Transylvania I

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As the last ray of sunlight disappeared, darkness took over the sky. Even though it was summer, the Ciuca mountains were cold, especially at night when the temperature dropped.

A mountain, roughly 300 to 500 meters high, was fragmented by tributaries of the Danube, like the Mures and Tarnava rivers. Near these rivers, there was a small town inhabited by Romanians, Hungarians, and Gypsies.

As night fell, a glow could be seen from inside the mountain, produced by the flames of torches. Within the mountain, there was a refuge protected by guards, and as one ventured further in, several adults of different genders could be seen.

The refuge consisted of various rooms and a cell for prisoners. Inside the cell was a young boy, around 15 years old. He was chained in a corner, his eyes lifeless, as if waiting for his turn, since he was the only person in the cell.

Fenrir Greyback, the most wanted werewolf in England, entered the refuge with his followers.

Fenrir: Well, I think it's time. If you manage to survive, you can join us, but if you fail, you'll become a good source of food.

The cell door opened, and the young boy made no attempt to flee, as he already knew his fate. He stepped out of the cell with his eyes closed.

Fenrir: Young Muggle - he said, licking his lips softly. - You're not very lucky, for tonight isn't a full moon - he said before lunging at the boy and biting into his throat.

The boy screamed in pain. Fenrir lifted him easily and carried him to the kitchen. The boy wasn't dead but groaned in agony, powerless to stop anything.

Fenrir dropped the boy on the floor upon arriving in the kitchen. At that moment, a taller man entered, followed by two others.

???: Long time no see, Fenrir, my old friend - he said with emotion.

Fenrir: It's been a while, Norman, but we're still alive, lurking in the shadows - he said, smiling, showing his bloodstained teeth.

Norman: Where's Gin? I heard he's been with you, working for the Dark Lord.

Fenrir: He'll be here tomorrow. He's currently in Albania, completing a task for the Dark Lord.

Norman: What an honor.


Fenrir: MY NAME IS FENRIR GREYBACK, FROM ENGLAND - he said in such a fierce tone that everyone present understood he was the pack leader.

Fenrir: ABBOTT HEBREO, FROM SPAIN - he said, calling a man with green eyes to step forward, head bowed. - Welcome, Abbott - he said, embracing him.



All those mentioned approached Fenrir to be greeted and embraced. These people had come from all over Europe, and none of them hid the fear they felt towards Fenrir.

The last man to appear was very pale and had a tired expression. He seemed young, but his face showed premature wrinkles. His hair was graying, and his clothes were all wrinkled.

The only difference between him and the others was that he stared directly into Fenrir's eyes without fear, something the others didn't dare.

Fenrir: Remus Lupin, from Wales - he said, looking at him intently. - You seem familiar. Still young. I think you should be much older.

Lupin: You must be confusing me with my father. That bastard tried to kill me when I was bitten.

Ivan: That happened to me too, but I killed him first.

Lupin: I survived thanks to my mother and Dumbledore's generosity. I was able to study at Hogwarts. I thought I could live a normal life, even as a werewolf, but in the end, wizards never accepted me. When they found out I was a werewolf, they threw me out like a dog. Now I understand I must choose a pack to survive.

Fenrir: That's right, my friend. Now let me show you what the Dark Lord has granted me - he said, raising the sleeve of his arm to reveal the Dark Mark, proof that Fenrir Greyback was a Death Eater.

Fenrir: The Dark Lord has big plans for us. Once we bring down the Ministry, we won't need to hide anymore. We'll be free. For now, we need to feed and grow our numbers until the Dark Lord contacts us with new orders.

All the werewolves howled in approval.

Meanwhile, the boy lay on the floor, agonizing, suffering as he wished for his life to end more quickly.

Lupin approached the boy and looked at him closely. He drew his wand, pointed it at the boy, and shouted "AVADA KEDAVRA." The green light hit the boy, ending his life instantly.

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