The Bell Test II

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The next day, Gina asked Luna how the training had gone the day before.

Luna: We didn't pass; we'll have to repeat everything again tomorrow.

Everyone went to their classes as usual, but the three of them were still upset with Sasuke for leaving them tied up on the floor. Even though they understood the importance, they were still frustrated, but the emo didn't care.

At lunchtime, an owl dropped a package on the Slytherin table; by its shape, everyone knew it was a broomstick. Draco received it, and the note read:


Severus informed me about your upcoming Quidditch game. To ensure you are on equal footing with Gryffindor, I'm sending you this broom. I wish you all the luck in the world.

With love, Mom.

Draco quickly unwrapped the broom, which was a Firebolt. Everyone at the Slytherin table erupted in cheers; now their house also had two Firebolts.

The other houses watched with envious eyes. Draco put it away in his room, knowing he would have to train on his days off to master it, but that night he had training with Sasuke. He arranged to meet Zacarias and Gina on the seventh floor 15 minutes early.

When they arrived, Draco and Gina weren't talking to each other, and Zacarias acted as the mediator between them.

Zacarias: Why did you put me with them? I'm not their damn owl. Why didn't you pair me with the others? – he thought.

When the time came, the three entered the Room of Requirement.

All three were surprised by the room; for Gina, Zacarias, and Draco (when he sneaked in), it was completely different from what they were used to in DADA. The stone floor had turned to grass, and there were a few rocks around, but in the center, on a large rock, sat Sasuke.

Sasuke: I'm glad you made it. The goal today is to take these bells from me.

Sasuke held up two bells in the palm of his hand.

Draco: Can you explain the reason for this?

Sasuke: Simple, this is a test. Your training will be in stages, with a three-hour time limit. If you don't manage to get the bells by the end of that time, you'll try again at the next meeting, and so on until you pass.

Sasuke: Use all the spells you know; everything goes. I'll only use two spells with my wand: "Expelliarmus" and "Incarcerous."

Draco: But why are there only two bells?

Sasuke: Because only two of you will pass. What happens to those who fail, I'll leave to your imagination.

The clock alarm on the wall rang, signaling the start of the test.

Draco: Expelliarmus!

Sasuke easily dodged, moving to the side.

Sasuke: Is that all?

Gina: STUPEFY! - she shouted.

Zacarias: FLIPENDO! - he yelled.

Sasuke easily dodged, starting to run around the room while the three of them unleashed a flurry of spells. Taking cover behind a rock, he raised a smoke curtain.

The three stayed alert, watching the smoke curtain until it dissipated.

A voice emerged from the three.

Sasuke: Too slow.

Everyone was startled. Gina quickly reacted and shouted, "Expelliarmus!"

Sasuke simply crouched; the spell passed over him but hit Zacarias, throwing him backward.

Draco: INM... - He couldn't finish because he took a kick to the chest that knocked him back.

Gina was paralyzed with fear and started to tremble. Sasuke took advantage of this moment and grabbed her arm, throwing her.

Draco was getting up when Gina fell on top of him.

Draco: Get off me, Weasley; I can't lose my...

Gina: What the hell, where do you think you're touching, you pervert?

Draco realized that when he pushed Gina a little to get her off him, he ended up touching her chest.

Draco: S-sorry.

Gina jumped up furiously and shot several spells at the blonde, who quickly blocked them.

Draco: I didn't do it on purpose!

Zacarias: Lucky you, I wish it had been me. - he murmured.

Sasuke pointed his wand at Gina and Draco and shouted, "Incarcerous," tying them up on the floor.

Zacarias took advantage of the emo's distraction and shouted, "Accio bells."

The bells flew toward the Hufflepuff. When he reached out to grab them, the emo quickly appeared in front of him, snatched the bells, and shouted, "Incarcerous."

In the end, all three were tied up on the floor.

Draco: Let us go, Sasuke; we need to continue.

Sasuke: Free yourselves.

Gina: I don't understand; this isn't supposed to be a magic training session?

Sasuke: Don't question my methods; I decide how the training will go.

Sasuke sat down on a rock and picked up a book.

Zacarias: Let us go, Sasuke; the fun is over.

Sasuke: No, this is a test. Free yourselves.

The three glared at the emo. They tried to free themselves while Sasuke continued reading calmly.

Three hours later...

Sasuke: It seems you didn't succeed.

Gina: You've made your point; now let us go.

Sasuke: I wouldn't do that if it were a real battle. Do you think an enemy would free you just because you asked? This isn't a game. You became overconfident and let your guard down. If you keep this up, you'll end up dead.

The alarm rang. Sasuke pointed at them and said, "Finite Incantatem."

The three got up, irritated. They wanted to complain, but like the other team, the emo's last words made them see reality.

Sasuke: Until the next meeting. And you can tell Team 1 that they can now talk about the test. Perhaps discussing it with the other team will help you realize your mistakes.

The three nodded.

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