Hogsmeade III

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Two Hours Earlier

Thousands of kilometers from Hogsmeade, a group of people dressed in ragged clothing knelt.

Dolohov: Thank you, Master, for rescuing us from Azkaban.

Rookwood: Yes, Master. We promise not to fail again.

Voldemort: I did not free you to bombard me with words; I want results. Now, put on your cloaks and masks. Today, we will attack Hogsmeade.

Death Eaters: Yes, Master. – They said as they vanished from the spot.

They all appeared near Hogsmeade but heard movements and sounds around them.

Snyde: Calm down. – He said while pointing his wand forward, ordering them to say "finite."

What appeared to be a group of trees vanished, revealing a large cave, from which three giants began to emerge.

Snyde: We will divide our forces into two groups. We will not let anyone escape.

Alecto: Finally, we will kill those blood traitors and mudbloods.

Dolohov: I can't wait to see the look of humiliation on Dumbledore's face when he sees his beloved students massacred.

Snyde: We will not attack just yet. We will wait for the signal from our spies in the Ministry. They will cut off the Floo network. Meanwhile, we will split into three groups.

Rookwood: Who put you in charge? – He asked, pointing his wand at Snyde.

Snyde: Things have changed since you were in Azkaban. Besides, it was the Dark Lord himself who put me in charge. If you have a problem with that, take it up with him.

Rookwood and most of the Death Eaters freed from Azkaban accepted the orders, not wanting any trouble with their master.

Snyde: We will divide our forces into three groups. The first group will consist of 10 people and will be under my command. We will take the werewolf — he said, pointing to the cage beside him — and attack from the west, along the path connecting Hogwarts to Hogsmeade.

Snyde: The second group will consist of 20 Death Eaters on broomsticks and 3 giants, under Dolohov's command, and will attack from the north. The third group will be made up of 50 Dementors, who are already on their way and will attack from the south.

Snyde: At the signal of the Dark Mark in the sky, we will strike. No one will escape.

The Death Eaters nodded and began to move. Group 1, led by Snyde, was already in position, hidden behind the trees.

Snyde: Jugson, Carrow, Goyle, at my signal, cast the anti-Apparition spell on the village.

Snyde looked at his watch and then said, "Now." The three Death Eaters raised their wands and pointed at the sky, casting the spell.

Crabbe raised his wand and shouted, "Morsmordre!"


In the village, the chimneys went dark. The people didn't understand what was happening but began to hear screams from outside. Many rushed out of their homes, saw the Dark Mark in the sky, and panicked.

Some tried to Apparate but found they couldn't. Aurores Tonks and Kingsley shouted for people to remain calm, but their efforts were in vain. Professors McGonagall and Flitwick attempted to reassure their students, but without success.

Then the explosions began.

Flitwick: SONORUS!



Minerva: Understood.

Flitwick: EXPECTO PATRONUM – a raven burst from his wand – inform Snape to reinforce the castle's defenses.

Minerva: EXPECTO PATRONUM – a cat emerged from her wand – tell Albus that Hogsmeade is under attack.

In the center of Black Square, Tonks, Kingsley, Robards, Twycross, Basi, and Goodweather were present when Matt Sayles joined them.

Matt: Kingsley, the entire Floo network has been severed.

Kingsley: EXPECTO PATRONUM – a lynx emerged from his wand – inform Scrimgeour that Hogsmeade is under attack, and request that he send Aurors and restore the Floo network.

Kingsley: We need to split into two groups. Black, Tonks, come with me to confront the Death Eaters. As for the rest of you, protect the students and lead them to safety.

The two groups dispersed.


At the Hogsmeade station, 10 minutes before the Dark Mark appeared.

From the rooftop of the station, Sasuke spotted 20 Death Eaters on broomsticks, followed by 3 giants, heading toward the village.

Sasuke: Setrakian, they are going to attack Hogsmeade. Go to the Aurors' office and request reinforcements immediately.

Setrakian: Yes, sir. – He said before disappearing.

Sasuke: You all go to the village quickly and warn the others to evacuate and seek refuge.

Hermione: But aren't you coming with us?

Sasuke: No, I'll face them here.

Hermione: But Sasuke, it's madness, you alone against them – pointing to the approaching giants.

Sasuke: Hermione, don't waste time. Go warn the others immediately.

Hermione: But...

Sasuke: I'll be fine, Hermione – he said, turning away.

Sasuke began to run toward the Death Eaters.

Hermione watched him go with a worried expression. Realizing she couldn't help him, she Apparated to alert the villagers.

As he ran, Sasuke drew his katana and smiled as he faced the Death Eaters.

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