Diagon Alley and The Leaky Cauldron

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Today, the Leaky Cauldron was full of Hogwarts students who came to buy their supplies, as it is the only entrance to Diagon Alley.

Sasuke, as usual, walked up to the wall that blocked the entrance to Diagon Alley. He took out his wand and tapped it against a few bricks, which started moving, revealing the pathway.

As Sasuke walked, he noticed a crowd in front of the window display for Quidditch supplies.

Boy: That's the new broom model, the Firebolt.

Girl: Its speed surpasses the Nimbus models.

Girl: Look at that color!

Boy: I heard the national team already ordered seven of these.

Boy: It's pretty expensive, though.


Inside the Leaky Cauldron were the Weasleys along with Harry. Percy approached Harry to greet him and show off his prefect badge, acting as if he ruled the world.

Fred and George didn't let him speak and laughed as they imitated him. Mrs. Weasley scolded them, saying they should follow Percy's example.

Ginny still blushed when she saw Harry, but she no longer felt nervous around him. Ron showed Harry his new wand. It was 14 inches long, made of willow wood, and contained a unicorn tail hair core.

After a lot of conversation, they finished eating, and the Grangers came in and greeted them.

They talked a bit more, but the Grangers had to leave as they had other matters to attend to. They left Hermione in the care of the Weasleys.


Sasuke made his way to Flourish and Blotts.

He entered the store and saw several students watching the shopkeeper struggle with some books that were locked in a cage with a piece of wood.

The cage contained at least a hundred books that were thrashing and biting at the cage, with torn pages flying everywhere.

After much struggle, the shopkeeper managed to grab and restrain one of the books to hand it over to a student. They noticed the shopkeeper was covered in bite marks. The student paid for the book and left with their friends.

Shopkeeper: I swear, I'm going to kill the idiot who put this book on the Hogwarts supply list this year, he said angrily, but his expression changed when he saw another customer.

Sasuke: Good morning, I'd like these books, he said, handing over the booklist.

Shopkeeper: Second year, huh? he replied with relief.

He walked through the shelves, picking out several books listed on the supply list, but the sound of the books rattling in the cage caught his attention. When he went to check, the cage was open.

The first five books that got out moved toward the shopkeeper, and just as they were close, one of the books leaped to bite him.

With his hands full, the shopkeeper could do nothing but close his eyes and scream, but he didn't feel the bite.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the student standing in front of him, holding the book with just one hand.

The book was thrashing, trying to open its mouth, but it couldn't because the student's strength was greater.

The other four books attacked Sasuke, but he quickly grabbed his wand.

Sasuke: Incarcerous! he said, making several ropes shoot out of his wand's tip, binding the books.

Shopkeeper: Thank you, thank you so much.

Sasuke: Stop wasting time and grab your wand. The rest of the books are coming.

Ten minutes later, all the books were tightly bound.

Shopkeeper: Thank you again. Now I'm going to keep them tied up permanently.

The books growled since they could no longer move.

Shopkeeper: You saved me, young man. I can't imagine what damage these books would have done to me.

Sasuke: I have a question. Why were you fighting them with a piece of wood? Wouldn't it have been easier to use a spell to immobilize the books and take them out of the cage?

There was total silence for five minutes.

Shopkeeper: WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT EARLIER? A SUMMONING SPELL! he shouted, embarrassed, then sighed, I'm such an idiot. Well, here are your books, and please, take these two as a gift to thank you.

Sasuke: The Monster Book of Monsters, Spells and Counterspells... he thought as he looked at the books he'd been given. He placed them in his bag and left the bookstore, heading to the next shop.


Magical Menagerie

Near the store, two students were arguing, drawing the attention of passersby.

Ron: Hermione, did you buy this monster?

Hermione: He's adorable! she said, smiling.

Ron: Hermione, this monster nearly ripped my hair out! he said angrily.

Hermione: He just wanted to play.

Harry knew it would be impossible to convince Hermione to return the creature.

They saw Sasuke walking toward them. Harry and Ron glared at him, still upset with the Uchiha for injuring the entire Gryffindor team in last year's match and making Slytherin win the House Cup.

Hermione raised her hand, calling Sasuke's attention.

Hermione: Hi, Sasuke! she said, smiling.

Sasuke: I'm in a hurry, he replied, entering the magical creature shop.

Hermione stood still, staring ahead, then got irritated.

Harry: What kind of animal do you think he'll buy? he asked, looking at the store.

Ron: Definitely something fancy, like all the other Slytherin luxuries, he said, making both him and Harry start laughing, imagining the animal.

Hermione: Let's see, she said, moving closer to the window.

The three looked through the window and saw Sasuke talking to the shopkeeper.

Sasuke: I want ten large snakes and a crystal box to use as a cage.

The shopkeeper looked surprised but fulfilled the request nonetheless.

As they saw Sasuke leaving the shop, Harry, Ron, and Hermione hid. They watched him walk out, holding the crystal box containing the snakes.

Ron: I told you, there's no such thing as a dark wizard who wasn't in Slytherin.

Hermione: No, maybe they're just pets.

Harry: But, Hermione, don't you think it's suspicious that he bought exactly ten snakes?

Hermione couldn't deny it, since most snakes were used in rituals and for making poisons.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now