Bone, Flesh, and Blood

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Sasuke and Harry were transported to another place as soon as they touched the cup.

Harry: Where are we? - he asked.

They were completely outside the grounds of Hogwarts. It was obvious they had traveled miles, maybe hundreds of miles, because even the mountains surrounding the castle had disappeared.

Instead of Hogwarts, the boys found themselves standing in a dark, overgrown cemetery. Beyond a large yew tree to the right, they could see the dark outline of a small church. A hill rose to the left.

Sasuke looked at the cup and then at Harry.

Sasuke: Did anyone happen to tell you that the cup was a portal key? - he asked.

Harry: No - he said while looking around. The silence was total and unsettling. - Do you think this is part of the test?

Sasuke: I don't know - he said seriously. - We better get our wands.

Harry: Yes - he agreed, grabbing his wand. - Someone is approaching.

Squinting to see in the darkness, they spotted a figure moving between the tombstones, heading directly toward them. Harry couldn't make out a face, but by the way the figure walked and held its arms, it was clear it was carrying something.

Whoever it was, they were short and wore a hood that obscured their head and shadowed their face. And several steps later, as the distance between them shrank, Harry saw that the thing in the figure's arms appeared to be a baby.

Harry slightly lowered his wand and glanced at Sasuke beside him. The emo looked at him with an intrigued expression. The two turned back to observe the approaching figure. It stopped next to a tall tombstone, about two meters away. For a moment, Harry, Sasuke, and the short figure exchanged glances.

Then, unexpectedly, Harry's scar exploded with pain. It was an agony so extreme that he had never felt anything like it in his life. As he brought his hand to his face, the wand slipped from his fingers, his knees buckled, and he fell to the ground, unable to see anything; his head felt as if it were about to split open.

From far above his head, he heard a cold, sharp voice:

???: Kill the other.

A buzzing, and a second voice scratched the night air:

???: Avada Kedavra.

A green flash passed before Harry's eyelids, and he heard something heavy drop to the ground beside him. The pain from his scar reached such intensity that he felt like he would vomit; then it subsided. Terrified of what he would see, he opened his stinging eyes.

Sasuke was sprawled on the ground beside him, arms and legs spread wide. He was dead.

The hooded man had laid the burden he carried on the ground, lit his wand, and began dragging Harry toward the marble tombstone. The boy saw the name engraved there glimmer in the wand's light before he was turned and thrown against the stone.


The man in the hood was now conjuring ropes to bind Harry tightly, tying him to the tombstone from neck to ankles.

The boy heard a rapid, shallow breath coming from beneath the hood. He struggled, and the man slapped him—a slap with a hand missing a finger. Harry recognized who was under the hood. It was Wormtail.

Harry: You.

But Wormtail, who had just conjured the ropes, didn't respond. He was busy checking if they were tight enough, his trembling fingers fumbling with the knots.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now