Final, Prisoner of Azkaban

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Sasuke watched as the werewolf rose, emanating hatred toward him.

Sasuke: I'm already tired of this. I can't kill him, but I can hurt him, he thought, stowing his wand.

The werewolf charged at Sasuke, but was hit by a spell. Sasuke looked back and saw Professor Snape approaching.

Although sweaty from the effort, Snape stood firm, facing the werewolf that had nearly killed him when he was younger.

Snape held his wand tightly but soon calmed down, as he had no intention of killing Lupin.

Snape: Go back to the castle, Uchiha. I'll handle this.

The werewolf snarled and lunged at them. Sasuke and Snape separated, casting a series of spells at Lupin. While Sasuke used cutting spells, Snape opted for explosive spells to contain him.

In constant motion, the two wizards unleashed spells in a dangerous dance.

Sasuke: Professor, if we keep this up, we're going to end up magically drained.

Snape: I know.

Sasuke: I have an idea. Let's trap him in a tree.

Snape: Ropes won't be enough to contain his strength.

Sasuke: We can use them to tie him to a tree and then transfigure them into chains.

Snape: Let's try. BOMBARDA! he shouted, casting an explosive spell.

The explosion was powerful enough to slam Lupin against a tree. Seizing the opportunity, Sasuke raised his wand.

Sasuke: INCARCEROUS! he shouted.

Many ropes began to bind the werewolf to the tree. Snape transfigured the ropes into chains before they could break. Lupin thrashed wildly, trying to break free.

Snape signaled to Sasuke, and they both pointed their wands at the werewolf, shouting with all their might.

Snape/Sasuke: DESMAIUS! they yelled.

Sasuke synchronized his casting with Snape's so that both spells combined and struck the werewolf squarely, knocking him unconscious.

Looking at the unconscious Lupin, Snape couldn't help but wonder how things would be if he had a friend who understood him instead of just judging him—someone like Sasuke.


Hours later, in the infirmary...

Three students were awake: Harry, Ron, and Hermione, who saw Professor Dumbledore sitting in a chair.

Harry: Professor Dumbledore, Sirius is innocent! he said quickly.

Hermione: It was all Peter's fault! she quickly added.

Ron: Yes, Professor, it was all Pettigrew's fault! he said just as fast.

Dumbledore: Pettigrew? he asked, confused.

Ron: My pet, Pettigrew, is an Animagus named Peter.

Sasuke: Can you keep it down? Some people are trying to rest.

Hermione: YOU... YOU ATTACKED US! she screamed.

Harry/Ron: WHAT? they shouted.

Dumbledore: Calm down. Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew are in custody in the North Tower, being interrogated by some staff and the Minister of Magic himself.

Dumbledore: You don't need to worry; we've already discovered who the true culprit is. I also want to inform you that Professor Lupin is fine.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione felt relieved upon hearing Dumbledore's words.

At that moment, three people entered the infirmary: Cornelius Fudge, Barty Crouch, and Dolores Umbridge. Among the three, it was Umbridge who stood out the most.

She was a short, plump woman who resembled a toad, dressed entirely in pink. She had a small neck, a puffy, flabby face, and an elongated mouth. Behind her stood a serious wizard, an elderly man, stiff and upright, wearing a perfectly starched robe. The part in his short, gray hair was almost unnaturally straight, and his narrow, brushed mustache seemed to have been trimmed with a design ruler.

Fudge: Mr. Uchiha, on behalf of the Ministry of Magic, I want to thank you for capturing Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. Thanks to you, we've put an end to this complicated case.

Sasuke: It was nothing, Minister. But I would like to claim the reward offered by the Ministry for capturing Black.

Everyone fell silent. Dumbledore looked disappointed, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione were irritated that Sasuke did all this just for the money.

Cornelius Fudge and Barty Crouch didn't know what to say, while Umbridge looked at the Muggle-born with hatred.

Umbridge: I don't think that... she didn't finish her sentence as she was interrupted by the emo.

Sasuke: When I receive the reward, it would be good to call the press and declare that I only helped in capturing Black. Even so, the kind minister considers that my participation should be rewarded. This way, we would show that you are a man of principles and words.

Crouch: He has us in the palm of his hand, he thought.

Umbridge: That filthy blood dares to threaten us, she thought.

Fudge: If I don't give the reward, my reputation will be tarnished. But five thousand Galleons are nothing in exchange for boosting my reputation, he thought.

Fudge: You're right, Mr. Uchiha. Your efforts should be rewarded, he said, smiling.

Sasuke: I'm glad to hear that.

Cornelius, Barty, and Dolores left to organize the interview and the reward distribution. The interview photos would make the front page of the Daily Prophet.

Dumbledore left the four of them alone. Sasuke closed the curtains around the bed and went to sleep, ignoring the other three.

Hermione decided to recount what had happened to the others.

Harry: Who cast the Patronus, Hermione?

Hermione: I don't know. The only thing I managed to see before I passed out was a corporeal Patronus in the shape of a doe.

Ron: Who could have cast that Patronus?

Hermione: Maybe it was Professor Snape.

Harry and Ron started laughing.

Harry: Impossible, Hermione.

Ron: Yeah, it's more likely that a bat cast it, he said, laughing a little.

Harry: Maybe it was someone else who showed up to help.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now