Dinner Before the Selection

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During the years the emo studied at Hogwarts, he had never seen a dinner like the one that night. So many delicious dishes appeared on all the tables. There were several dishes that were definitely foreign.

They were probably made to give the guests a taste of home along with traditional Hogwarts food. The emo, who was already hungry, started eating a piece of black pudding.

The Hogwarts girls looked at the Beauxbatons girls with furrowed brows. The Beauxbatons students chose to sit at the Ravenclaw table.

Viktor Krum and the other Durmstrang students sat at the Slytherin table.

The Hogwarts students were excited, asking for autographs from Viktor and blocking the passage. Sasuke walked in front of Viktor and said, "Get out of the way, you useless," leaving everyone silent. No one imagined that the emo would say such a thing to Krum. Karkaroff grew irritated and demanded that the emo apologize.

Sasuke ignored him and sat down. Karkaroff was about to complain more when Professor Snape appeared, and he calmed down.

But this incident spread quickly. The fanatics were furious. Ron began to hate him even more for the way he spoke to Krum.

Once all the students had settled at their respective house tables, the headmasters of the other schools and guests approached the main table.

Dumbledore gave a brief speech. When he finished, the banquet began. Bartemius Crouch and the head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, Ludo Bagman, entered the Great Hall.

They joined the headmasters as they would now be the referees for the Triwizard Tournament. Both had contributed significantly to bringing the Triwizard Tournament back.

Dumbledore walked up to a golden sculpture that stood in front of the teachers' table. He extended his wand, and the sculpture began to dissolve, revealing a cup. A blue flame ignited above the cup as Dumbledore began announcing the rules: "The champions are chosen by the Goblet of Fire," "Three challenging tasks," "The champion with the highest score will win the Goblet of Fire," "The time to enter will be 24 hours," "Only students who are 17 years old may participate."

As he explained, the emo listened to the students who were under 17 discussing ways to trick the Goblet of Fire.

Before returning to the common room, he gestured for Zacharias, who approached.

Sasuke: I think I know how to trick the Goblet, but I can't guarantee it'll work.

Zacharias: I understand—he said with a smile. Let's make a pact. No matter who is chosen, we'll support each other in everything.

Sasuke: Okay.

Sasuke: He reminds me of Naruto. He's loud, not talented, but he works really hard and is slowly getting results—he thought.

Sasuke: Since there's an age limit, we only have two options:

1. Ask an older student to put our names in the Goblet.

2. Ask a house-elf to put our names in the Goblet. That might work because wizards underestimate house-elves, and Dumbledore's spell is meant for wizards.

Zacharias: What if the elf refuses?

Sasuke: They won't. They're very servile and like to fulfill requests, especially from Hufflepuff students, but don't forget to tell it not to tell anyone.

Sasuke: I will use my house-elf. Let's meet at midnight in the History of Magic classroom. To avoid getting caught by Filch, call the elf in the dormitory and ask her to Apparate to the room.

Zacharias: Okay.


It was midnight, and everyone was already asleep. Sasuke, who was in his room, called for Winky, his elf, who appeared wearing different clothes, and she stood beside the emo.

Winky: I call you master Sasuke.

Sasuke: Yes, let's go to the History of Magic classroom.

Sasuke took the elf's hand and vanished, reappearing in the classroom. Two seconds later, Zacharias appeared with a Hogwarts elf named Rolf.

Sasuke instructed Winky to enter the Great Hall to check if anyone was watching. The elf disappeared and quickly reappeared to say there was no one around.

Sasuke and Zacharias held their respective elves' hands and vanished, reappearing near the Goblet of Fire. They handed a piece of parchment with their names to the elves and told them to put it in the cup.

After confirming there were no issues, Sasuke suggested they leave before anyone showed up. They both said their goodbyes and disappeared.

On Saturdays, students usually arrived late in the Great Hall for breakfast. Sasuke always went to the Great Hall early, but he was surprised to find that this time, when he arrived, the Great Hall was already filled with students.

Many students were gathered around Cedric, who was holding a piece of parchment and walking toward the cup.

The Durmstrang students returned to the boat after putting their names in the goblet.

The same was done by the Beauxbatons students.

Due to Halloween, Professor Flitwick had decorated the entire school. Bats flew across the enchanted sky, and pumpkins with spooky faces lined the corners.

Students were having breakfast while looking at the Goblet of Fire.

Sasuke: Do you know which students from the other schools put their names in the goblet? - He asked casually.

Girl: All the Durmstrang students did, and some from Beauxbatons—said a second-year girl. - Angelina Johnson from Gryffindor, Warrington from our house, Roger Davis from Ravenclaw, and Cedric Diggory from Hufflepuff also entered—she said, seeing the emo nod.

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