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The next day, Sasuke exited the Slytherin common room with Astoria, Draco, and Daphne, heading toward the Great Hall. On their way, they encountered Luna, who joined their group.

Luna sat with them at the Slytherin table for breakfast. As they talked, Susan approached.

Susan: Good morning, Sasuke.

Sasuke: Good morning.

Susan: Sasuke, my aunt asked me to give this to you.

Sasuke took the letter, and as he read it, the others watched him with anticipation.

Luna: Sasuke, what is it about?

Sasuke: Nothing alarming. Black agreed to the conditions I imposed to avoid being sent to Azkaban.

Daphne: What were those conditions?

Sasuke: Nothing extraordinary, just compensation for attempting to kill me. Also, none of his descendants will be allowed to attend Hogwarts in the future.

Luna: Sasuke, that seems a bit extreme.

Sasuke: That's why I added one more condition: if he sincerely apologizes, his descendants may attend Hogwarts. Now, it's up to him.

Luna: So, he just needs to come and apologize.

Draco, Daphne, Astoria, and Susan all thought in unison: I highly doubt Black will apologize; his pride won't let him.

Just then, an owl flew into the Great Hall and delivered another letter to Sasuke. The sender was identified by the Gringotts logo.

Sasuke had a good idea of its contents. Upon opening the letter, he confirmed that a significant amount of money had been deposited into his vault, along with a copy of his account statement.

Sasuke smiled in satisfaction.

Astoria: Why are you smiling?

Sasuke: I just received some good news.

The others didn't quite understand what he meant, but they quickly moved on to class.


St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries

Dumbledore: Harry, here he is.

Harry opened the door to find Sirius sitting up in bed.

Sirius: Harry, I'm glad you came to see me.

Harry rushed over and hugged him tightly, saying:

Harry: I'm so glad you're alive.

Sirius: Thanks, Harry, but I've got some bad news for you.

Harry: What is it, Sirius?

Sirius: The Invisibility Cloak was destroyed by Uchiha.

Harry: That bastard! How could he burn one of my father's relics? Wasn't it enough to burn the Marauder's Map, now the Cloak too?

Sirius: He burned the map too.

Harry: Yeah, Hermione told me.

Sirius: I see. Harry, now more than ever, you mustn't face him.

Harry: But he needs to pay for what he's done.

Sirius: He's dangerous. Remember when Remus told us about the massacre of the werewolves?

Harry: Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now