Witch's Heart

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The next day, in the Slytherin common room, Sasuke woke up early to do his morning exercises by the lake.

He descended the stairs and, in the center of the common room, noticed something that caught his attention. Pansy Parkinson and Tiffany Selwin were preparing something. He couldn't see what it was, but he observed empty test tubes with remnants of liquid.

Sasuke decided to ignore it and quietly left the common room.

Upon reaching the lake, he began running to stay in shape. Then, he ran through the Forbidden Forest, dodging trees without slowing down. After a while, he called Winky.

Sasuke: Winky.

Winky: Did you call, Master Sasuke?

Sasuke: Take me back to my room.

Winky: Understood. - She said, grabbing the emo's hand and vanishing.

Sasuke: You may leave.

Winky appeared again, and the emo went to take a shower before heading to breakfast.

During breakfast, the owls began arriving with the mail. Along with the mail came the latest edition of the Daily Prophet. Whispers started as the students read the newspaper and looked at Sasuke, who was having breakfast.


Harry, Ron, and Hermione had received a letter from Sirius to meet in Hogsmeade on the next visit. They noticed other students were looking at them, but in a way, it was normal since the gazes were likely directed at Harry.

The trio headed to Potions class, but when they arrived, they saw everyone reading the newspaper and began to mock them, especially the Slytherin students.

Pansy: Here, Granger. Maybe this will be to your liking. - She said, smiling as she handed over the newspaper.

Hermione opened the newspaper to read the article along with Ron and Harry as Professor Snape began the class.

The article featured a photo of Sasuke and Hermione with the headline:

The Romeo and Juliet of Hogwarts.

This is a popular Muggle story about two young lovers who, despite their families' opposition, decided to marry in secret and live together. However, due to the rivalry between the families and a series of misfortunes, the couple opted for suicide because they did not want to be separated.

The heads of Slytherin and Gryffindor, Severus Snape and Minerva McGonagall, should offer psychological support to their students to prevent such a tragedy.

Reliable sources reported that Miss Granger's dubious charms were not enough to attract the young Slytherin.

She's very ugly - declared Pansy Parkinson, a beautiful Slytherin in her fourth year. But she's perfectly capable of brewing a love potion because she's a know-it-all. I think that's how she managed to catch Sasuke's attention. Love potions are forbidden at Hogwarts, and there's no doubt that Albus Dumbledore will be interested in investigating this suspicion. In the meantime, Sasuke Uchiha's admirers will have to accept it and wait for another opportunity to offer their hearts.

The trio was in shock. They realized the stares weren't directed at Harry, but at Hermione.


Sasuke, along with Zacharias and Luna, was heading back to the Great Hall for lunch. The three were confused and wondered why several girls were approaching the emo and begging him to go to the infirmary so Madame Pomfrey could check on him. Sasuke insisted he was fine and ignored them.

Luna said she would investigate why the girls wanted him to go to the infirmary and headed to the Ravenclaw table, while Zacharias went to the Hufflepuff table.

Sasuke made his way to the Slytherin table. As he sat down, a housemate handed him the newspaper, saying there was an article about him. Sasuke took the newspaper and read the title: The Romeo and Juliet of Hogwarts, and saw the photo of him and Hermione together.

After reading half of the article, he was interrupted by the arrival of several owls delivering letters to Hermione. The letters were howlers that began to yell at Hermione: "YOU'RE A HORRIBLE WITCH!", "HOW DARE YOU USE DIRTY TRICKS TO WIN OVER SASUKE!", "SASUKE DESERVES BETTER!", "WHY ARE YOU SEDUCING A SLYTHERIN AS A GRYFFINDOR?", "HE WILL BECOME A DARK WIZARD!" The shouts continued with various insults, claiming that Slytherin only produced dark wizards.

Sasuke observed all this with a neutral expression. He wasn't concerned until a specific howler caught his attention, as it was oozing the same liquid he had seen in the test tube that morning. Sasuke quickly moved and grabbed his wand to cast the Bubble-Head Charm on the letter. All the Gryffindors drew their wands and pointed them at him. The older students asked, "Why are you casting spells at our table, Serpent?"

Seconds later, the letter exploded but was contained by the Bubble-Head Charm. Everyone saw that after the letter exploded, the bubble was covered by a viscous liquid. They all realized that the liquid was undiluted Bubotuber pus.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Sasuke disarmed all the Gryffindors, sending their wands flying across the room. He returned to the Slytherin table, calling the Gryffindors pathetic.

All the students in the Great Hall were surprised to see Sasuke disarm all the Gryffindors. Pansy was now afraid that Sasuke would become her enemy. She decided to stop bullying and insulting Hermione.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now