The Return of Hagrid

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The Gryffindor common room remained somber after their disastrous defeat. Harry and Ron sat beside the fireplace, staring into the flames in complete silence. Hermione and Ginny tried to cheer them up, but nothing seemed to work.

Later that evening, Hermione approached them again, determined to lift their spirits.

Hermione: Well, she said, her voice slightly trembling, I know something that might cheer you both up.

Harry: Oh, really? he replied incredulously.

Hermione: Yes, she answered, stepping away from the dark window, a broad smile lighting up her face. Hagrid's back.

Harry rushed to the boys' dormitory to grab the Invisibility Cloak and the Marauder's Map from his trunk; he moved so quickly that he and Ron were ready to leave at least five minutes before Hermione hurried back from the girls' dormitory, wearing a scarf, gloves, and one of the hats she had made for the house-elves.

Hermione: Well, it's cold out there! she defended herself when Ron huffed impatiently. They slipped through the portrait hole and quickly covered themselves with the cloak.

Ron had grown so much that he now had to hunch down to keep his feet from showing. Moving slowly and cautiously, they descended the many stairs, stopping periodically to check the map for signs of Filch or Madam Nor-r-ra.

They were lucky; they didn't see anyone except Nearly Headless Nick, who was floating distractedly, humming something that horrifyingly resembled "Weasley is Our King." They dodged through the entrance hall and made their way to the snow-covered, silent grounds of the school. With his heart racing, Harry spotted golden squares of light ahead and smoke spiraling from Hagrid's chimney.

He broke into a quick stride, the other two bumping and jostling to keep up with him. Excited, they crushed the deepening snow underfoot until they finally reached the wooden door of the hut. When Harry raised his fist and knocked three times, a dog began barking excitedly inside the house.

Harry: Hagrid, it's us! he called through the keyhole.

Hagrid: Should've known! came a hoarse voice. The boys exchanged smiles under the cloak; they could tell from Hagrid's voice that he was pleased. I got here three minutes ago... get out of the way, Fang... move aside, you dumb dog... The latch clicked open, and Hagrid's head appeared in the gap.

Hermione: By Merlin's beard! she shouted.

Hagrid: Keep it down! Hagrid quickly said, glancing nervously over the boys' heads. Under the cloak, is it? Come on, come in!

Hermione: Sorry! she exclaimed as the three of them squeezed into Hagrid's hut, pulling the cloak back so he could see them. I just... oh, Hagrid!

Hagrid: It's nothing, nothing! Hagrid hurriedly reassured them, closing the door and rushing to pull down all the curtains, but Hermione continued to gaze at him in horror. His hair was matted with blood, and his left eye was reduced to a swollen slit amid a mass of purple and black. There were numerous cuts on his face and hands, some still bleeding, and he moved awkwardly, leading Harry to suspect he had broken some ribs. It was clear he had just arrived.

Harry: What happened to you? he asked while Fang danced around the three, trying to lick their faces.

Hagrid: I told you, it's nothing, Hagrid replied firmly. Want a cup?

Ron: Cut it out; you're all banged up.

Hagrid: I'm telling you, I'm fine, Hagrid insisted, straightening up and trying to smile at the boys but grimacing instead. Blimey, it's good to see you three again. Did you have a good holiday?

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