Sasuke vs Lupin

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Sasuke headed north as he sensed the presences weakening. Upon arrival, he found several injured students on the ground, and Professor Flitwick trying to protect Luna, but he was thrown backward. The werewolf advanced, ready to finish its attack.

Sasuke pointed his wand and pronounced, "Engorgio," directing it at several stones on the ground. They began to grow, blocking the werewolf's path.

Sasuke jumped and landed directly in front of the werewolf.

Luna, Hermione, Daphne, and Astoria shouted: SASUKE!

Sasuke replied: Take care of the professor. I'll handle this from now on.

Luna protested: But he's so strong.

Hermione added: You'll need our help. We can treat your wounds.

Sasuke insisted: I don't want anyone interfering...

He moved swiftly and delivered a strike to the werewolf's chest, causing it to stagger back.

Sasuke questioned: What's happening? Why aren't you moving?

Everyone wondered why he was provoking the creature instead of using his wand, considering he was facing a werewolf.

The werewolf increased its speed and appeared before Sasuke, ready to attack him with its claws. But Sasuke executed a backflip.

The werewolf attacked again, but Sasuke deftly dodged, moving to the side. The werewolf collided with the rocks behind Sasuke, shattering them.

The werewolf roared in fury and lunged at him, claws extended to tear him apart.

Calmly, Sasuke grasped the werewolf's wrist with his right hand and its forearm with his left, throwing it aside. The werewolf crashed into the debris.

Sasuke remarked: You're so slow.

The werewolf stood up again and roared, launching itself to strike him with its right arm. However, Sasuke easily dodged to the side. Due to the werewolf's speed, it barreled past him but immediately turned to attack again with its claws, which Sasuke evaded once more. This pattern repeated several times.

Hermione noted: He's not using magic, right?

Luna and Daphne replied: No, he's not using magic.

Several injured students watched in disbelief as Sasuke faced the werewolf on equal footing. They couldn't believe what they were witnessing; it wasn't an illusion; it was real.

As Sasuke dodged again, he landed a kick on the werewolf's supporting leg, lifting it off the ground, belly up. As it fell, Sasuke focused more chakra into his right arm and struck the werewolf's ribs, sending it flying to the ground, creating a mark and dragging it from the force of the impact.

Sasuke declared: There's nothing more to be done.

The werewolf roared again and charged for another attack.

Sasuke remarked: I expected more from you, but you've only disappointed me.

Sasuke vanished from everyone's sight and reappeared, delivering a knee to the werewolf's face. It swayed back, but Sasuke didn't stop. He jumped and landed a kick to its face, sending it flying sideways.

The werewolf rose, but Sasuke sprinted toward it at high speed. The werewolf lunged, ready to bite him, but Sasuke disappeared, reappearing behind it to kick it in the nape, causing it to fall forward.

The werewolf suddenly got up, poised to strike with its claws, but Sasuke caught its arm with his left hand while his right began to glow with lightning. Everyone heard a crackling sound coming from Sasuke's hand, reminiscent of birds chirping.

Sasuke exclaimed: CHIDORI! His hand pierced the werewolf's chest, aiming directly for its heart.

Sasuke thought, Finally, it's over, but the werewolf still moved its head, ready to bite him. Everyone screamed, some even closed their eyes.

When they opened them, they saw a purple aura surrounding Sasuke and a skeletal being. The werewolf was gnawing on the bones of the creature's ribs.

Sasuke taunted: So you enjoy surprise attacks? Let's see what you think of this one.

Both disappeared from view. In mid-air, the werewolf and Sasuke were locked in combat.

Sasuke shouted: Fall! kicking it downwards. He quickly vanished and reappeared on the ground.

Everyone was confused by what was happening, but something fell with such force that it created a crater in the ground.

Sasuke stood still, watching as the werewolf emerged from the hole, its bones protruding from its skin and bleeding. It slowly advanced toward Sasuke.

Sasuke said: Looks like you don't feel pain. Don't worry, I'll end your suffering.

Sasuke summoned his katana, enveloping it in lightning. After a swift movement, he appeared behind the werewolf, executing a series of slashes with the sword. Sasuke then sheathed the katana as he advanced, turning his back. Many didn't understand this action, but the werewolf collapsed into several pieces.

Hermione thought: He could have finished it at any moment.

All the injured students screamed in joy at the werewolf's defeat. Many witnesses to the battle also began to shout with excitement, chanting Sasuke's name.

Seeing this, Sasuke raised his katana to the sky in a gesture of gratitude and support.


Minutes earlier, Sirius had heard from Snyde that Remus was there. He abandoned everyone and ran off to find him, but he couldn't locate him anywhere. He transformed into his Animagus form to catch his scent.

Sirius thought: It must be this way, as he desperately ran to find him. As he approached, he returned to his human form and drew his wand.

He then witnessed Sasuke holding a sword covered in lightning. He was about to say something, but everything happened so quickly. In the next instant, Sasuke had sheathed his katana, and Remus fell to the ground, cut into pieces.

Sirius shouted: REMUS, NOOOO!

However, his cries were drowned out by the celebration of the werewolf's death. Everyone was chanting: SASUKE! SASUKE! SASUKE!


Upon seeing the black mark in the sky again, Sasuke raised his wand and cast a non-verbal spell. A massive silver serpent emerged, swallowing the black mark and leaving only the great silver serpent visible in the sky for all to see.

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