizards. Once the full moon passes, they can use magic to destroy this village without a trace. - Again, everyone paled, and the murmurs returned.

Raven: This has happened before. You've probably heard over the years about other villages destroyed in the night, with no bodies and no survivors.

Mayor: What do you propose?

Raven: Strengthening your defenses won't help; they're too many and will attack from all sides. The best option is to strike first since their refuge has only one entrance, which is also the exit. - The mayor began thinking while others discussed among themselves.

Raven: I don't intend to take everyone from the village. I just need 15 people with good aim.

Mayor: 15 people, including you, against 120 werewolves?

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