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Sasuke followed the Slytherin classmates who were leaving the class and descending the spiral staircase from Professor Trelawney's classroom.

Sasuke: Get out of the way. We have Transfiguration class now.

The emo entered the Transfiguration classroom and noticed there were still a few students present, and Professor McGonagall had not yet arrived.

Sasuke sat down and picked up the Transfiguration book to start reading while Sean took a seat at the table behind him.

The few students in the room were from Gryffindor. The emo continued reading for a few minutes and realized that the classroom was gradually filling up with students from both Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Some girls who entered the room with Ginny Weasley looked at the emo, who seemed to be whispering something.

Minerva: Welcome to the new semester of Transfiguration. - She said in her usual serious tone as she entered the room. - This year, your study of Transfiguration will provide a qualification more important than in previous years.

Minerva: Just like in previous years, when you learned some simple transformation spells that aren't very practical, this year you will learn more complex and dangerous spells.

During Professor McGonagall's class, no one dared to interrupt. The emo listened attentively to the teachings while looking through the Intermediate Transformations guide by Emmerich-Switch.

Minerva: Now, open your books to page three. - She said, asking all the students to open their books. - The content of this first lesson is to learn to recognize Animagi.

Minerva: Can anyone here tell me what an Animagus is? - She asked, looking at the students. - Very well, Mr. Uchiha.

Sasuke: An Animagus is a wizard who can freely transform into an animal while retaining their own magic. - He said, standing up.

Minerva: Very good, five points for Slytherin. - She said, making the Slytherin students smile as the emo sat down. - As Mr. Uchiha said, Animagi are wizards who can freely transform into a specific animal.

Minerva: Being an Animagus is a rather complicated form of magic, but once mastered, the wizard can transform without using a wand or spells.

Minerva: Animagi cannot choose what type of animal they want to transform into. The animal that the wizard transforms into is related to the wizard's character.

Minerva: The transformation of an Animagus is limited to non-magical creatures. Magical creatures, such as phoenixes, dragons, or hippogriffs, will have unpredictable and extremely dangerous consequences. Due to the complicated nature of the transformation, the Ministry of Magic oversees the entire process, which is why it is necessary for any Animagus or anyone wishing to become an Animagus to register with the Animagus Registration Section at the Ministry of Magic.

Minerva: In the Middle Ages, Animagi were quite popular. During times of danger, wizards could quickly transform and escape. The French witch Lisette de Lapan, who was captured in Paris in 1422 and accused of witchcraft, was sentenced to be burned at the stake, but one day before her execution, Lisette disappeared from her cell.

Minerva: Lisette de Lapan was an Animagus and could transform into a white rabbit. In this way, she managed to escape through the window of her cell, thus surviving as the last descendant of the Lancaster dynasty.

Minerva: King Henry VI of England had a white rabbit as a counselor, which led many people to believe he was mad. However, many scholars assert that the white rabbit was Lisette before she was imprisoned and disappeared.

Minerva: With the changes over time and the establishment of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, the influence of Animagi has significantly diminished. The International Seminar on Transformation in 1711 only accepted participants who were Animagi.

Minerva: The Gus Requirement, the Animagus Law, enacted in St. Helena in 1821, explicitly states that every Animagus must register with the Ministry of Magic, providing all information regarding their animal's characteristics. - She said before transforming into a cat. The students did not notice a difference at first but soon realized she had a mark around her eyes.

The students, enchanted, began to applaud, both Gryffindors and Slytherins.

Minerva: The purpose of this lesson is for you to identify an Animagus. - She said, returning to her human form. - Students who are genuinely interested in this, when you reach sixth year, provided you excel in your fifth-year N.E.W.T.s in Transfiguration, Metamorphosis, and Potions, may register with the Ministry of Magic to become Animagi. I will personally guide you step by step through the transformation process.

Sasuke reviewed the chapter in the Intermediate Transformations guide. Professor Minerva had provided a simple introduction, as the process was indeed very complex.

Sean: This is really interesting. - He said, excited. - I'm going to seek out Professor McGonagall when I'm in sixth year. I hope I can transform into a small animal so I can discover my enemies' secrets and spy on the girls' bathroom.

Sean: The only problem is that I need to excel in both Transfiguration and Potions. - He said, downcast, resting his head on the table. Sasuke, who was listening, gave him a pat on the back.

Sasuke: Let's hurry up and eat. We have Care of Magical Creatures class in the afternoon.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now