The Assassin Mage III

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Dumbledore: It was foolish to come here today, Tom, he said calmly. The Aurors are on their way.

Voldemort: By the time they arrive, I'll be gone, and you'll be dead.

They both locked eyes as several Aurors began to emerge from the chimneys, accompanied by the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, and a reporter from the Daily Prophet.

The lobby was crowded, with the floors that hadn't been destroyed by the explosion reflecting the emerald green flames from the chimneys.

Fudge trembled at the sight of Voldemort flying.

All the Aurors looked at Voldemort with fear.

Moody, Remus, Sirius, Arthur, and Tonks were on their knees from exhaustion. They had drained all their magic with the Protego spell to shield themselves from the explosion. Luna, Hermione, and Ginny were crying over the loss of their friend.

Fudge: He's back... he's back.

The silence was broken when a voice behind Voldemort said, Why are you assuming I'm dead? Before the bald man could react, a lightning-covered katana was thrown at his face.

Voldemort vanished and reappeared on the other side of the lobby. Sasuke was hanging upside down from the ceiling, holding his lightning-covered katana. Everyone was taken aback.


But his voice was cut off as he felt something trickling down his cheek. He touched it and saw it was blood. Everyone was stunned.

Voldemort: You bastard, how dare you, how dare you make me bleed!

Voldemort saw Dumbledore with his wand pointed at him and decided to flee the Ministry, screaming that he would kill the emo personally and cursing him in his thoughts.

Fudge: By Merlin's beard... here... here!... in the Ministry of Magic!... Good heavens... it can't be possible... I swear... how can this be...?

Dumbledore: If you go to the Department of Mysteries, Cornelius—he said, apparently pleased that Harry was okay, stepping forward so that the newcomers could see he was there for the first time (some raised their wands; others just looked surprised)—you will find several Death Eater fugitives tied up in the Death Chamber by an Anti-Apparition Spell, awaiting your decision on their fate.

Fudge: Dumbledore!—he exclaimed, unable to contain his shock.—You... here... I... I...

He looked around anxiously for the Aurors he had brought, and it couldn't have been clearer that he was undecided whether to order, Arrest him.

Dumbledore: Cornelius, I am ready to face your men and defeat them once again!—he said in a booming voice.—But just a moment ago, you saw with your own eyes the proof of what I've been telling you for a year. Lord Voldemort has returned, you've been chasing the wrong man for twelve months, and it's time to listen to reason!

Fudge: I... don't... well—he stumbled, looking around as if expecting someone to tell him what to do. But as everyone remained silent, he said: Very well... Dawlish! Williamson! Go down to the Department of Mysteries and see... Dumbledore, you... you will have to tell me exactly... what happened?

Lucius: Yes, you will have to explain exactly what happened here.

Everyone was surprised to see him.

Harry: He should be down there. —He thought.

Arthur: Arrest him, he's a Death Eater. He was involved in the attack.

Lucius smiled. I don't know what you're talking about, Weasley. The lack of food is damaging your brain. I've been with the Minister the whole time.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now