The Assassin Mage I

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Everyone felt tense and impressed. The emo walked towards them, but before he could speak, he was interrupted.

Luna: Thank you for saving us, Sasuke.

Hermione: That was incredible. What kind of spell was that?

The others remained silent, still in shock. Mad-Eye decided to break the silence.

Moody: How did you get here, and why?

Sasuke: I came to save my friend. Besides, you should bind them. My attack won't leave them unconscious for long.

Remus: I'll take care of that.

Moody: Well, we'll discuss this later. The important thing now is to get out of here. Lupin and Kingsley, bind the Death Eaters and don't forget to cast anti-Apparition spells. I'll handle these three. Sirius, Arthur, you can do the honors.

The three cast Levicorpus on Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and Rabastan. With all the commotion, the press would undoubtedly arrive soon, eager to have the Lestrange clan on the front page.

Remus approached Tonks and said "Enervate." She woke up and asked what had happened.

Moody: We'll explain on the way. Don't strain yourself too much. Let's go.

They all walked on. Sasuke was bombarded with questions from Luna, Hermione, and Ginny. He answered some questions and ignored others. Harry, Ron, and Neville looked at him with fear.

Sirius felt a strong aversion towards the emo.

Remus looked at Sasuke, amazed by his growth. He even felt a bit proud of himself, having been the emo's teacher during his second year.

Tonks walked behind everyone, not wanting her eyes to meet the emo's. She recalled the 50 times she had been rejected and hoped he wouldn't remember or recognize her.

As they walked, the emo asked why they had come.

The members of Dumbledore's Army didn't know what to say until Luna broke the silence. She explained that Harry had a vision of Voldemort torturing Mr. Black.

Some shuddered at hearing that name. She also mentioned that they had arrived with the help of the Thestrals.

Sasuke: I see. But which of the unconscious ones is Voldemort?

Everyone was surprised to discover that Sasuke wasn't afraid to say the Dark Lord's name and didn't know who he was.

Harry: But you met him last year, in the cemetery.

Sasuke: He was Voldemort. To me, he was just a crazy bald guy. Are you sure?

Everyone looked at him, incredulous.

Ron: That's why we were training until you found us.

Sasuke: But how are you sure he was Voldemort? I haven't seen any photos so far.

Hermione: It was him. We believe Harry.

Sasuke: Without any photo, anyone could say they are Voldemort, and many fools would believe it. For example, if I said I'm Voldemort.

Some grew nervous. Sirius had his wand ready and was poised to attack.

Sasuke: Seeing that Voldemort wasn't here, you realized it was a trap, didn't you? Did no one suspect that?

Everyone fell silent.

Sasuke: Your silence says it all.

Luna: But everything turned out fine. You helped us.

As they reached the lobby, Harry's scar began to hurt. He felt as if his head would split open, and during his screams of pain, Voldemort appeared before them.

Voldemort: Tell me, which of you has my prophecy? I will spare the life of whoever hands it over.

Everyone drew their wands, except for the emo, who stared intently at the bald man.

Moody: Remus, Sirius, Tonks, Arthur, we need to buy time for the kids to escape.

Harry: We want to fight.

Sirius shouted that he would leave. While everyone was focused on the Dark Lord, the Lestrange clan fell to the ground but remained unconscious.

Harry and Voldemort locked eyes. After a moment, Harry screamed in pain again. Everyone was worried, trying to help, except for the emo.

Moody: Arthur, Tonks, don't take your eyes off Voldemort.

Bellatrix woke up and, upon seeing her master, screamed an apology, but he ignored her.

Voldemort: Did you break my prophecy? - he asked, looking at Harry with his red eyes.

Harry said nothing.

Voldemort: I see the truth within your mind... months of preparation, months of effort... and my followers allowed Harry Potter to ruin my plans once again.


Voldemort: SILENCE, BELLA - he ordered - I'll deal with you later. Do you think I entered the Ministry of Magic to listen to your pleas for forgiveness?

Voldemort: I have nothing more to say to you, Potter. You have annoyed me enough. You've spent quite some time bothering me.

They fell silent as they watched the emo walk forward and stand directly in front of Voldemort.

Sasuke: What's your name?

Everyone was silent, thinking the same thing: "What kind of question is that?"

Voldemort: How do you not know my name? Listen well, little boy. I am Lord Voldemort.

Sasuke: I see. I'm Sasuke Uchiha - he said while drawing his wand.

Voldemort: Sasuke Uchiha - he thought, recalling all the information provided by Lucius.

Voldemort: It's incredible that you don't feel fear upon hearing my name, as it inspires terror.

Voldemort: Sasuke Uchiha, I'm impressed by your achievements. Despite the state of your blood, you represent my house well.

Sasuke: Your house?

Voldemort: Slytherin. I've heard many good things about you and your talents. Therefore, I will offer you a golden opportunity. Join me and swear allegiance. You have no idea of the benefits you will gain, and as for all the power, no one will discriminate against you. I will grant you your greatest desires.

Everyone was stunned by Voldemort's proposal. Most were worried, fearing the emo would become a Death Eater. They were afraid, knowing they would be in deep trouble if he accepted.

Sirius: I have to take him out as soon as possible. He's going to become a dark wizard - he thought while pointing his wand at the emo.

Sasuke: Can you explain what you intend to gain from this? What is your objective?

Voldemort: My goal is to dominate the magical world and subjugate the wizards who are not purebloods, as only pureblood wizards should exist. We will rule the Muggles. I offer you the same privilege as a pureblood.

Sasuke: In other words, I either join you or I die, right?

Voldemort: You're very clever.

Sasuke: Let me think.

Everyone grew nervous upon hearing this, while Voldemort smiled.

Sasuke: I will join you if you kneel.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now