Selection of Champions

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Tonight's dinner seemed to drag on longer than usual. Perhaps it was because the students were anxious to find out who the champions would be or because they weren't fond of the foreign food.

Everyone was staring at the Goblet of Fire, eagerly awaiting its announcement. After a few moments, the banquet finally concluded, and a hush fell over the staff table.

Dumbledore rose, along with Karkarov and Maxime. The three looked just as nervous as the students. Ludo Bagman was smiling, while Mr. Crouch wore a neutral expression.

Dumbledore: I have the honor of announcing that the Goblet of Fire is about to reveal the champions, he said, smiling. He waved his hand slightly, and most of the lights in the Great Hall dimmed.

The flames in the Goblet flared up, turning red. A spark shot out, followed by a piece of charred paper flying out. Dumbledore caught the scroll.

Dumbledore: The champion of Durmstrang, he said, his voice echoing through the hall, is Viktor Krum! he announced, followed by applause and cheers.

Viktor Krum stood up from the Slytherin table and approached Dumbledore. Then, he headed towards Professor Minerva, who showed him the way he needed to go.

Karkarov: BRAVO, VIKTOR, BRAVO! he shouted, knowing that he was destined to be a champion.

Silence reigned in the hall again as the flames in the Goblet returned to red, and another piece of parchment was spat out.

Dumbledore: The champion of Beauxbatons, he echoed throughout the hall, is Fleur Delacour.

Fleur stood up gracefully, tossing her beautiful silver-blonde hair, and made her way from the Ravenclaw table to Dumbledore. She gave a graceful gesture to Dumbledore before entering the same chamber as Krum.

Silence fell again, and all the students were nervous as it was time to reveal the Hogwarts champion. The Goblet spat out the third piece of parchment.

Dumbledore: The champion of Hogwarts, he said, his voice resonating through the hall, is Harry Potter.

There were no cheers or shouts.

Whispers spread throughout the Great Hall. Professor Minerva quickly rose and made her way past Karkarov and Ludo Bagman.

Everyone looked at the Gryffindor table, where the students were celebrating having a lion as their champion.

Harry: I'm not... I'm not, he said, trying to hide. Ron stood beside him, shocked. Hermione urged him to go and lightly pushed him forward. Harry walked, glancing around and realizing all eyes were on him. He made his way to Professor Dumbledore, who handed him the piece of parchment. Then, he entered the same chamber as Fleur and Krum.

Everyone was wondering how he had managed this. He wasn't even 17 years old. Would he be able to handle the challenges? The whispers continued.

Draco: Why him? he thought, irritated.

Harry didn't understand how this had happened. Everyone stopped whispering and looked back at the Goblet as the flames turned red once more, and a piece of parchment was spat out.

Dumbledore almost unconsciously reached for the scroll.

Dumbledore: Sasuke Uchiha, he said.

The emo stood up, ignoring all the stares and whispers, and walked over to Dumbledore to take the parchment and enter the same chamber as the others.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now