Sirius Black

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Several weeks later

Sasuke was in the courtyard of his house, sweat dripping down his face as he focused on his right hand.

Sasuke: What's missing? I'm concentrating the chakra, but I can't form the Rasengan... – He thought.

Hours passed, and Sasuke finished his training without achieving satisfying results.

He decided to take a shower and order food.

The delivery was fast; the delivery guy handed over the order and took the money. But when he was about to give the change, Sasuke closed the door. The delivery guy knocked and called for him, but since there was no response, he left.

Sasuke went to the dining room and grabbed the chopsticks to eat.

In the afternoon, he was in his office, drawing on sheets of paper. However, when he finished, he felt disappointed.

Sasuke: It wasn't like this... I think this part was reversed. – He thought as he tore up the sheet.

He dipped the brush into the ink and started drawing Japanese characters again.

Sasuke: It's still not good. The stroke isn't even. It seems like creating the summoning scroll will take longer than I imagined. – He reflected.

He kept drawing several times throughout the week, without any success. The only good thing was that his drawings had improved considerably compared to the beginning.


Coniston Water, Grizedale Forest

Sasuke embarked on a mission to hunt acromantulas. Finding them was difficult, and after an intense battle, the emo found himself surrounded.

An acromantula leaped toward the prey wearing a white mask.

Sasuke: Arania Exumai! – He said, pointing with his hand, but no spell was cast.

He quickly ducked to dodge. The acromantula's fangs tore through the cloak he was wearing.

The other acromantulas jumped toward their prey, encouraged by their companion's success.

Sasuke pointed his hand to the ground – Wingardium Leviosa! – He said.

Some sparks came out of his hand, and the stones buried in the ground began to float. The acromantulas that jumped collided with the stones. Sasuke climbed onto one of the floating stones, and the acromantulas glared at him furiously.

Sasuke: Not much result with the other spells, but this one was mastered a long time ago. – He thought.

The stone he stood on fell, crushing four acromantulas.

The remaining acromantulas looked around for the emo. They saw that he was already standing atop a tree.

Sasuke pointed at the acromantulas again – Arania Exumai, Arania Exumai, Arania Exumai! – He repeated, but nothing happened.

The acromantulas began climbing the tree. As they ascended, an acromantula above Sasuke on a branch began descending using webbing.

The acromantula prepared its fangs to strike, but realized that Sasuke had disappeared from the branch in the blink of an eye. It looked around and saw him standing vertically on the tree trunk, with no support, hand raised.

Sasuke: Incendio! – He said, sending flames from his hand that engulfed the acromantula, burning it entirely. He had already sensed its presence; he was just waiting for it to get close enough.

The other acromantulas understood now. He was never the prey, but the predator. They quickly began fleeing the area.

Sasuke: Since they've lost their courage, there's no point in continuing this. – He said, his hand now covered in lightning – CHIDORI SENBON! – He shouted.

The lightning hit all the acromantulas trying to escape. After being electrocuted, they fell to the ground dead, smoke rising from their bodies.

Sasuke sat on a rock to analyze the situation.

Sasuke: Everything seems to indicate that the best way to learn wandless magic is when your life is in danger. When emotions are pushed to the limit. – He thought.

Hours later...

At the bounty hunters' guild, people were celebrating for various reasons.

Some were celebrating because Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban. Others were celebrating the bounty that had been placed on his head, and others because they believed Black would fulfill Voldemort's ambition and kill Harry Potter.

Sasuke entered the guild to deliver the acromantulas' bodies. The leader, along with Sasuke, went outside to count the bodies.

They counted and then went back inside, walking to the counter.

Cole: I think if Raven captures Sirius Black, my guild will become even more famous. – He thought.

He grabbed a bag of Galleons from behind the counter and handed it to Sasuke.

Cole: You know, Raven, you always finish missions perfectly, as if they weren't difficult. Wouldn't you want something more challenging? – He said, smiling.

Sasuke just looked at him without saying anything.

Cole: How about capturing Sirius Black?

Sasuke thought for a moment. Cole was happy because if Raven accepted the mission, Black would surely be captured. But the emo turned and walked toward the exit, leaving the mission notice on the counter.

Cole didn't understand why he refused the mission. He would have become very famous if he caught Black. After thinking for a while, he finally understood.

Cole: The Ministry... that bounty they offered didn't catch Raven's attention.

Sasuke walked through Knockturn Alley streets. He thought that capturing Black would be a waste of time and that the Ministry's bounty wasn't worth it.

Weeks passed, and the holidays ended. Sasuke continued training taijutsu and ninjutsu with the help of clones. He used the same method Naruto had used for training.

He heard a noise and saw an owl fly in through the window. It circled the room and dropped a letter, then flew out the window. Sasuke picked up the letter, opened it, and saw that it was the list of materials for his second year at Hogwarts.

The emo's clones dispersed as the original held the letter.

Sasuke decided to head immediately to Diagon Alley to buy the books.

After preparing, he left the house, carrying a bag of Galleons he had saved.

He raised his wand, and within 15 minutes, the Knight Bus appeared.

Stan: Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for witches and wizards. Stick out your wand, hop aboard, and we'll take you wherever you want to go. My name is Stan.

He recognized the emo as soon as he saw him.

Stan: Ah, it's you again, young man. What was your name again? – He asked.

Sasuke: To the Leaky Cauldron.

Stan saw that he wasn't going to give his name, so he just charged the fare.

Stan: 10 Sickles. – He said.

Sasuke paid the fare and boarded the Knight Bus.

Stan: Such a rude young man. I can't wait to see him fall when the bus speeds up. – He thought.

The bus accelerated faster than usual. Stan had to hold on to avoid falling, but to his surprise, the emo didn't fall. He stood firm as if glued to the floor.

Sasuke had already traveled as Raven, so to avoid any problems due to the speed, he channeled chakra to his feet to stay firmly grounded.

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