Second Test

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Hagrid decided to resume his teaching duties. He was surprised to see the students more excited about the classes. The second task would take place after noon, which led to the cancellation of the remaining classes.

Everyone headed to the lake for the second task.

The emo fans were singing and dancing in sync to a surprising choreography: "GO SASUKE," "YOU'RE GOING TO WIN," "LONG LIVE SLYTHERIN."

The students were in the stands. The seats at the center of the lake were reserved for the judges, and instead of Bartô Crouch, Percy Weasley occupied one of the spots.

Ludo: It seems all the champions are here, he said, glancing at Krum and Harry, who were at the referee's table. Fleur Delacour and Sasuke Uchiha were seated right behind them.

Dumbledore: Then let's begin, he said with a smile. Everyone should be familiar with the rules of the task, he added, seeing the four champions nodding in agreement.

Dumbledore: The most important individuals have been taken by the Merfolk. You will have to overcome obstacles, defeat enemies, and rescue them. You will have one hour, he said in a rather serious tone.

Ludo clapped quickly. Get ready; the task is about to begin, he told the four as they approached the lake.

The three champions removed their cloaks, revealing their swimwear, and jumped into the water. The first used a spell, the second transformed, and the third used a plant.

The youngest champion removed his cloak, revealing his swimwear: white shorts and a blue tank top with the Uchiha emblem on the back. Sasuke sat on the platform and began to meditate.

Everyone was puzzled by the emo's actions. After ten minutes, he still hadn't moved. The murmuring started, but the emo chose to ignore them.

Ludo Bagman approached him to ask if something was wrong, but the emo remained silent. Ten minutes had already passed.

The students in the stands whispered, suggesting he wasn't prepared, was scared, or didn't know how to swim, but they dismissed those thoughts. The judges, like the students, were stunned by the emo's behavior.

He remained seated, but suddenly opened his eyes and leaped into the water. He cast the Bubble-Head Charm and used his left hand to channel wind magic, shooting off at high speed like a torpedo.

Everyone watched in astonishment as the emo moved with incredible speed, leaving a trail of bubbles in the water.

Moody, Sirius, and Hagrid observed this from the guest stands. Moody muttered, Damn it, while clenching his fists, though Hagrid and Sirius didn't understand.

In the judges' stand, Dumbledore was surprised to grasp why the emo had only just entered the water. The other judges listened to the explanation and were astonished, except for Karkarov, who silently cursed the emo.

Moody explained to Sirius and Hagrid what the emo had done.

Moody: It seems Uchiha used the other champions as bait to distract the lake creatures. He must be making progress without any trouble.

The lake water was very cold, but the emo was accustomed to it from his ninja training.

As he swam, Sasuke mocked some Grindylows he encountered, as most were attacking the other champions. These few Grindylows couldn't catch up with the emo due to his speed and eventually gave up the chase.

He reached a spot where he saw some Mermaids and four individuals tied up.

There was a young girl from Beauxbatons, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and a boy from Durmstrang named Poliakov.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now