Prologue II

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London, Rock County, Baron Road #7

After Sasuke finished his first year at Hogwarts, he returned home only to find it covered in dust.

Sasuke sighed and performed hand seals. Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, he said, causing the room to fill with smoke. Once the smoke cleared, five identical copies of Sasuke appeared.

The clones grabbed cleaning supplies and started tidying up.

One hour later

The house was spotless, and the lawn was neatly trimmed. Sasuke smiled in satisfaction, dispelled the clones, and took a well-deserved rest.


The next day, Sasuke was meditating in the dojo, replaying everything that had happened during his first year at Hogwarts.

He knew that if he faced the teachers using both magic and ninjutsu, he could match their level. However, relying solely on magic limited him to the spells he had learned in his first year, putting him at a disadvantage. He was aware that he needed to get stronger, knowing that, even in another world, Naruto was growing more powerful.

Magic could be an element of surprise, but it would be useless in a fight if he lost his wand. One of his goals to prevent this was to learn how to perform magic without a wand. By using the Sharingan to observe the memories of some wizards and during History of Magic classes, Sasuke discovered that children would often perform accidental magic without a wand before attending Hogwarts. He believed this was linked to their emotions and desires.

Sasuke knew that there were wizards who could perform wandless magic, but they had to train extensively and could only perform simple spells. He realized asking the professors about this would be pointless, so he decided to learn on his own while continuing his taijutsu training and learning wind-style jutsus. After absorbing some of Naruto's chakra, he managed to use wind-style techniques.

Sasuke stood up and moved his hand. Wingardium Leviosa, he said, pointing at a pen. However, the pen didn't budge. Still, Sasuke persisted, imagining he had a wand in hand.

After hours with no results, he decided to stop and train his jutsus. He headed to the garden, recalling Kakashi's teachings on identifying chakra nature. He grabbed a sheet of paper and, after releasing some chakra, it crumpled, tore, and burned, indicating he had the fire, lightning, and wind chakra natures.

Thinking back to the wind-style jutsus he had seen throughout his shinobi life, Sasuke focused on the Rasengan. He placed one hand over the other and began to gather chakra, but the chakra accumulated without forming anything.

Sasuke: It should form a sphere, he thought. Let's keep trying.

Three days later

He still hadn't mastered the Rasengan, so he decided to meditate while feeling the wind.

Sasuke: To manipulate the wind, I must get used to sensing it around me, he reflected.

A breeze blew, tousling his hair, but he remained seated with his eyes closed. As another breeze passed, he moved toward it.

He continued this type of training for a few days, and it yielded results. When he brought his hands together, a small breeze formed. Sasuke was pleased to see that his training was paying off.

He also made some progress in wandless magic. He decided to use the same method ninjas use to climb without hands, channeling chakra to their feet. Focusing on channeling magic into his hands, he managed to move the pen but knew he needed more training to perfect it.

Weeks passed, and Sasuke knew he needed to increase his earnings. He found the perfect job in Diagon Alley as a bounty hunter, but to avoid drawing attention, he decided to create an alter ego.


The next day, in a bar in Knockturn Alley that also served as the headquarters for the bounty hunters' guild, several people were present, either drinking or requesting missions. A figure entered wearing an animal-shaped mask. Normally, people wouldn't pay attention, as it was common for individuals to hide their identities. However, what caught everyone's eye was the outfit the person was wearing. It was uncommon to see that type of attire.

Sasuke was dressed in ANBU gear, wearing the same mask Itachi used to wear. He also used the Henge no Jutsu to appear older.

Mr. Cole, the bar owner and leader of the bounty hunters' guild, was surprised. He had never seen anything like this in all his years in the business. He watched the young man as he approached.

Cole: What do you want? he asked.

Sasuke: I want to join the bounty hunters.

Cole: The registration fee is 10 galleons. Fill out this form, and I need to see your face.

Sasuke: There's no need to see my face.

Cole: It's required. Only I will see your face, and if you die, I'll put your name on this wall, he said, pointing to a wall covered in names.

Sasuke lifted his mask, allowing Cole to see his face.

Cole: Chinese or Japanese, doesn't matter. If you want to take on a mission, just go to the board, pick one, and inform me so I can register it. You'll get paid after the mission is completed. The guild takes 20% of the reward, he said, handing something to Sasuke from the counter. This is your ID.

Sasuke: Thanks, he said, walking towards the mission board.

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