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Two Hours Earlier

Sasuke was in the common room reading a book while his companions celebrated the end of the exams. They tried to convince him to celebrate too, but he refused.

The door to the common room swung open, and Crabbe and Goyle entered without Draco; they looked as if they had just come from a battle based on the state of their clothes.

Sasuke approached them and, out of curiosity, asked:

Sasuke: You're not with Draco. That's a miracle.

Crabbe: He's in the infirmary. The Weasleys, Longbottom, and Luna attacked us.

Sasuke grew serious and, with a penetrating gaze, asked what had happened, insisting they not lie.

Both gulped nervously and recounted everything that transpired, swearing they hadn't harmed Luna.

Sasuke: Do you know why they helped Potter and Hermione get into Umbridge's office?

Goyle: I was dazed, but before I lost consciousness, I heard something about the Ministry of Magic.

Sasuke: Was there anyone else in the corridor who might have heard the conversation?

Goyle: No, we were taking them to Mr. Filch on the fifth floor when they attacked us.

Sasuke: What happened? Where did they go? Something is going to happen, but I need more information—he thought.

Sasuke fell into deep thought. Crabbe and Goyle looked nervous. If Luna said she was harmed, who knows what Sasuke would do.

Sasuke: Were there any portraits in the corridors?

Goyle/Crabbe: What?

Sasuke: Portraits. Were there any portraits?

Crabbe: Yes.

Sasuke: Great.

Sasuke dropped the book and ran out of the common room toward the fifth floor.

Upon arriving, he saw several portraits. He approached a knight's portrait and asked:

Sasuke: The students who were here four hours ago, what did they say after they knocked out two Slytherin students?

No portrait responded.

Sasuke drew his wand and pointed it at the knight's portrait.

Knight Portrait: I won't say anything; I only answer to the headmaster, the professors, and the prefects. Threats won't work; we can jump to another portrait.

Sasuke: Fine.

Sasuke raised his wand and shouted, "FIREBALL!" Ten fireballs, each about 5cm in size, appeared, and he shot them at the first ten portraits, partially destroying them. The occupants fled to the neighboring portraits.

All the portraits looked at Sasuke in fear.

Sasuke: What do we have here? You didn't move. I doubt you're challenging me since your face shows fear. I'm running out of time, so if you don't want to burn, you'd better speak.

Lady Portrait: I won't say anything, you cursed dark wizard.

Sasuke: I see. According to you, I'm a dark wizard, so you wouldn't mind if I stabbed you—he said, pulling out a kunai and attempting to stab it into the center of the portrait, but the lady darted to the corner.

Lady Portrait: You're a mudblood; I don't know how they let you come here.

Sasuke: Mudblood, me? It would be you. It wouldn't matter if I stabbed you since it wouldn't even be considered murder because you're not alive. You're just an image. So, speak.

Sasuke approached with the kunai in hand. All the figures were terrified.

Lady Portrait: They said they were going to the Ministry of Magic, to the Department of Mysteries.

Sasuke: See? That wasn't so hard.

Lady Portrait: I'll report you; you'll pay for this.

Sasuke drew his wand and shouted, "REPARO!" All the portraits returned to normal. "You can accuse me; I'll just deny it. Besides, there's no more evidence."

Sasuke ran out, feeling an ominous foreboding. He left the school grounds and called for his house-elves, Gama, Beta, Alpha, and Winky.

Sasuke: You can apparate to the Department of Mysteries.

The four elves shook their heads.

Winky: Master, I can only apparate to the Ministry of Magic lobby. That was the only place my previous master, Mr. Crouch, allowed.

Sasuke: Perfect; it's better than nothing. Let's go; the others go home.

Sasuke took Winky's hand, and they both appeared in the Ministry of Magic lobby, but found it empty.

Sasuke found this very suspicious and ordered Winky to go home.

He ran through the Ministry, searching for someone, but upon finding no one, he closed his eyes and focused on sensing Luna's presence. He detected her below where he stood.

As he ran, he saw no elevators or stairs.

Sasuke: There's no time; I need to hurry—he thought as he felt he was right above them.

Sasuke: Susanoo—he said as a skeletal being appeared—CHIDORI!—he shouted.

Susanoo's hand was enveloped in lightning. He struck the floor, shattering it. Susanoo continued to destroy floor after floor until he reached his destination, creating a massive cloud of smoke from the destruction.

Upon reaching his destination, he made Susanoo vanish as he was engulfed in smoke, unnoticed. He activated the Sharingan and saw all the people present, recognizing two who had appeared in the Daily Prophet.

The ceiling's collapse made everyone look up, but they only saw the ceiling falling and a large cloud of smoke forming.

They heard a voice say, "Wind Spear," and several wind spears were fired. Thanks to the Sharingan, Sasuke could distinguish the Death Eaters and attacked. Several were hit, while others managed to cast a Protego in time, but the shield was easily pierced.

All the Death Eaters were sent flying from the impact, crashing against the wall.

The Order of the Phoenix, the golden trio, and their friends were left speechless at the sight of the one responsible for it all.

On top of the debris of the floor stood Sasuke Uchiha.

Moody: He did this from such a distance, managing to knock everyone out without hitting us or needing our help—he thought, very surprised.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now