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Ludo: OH MY GOD, MR. POTTER REALLY FLEW UP - he shouted excitedly. - DID YOU SEE THAT, MR. KRUM? A PERFECT SPIN - he exclaimed. - LOOK, MR. POTTER GOT THE GOLDEN EGG - he shouted, as he was the fastest so far to grab the egg.

The only sound that could be heard was the thunderous applause and cheers from the stands.

Ludo: Now it's time for the last dragon - he said in a deeper voice. - The master of the skies of Europe, the most fearsome hunter, the SWEDISH SHORT-SNOUT.

A massive dragon entered the field.

The dragon was covered in gray scales, with a pair of blood-red eyes and claws that were about a meter long. Everyone in the stands was both impressed and terrified by this dragon.

Clearly, the judges and a few others, including Hagrid, knew about this dragon. The other professors who were unaware were left in shock.

Sprout: BY MERLIN'S BEARD! - she shouted in disbelief.

Flitwick: My goodness.

Snape frowned upon seeing the dragon.

Dumbledore: Olimpia, taste this blueberry; it's very good - he said, handing it to Mrs. Maxime.


Luna: Stop it, Zacharias - she said, holding the blonde's arm. - I believe in Sasuke - she said with a smile.

Most of the Gryffindor students were in the medical area, which had been set up temporarily. Hermione was listening to the dragon's roar. She could see the beast but not the emo.

Harry: What's wrong, Hermione? - he asked, lying on the bed with bandages on his body.

Hermione: Nothing, really - she replied with a fake smile.

Meanwhile, in the stands:

Student 1: It looks like the Slytherin stand has been wiped out.

Student 3: Yeah, a third-year Slytherin has to face the Swedish Short-Snout, the biggest of the three dragons before it.

Student 2: I hope the dragon doesn't hurt him too badly. Maybe he'll end up giving up.

Luna: He's going to win - she said, smiling, causing everyone to look at her. - I believe in him.

???: YOU'RE CRAZY, LOONY! - someone shouted, making the entire stand laugh at Luna.

Draco: I hope that damned dragon injures Uchiha and leaves him gravely hurt - he thought.

Ludo: THE FOURTH AND FINAL CHAMPION OF HOGWARTS, SASUKE UCHIHA - he shouted, but the mentioned one did not appear.

Students from other houses, except for Slytherin, began to mock him. The Gryffindors shouted that the Slytherins were cowards. Everyone continued jeering and laughing. Rita already had the title for the next article in mind: "The Coward of Slytherin."

Sirius approached the professors' stand and went up to Snape.

Snape: What do you want, Black? - he asked with a furrowed brow.

Sirius: It seems your student is a coward, just like you, greasy.

Snape was furious. He wanted to curse him, but he was angrier at Uchiha for the humiliation he was causing Slytherin in front of the entire magical community. Ludo announced that he would begin the countdown to disqualification.











Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now