Christmas II

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In the Office of Grimmauld Place

Amelia: If you're wondering how I got here, Dumbledore sent me a letter with the location.

Amelia: I've wanted to meet with you for a long time, you know?

Harry: No.

Amelia: Oh, yes, a long time, but Dumbledore has been very overprotective of you.

Amelia: There are a lot of rumors floating around. Well, of course, we know how those stories get twisted... all those rumors about the prophecy... about you being the "Chosen One."

Harry was already thinking about the possible reason Amelia Bones was there.

Amelia: I suppose Dumbledore has already discussed this matter with you, hasn't he?

Harry: Yes, we talked about it.

Amelia: And what did he tell you, Harry?

Harry: Sorry, but that's private between us.

Amelia: Oh, of course, you can't disclose confidential information. But anyway, does it really matter whether or not you are the Chosen One?

Harry: I don't really understand what you mean, Minister.

Amelia: Well, I think it would really matter to you. But for the wizarding community at large... it's all a matter of perception. What's important is what people believe.

Amelia: People believe you are the Chosen One. You know that, don't you? They think you are truly a hero, which you really are, even if you aren't the Chosen One.

Amelia: The important thing is that you are a symbol of hope for many, Harry. The idea that there is someone who might be capable, who might be destined to defeat he-who-must-not-be-named, well, naturally, that gives people a lot of faith. And I can't help but feel that you should consider it almost a duty to join the Ministry and continue giving hope to the people.

Harry: I don't quite understand what you mean. Joining the Ministry... what does that mean?

Amelia: Oh, well, nothing bad, I can assure you. If you were seen coming in and out of the Ministry from time to time, that would give the right impression. And, of course, while you're at the Ministry, you'd have plenty of opportunities to speak with Rufus Scrimgeour, the head of the Auror Office.

Amelia: Dolores Umbridge informed me that you want to become an Auror. Well, that can be arranged quite easily.

Harry: You want me to give the impression that I'm working for the Ministry?

Amelia: That would boost the morale of the people by showing that you're on our side.

Harry: I don't think that's going to work—he said in a rather unpleasant tone. —I don't agree with some of the things the Ministry is doing. Like detaining Stan Shunpike, for example.

Amelia: I didn't expect you to understand.

Harry: You're using Stan as a bargaining chip and now you want to use me as a mascot.

Amelia: I see, just like your hero Dumbledore, you prefer to distance yourself from the Ministry.

Harry: I don't want to be used.



Amelia: What Dumbledore has on hand—she said brusquely—What are you going to do or where are you going when you graduate from Hogwarts?

Harry: I have no idea.

Amelia: But if you did, you wouldn't tell me, would you?

Harry: You're right.

Amelia: Well, then I'll have to use other means.

Harry: You can try—he said indifferently—but you seem smarter than Fudge, so I thought you'd learn from his mistakes.

Amelia: Well, it's clear that Dumbledore has done a good job with you—she said with cold, firm eyes.

Amelia: Your loyalty will always lie with Dumbledore, won't it, Potter?

Harry: Yes, I'm glad I made that clear.


Amelia Bones was at home after the unsuccessful meeting with Harry Potter. She decided to forget everything for now and celebrate the evening with her niece Susan Bones, as her parents would be working at St. Mungo's Hospital and would pick her up tomorrow. Amelia was happy with these visits, as most of her family had been killed by Death Eaters: parents, siblings, sister-in-law, and nephews. Now, only she and her cousin, Susan's father, remained.

Amelia: Susan, have you thought about what you want to do after you graduate?

Susan: Yes, Auntie, I was thinking about joining the Department of Magical Games and Sports.

Amelia: That sounds great, Susan.

Susan: Thank you, Auntie.

Amelia: Pursue your dreams. I will always support you in your decisions.**

Suddenly, the fireplace went out. Amelia saw this confusing scene, tried to Apparate, but it wasn't working, and she understood immediately what was happening.

Amelia: Susan, grab your wand quickly!

Susan waved and ran to her room to get her wand.

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