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Hours earlier in the hospital wing, Snape and Madam Pomfrey were treating Neville Longbottom. After a while, Snape allowed Madam Pomfrey to finish the care.

Snape walked over to Potter's bed, reflecting on how he discovered Sectumsempra. Then, he quickly drew his wand and pointed it.

Snape: Legilimens!

Snape saw everything: from how Potter got the Half-Blood Prince's book in the Potions classroom, how he used it to gain fame in Potions and cast spells he had invented, to the fact that Potter kept the book in the Gryffindor common room. Snape also witnessed Potter's confrontation with Sasuke.

Snape: I never stood a chance – he thought. But the most surprising part was when Sasuke switched places with Longbottom.

Snape: What kind of spell is this? – he pondered.

Snape continued to explore Harry's mind and reached the conversation he had with Dumbledore, where they discussed Horcruxes and how Slughorn told Tom Riddle about them. He also saw the conversations between Potter and Dumbledore, where Dumbledore mentioned that the only way to kill Voldemort for good was to destroy all the Horcruxes.

Then, he saw the last trip to Hogsmeade, where Potter and his friends searched for a Horcrux in a cave that Voldemort had visited as a child.

Snape was furious at Dumbledore for not telling him earlier and for allowing only Potter to find the Horcrux. He was putting Potter in danger. And what happened to protecting the boy in Lily's name? After all, Snape risked his life every day to ensure Potter survived.

Snape stormed out of the hospital wing. Outside, Hermione, Ron, Parvati, Dean, and Seamus stood waiting. At that moment, Professor McGonagall arrived.

Minerva: Severus, you need to explain what happened.

Snape: I don't have time now. Let Madam Pomfrey explain.

Snape hurried towards the Gryffindor common room. Just as he arrived, he saw Colin Creevey entering.

Snape: Creevey, hold that door open.

Colin: Yes, Professor Snape.

Snape entered the common room, and silence fell instantly. Without wasting a moment, he raised his wand, and a book flew into his hand. Professor Snape grabbed it and left, leaving the students puzzled by what had just happened.

Snape headed to the headmaster's office, where Minerva was also present, discussing the recent events.

Minerva: Albus, Mr. Uchiha must be severely punished. Have you seen the state he left Mr. Potter in?

Snape: He's not in mortal danger, Minerva.

Minerva: How can you downplay this?

Snape: Remember, he was only defending himself against twenty of them. And Longbottom's condition is Potter's fault.

Minerva: But don't you see? He's like a matchstick. Once ignited, no one can stop him. We need to intervene.

Snape: They should leave him alone. He acts for justified reasons.

Dumbledore: But he shouldn't have acted so violently...

Snape: And what did you expect him to do? Let himself be beaten by all of them or lie on the ground in a pool of blood? You know what happened, don't you?

Minerva: I...

Snape: You saw how Longbottom was bleeding.

Dumbledore: But even so, he needs to restrain himself. If you hadn't arrived in time, how would it have ended?

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now