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The news of the confrontation between Sasuke Uchiha and Sirius Black spread throughout Hogwarts, with reports claiming that he was dealing with a murderer.

In the Gryffindor common room, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were doing their homework when Neville burst in.

Neville: Harry, you need to go to the hospital wing. Your godfather faced Sasuke Uchiha and he's in bad shape.

Harry dropped his things and started running, followed by Ron and Hermione. However, upon arriving at the hospital wing, he was blocked by three Aurors.

Bell: Mr. Potter, you can't go in.

Harry: But he's my godfather; I need to see him.

Tonks: Harry, he's being treated. Wait for Madam Pomfrey to come out.

Kingsley: Stay calm, Harry...

Pomfrey: I managed to stabilize him, but he's in critical condition. We need to take him to St. Mungo's.

Kingsley took out a mirror and informed Scrimgeour, then put it away.

Kingsley: Madam Pomfrey, come with us. We're heading to St. Mungo's.

The Aurors and the nurse left, and Harry only saw the floating stretcher carrying his godfather's body disappearing up the chimney.

Harry: I want to go with them.

???: No, you can't. It's an order from the headmaster.

Turning around, Harry saw Professor McGonagall with her usual serious expression.


In the headmaster's office were Dumbledore, Sasuke, Amelia Bones, and Rufus Scrimgeour.

Sasuke had reported everything that happened during his encounter with Sirius Black.

Amelia: We have all the evidence needed to send him to Azkaban, Dumbledore.

Dumbledore: I don't think it's necessary to go to such extremes, Amelia. Despite the incident, no one died.

Amelia: No one died? He almost killed a student, and you want to let this slide...

Sasuke: Why are you so interested in letting it slide? Do you think he won't survive?

Phineas Black: What do you mean the last Black won't survive? What did you do? — he said, glaring at Sasuke.

Sasuke: He tried to kill me, so I defended myself.

Phineas Black: That fool, he did it again when he...

Sasuke: What do you mean "did it again"?

Phineas Black: !!!

All the portraits stared at Phineas, wishing to silence him for speaking out.

Sasuke: This has happened before, hasn't it? — he asked, looking at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore remained silent.

Sasuke: Now I understand. When I said he tried to kill me, you weren't surprised, nor was Professor Snape.

Rufus: Dumbledore, there are no reports indicating that Sirius Black has attempted to kill a student in the past. You covered it up.

Dumbledore: Phineas didn't express himself correctly; it was just a joke that almost went wrong.

Sasuke: Don't change the subject. There's a precedent. So, did you threaten or bribe the victim?

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now