Hogsmeade V

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As the two groups dispersed, the first evacuated the students while the other confronted the Death Eaters. Tonks, Kingsley, and Sirius rushed toward the source of the explosions, finding several injured students. The villagers fought to protect the students, but there were already about four casualties; they were no match for the Death Eaters.

Tonks, Kingsley, and Sirius cast their spells, managing to halt the advance of the five Death Eaters.

Snyde: What a surprise, I didn't expect to be greeted by the famous Black.

Black: Shut up, you filthy Death Eater.

Crabbe: It's true; I didn't extend my condolences for your cousin Bellatrix.

Black: She means nothing to me.

Kingsley: Don't let them get to you, Sirius.

Goyle: CRUCIO! — he shouted, pointing his wand at Tonks.


Kingsley and Sirius: DESMAIUS! — they shouted in unison.

However, they were intercepted by two masked Death Eaters.


Kingsley, Sirius, and Tonks dove to the side to dodge the curse.

Death Eater 1 and Death Eater 2: DESTRUCTO! — they yelled.

Sirius, Tonks, and Kingsley: PROTEGO! — they shouted to shield themselves.

Goyle: BOMBARDA! — he bellowed, hitting the shield.

Sirius, Tonks, and Kingsley were thrown back.

Snyde: AVADA... — he began, but Twycross and Sayles were quicker, shouting, "Expulso!"

Snyde raised a shield with his wand.

Sirius: Looks like your numerical advantage has run out.

Snyde: Don't count your victories yet, Black.


Meanwhile, another five Death Eaters were dueling against Goodweather, Draco, Ginny, Zacharias, Neville, Susan, Ernie, and Hannah.



Zacharias: Petrificus Totalus.

Goodweather, Neville, Susan, Ernie, and Hannah also shouted "Desmaius."

The five Death Eaters shouted "Protego."

Death Eaters 1 and 2 pointed their wands and yelled "Dharto."

Death Eaters 3, 4, and 5 screamed "Crucio."

Draco, Zacharias, and Ginny quickly aimed at the debris from the collapsed houses and shouted "Wingardium Leviosa" to intercept the spells.

A curtain of smoke rose, but Draco and Zacharias wasted no time, shouting "Devaister."

Roots from the ground ensnared Death Eaters 4 and 5, while the other three yelled "Avada Kedavra." Everyone dove to the sides to evade.

Death Eaters 1, 2, and 3 continued casting the Killing Curse.

Meanwhile, the others hid behind some rubble, but not for long.

Draco: We can't waste time, Longbottom, Bones, Abbott, Macmillan, and Mr. Goodweather. I need you to distract them while we attack from behind. — he said, pointing to Ginny and Zacharias.

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