Slytherins Divided II

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Five hours earlier, Sasuke was engaged in physical training. As always, he was training hard to become stronger. At that moment, he was climbing a cliff without using chakra and with one hand tied behind his back.

On other training days, he walked on water while carrying stones. Sometimes he would end up sinking, but he would quickly continue with his training. At other times, he sat down to meditate, aiming to achieve complete harmony with nature, all in order to increase his physical and spiritual energy reserves, since the combination of both produces chakra.

After reaching the top of the cliff, Sasuke fell to the ground completely exhausted. It was already night, and he decided to rest a bit to regain his strength.

Sasuke: Winky.

A crackling sound could be heard, and the elf appeared.

Winky: Yes, master.

Sasuke: Take me back to the base.

Winky: Yes, master.

They both Apparated back to the base, which was being tended to by Alfa.

Alfa: Master, are you injured? Are you alright?

Sasuke: I'm fine, just a little tired. I'm going to take a shower; in the meantime, prepare a quick dinner.

Alfa: Yes, master.

While showering, Sasuke contemplated what he had read in the Prophet and how he managed to smuggle his elves into Hogwarts.

Before the semester started, Winky had returned from Diagon Alley with a copy of the Daily Prophet. Sasuke read the security measures they had published but wasn't very interested. What caught his attention the most was the news that Hogwarts would have reinforced defenses.

Sasuke: It seems that now elves who haven't been to Hogwarts won't be able to Apparate there. They need to be inside in order to move freely by Apparition. How am I going to get them there? - He wondered.

After pondering for a while, he came up with a simple idea: buy an extended trunk and put in a false bottom. Winky and Alfa would hide inside, camouflaged along with the ninja weapons.

When the banquet ended, to Sasuke's relief, he was the first to return to his room and was glad to see the trunk; it seemed that the elves had not been detected.

Sasuke took them out of the trunk and ordered that both of them return to the base the next morning, where they would stay temporarily. He transfigured a bed for the elves and pulled food and water for them from a scroll. While the elves were eating, Sasuke heard screams outside the room.

As he descended the stairs, he saw that the majority of his housemates were casting spells against a small group huddled in a corner of the common room. Sasuke jumped in front of the small group.

A cloud of smoke was raised by the impact, but when it dissipated, they saw something that left them both surprised and terrified.

Sasuke was surrounded by a purple aura and several bones.

Sasuke: So, you're going to take care of me, a blood traitor? - he said, glaring at them furiously.

Sasuke: Now I will show you why the name Uchiha symbolizes terror.

Everyone became even more frightened when they saw the bones around Sasuke taking form.

In all its splendor, the Susanoo appeared in its skeletal form. Several students began to scream in fear. They saw that Sasuke's eyes were red for a moment, then returned to black.

Sasuke: What's the matter? Why aren't you attacking? Didn't you say you'd take care of me?

Several seventh-year students looked at Sasuke with hatred, despite being terrified.

Slytherin: Don't get too cocky, blood traitor. That doesn't scare us.

Many spells such as Bombarda and Crucio were cast. Several spells impacted the Susanoo, but nothing happened. Many students fainted when Sasuke released his killer instinct; all those who fainted had hallucinations about their own deaths.

Sasuke: It's over. No more gossip or lies, no more dividing into sides, no more attacking each other, no more threats, and no more attacking other houses for no reason. If Voldemort wants to recruit followers, he should do it outside of Hogwarts. Slytherin is not his breeding ground for Death Eaters.

The students who were awake nodded, including the group he was protecting.

Sasuke drew his wand and summoned a scroll and a quill, which flew to him. No one moved, and when Sasuke finished writing, he called Yaxley.

Yaxley didn't want to approach him, but Sasuke called him again. Fearfully, he stepped closer. Sasuke handed him the scroll and told him to deliver it to Voldemort and say that it was from him.

Sasuke: Don't forget, what happens in Slytherin stays in Slytherin. - Everyone nodded at his words as the Susanoo disappeared.

Draco was impressed by Sasuke's power.

Astoria and Daphne were happy that Sasuke had protected them.

The other students were scared on a level that surpassed their fear of Voldemort. Even though they had already known, they now had confirmation that they should never, ever provoke or confront Sasuke.

During the chaos, the portraits desperately sought out Professor Snape. When he arrived in the common room, the commotion had already subsided, and no one said anything.

Snape thought they were having some argument that had been resolved. He left the common room and returned to his duties.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now