Moody vs Sasuke I

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In a prominent mansion in London, two people were having tea on the terrace. These people were Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy.

Narcissa: You know, Lucius, I'm glad that Draco's fifteenth birthday is approaching. I think we should find him a betrothed during the party.

Lucius: I agree. He has two years left before he graduates from Hogwarts. Do you have anyone in mind?

Narcissa: I haven't decided yet, as there are few girls who meet our requirements. Besides being pure-blood, they must also have their own fortune to join ours.

Lucius: You are absolutely right.

Narcissa: The candidates could be the daughters of the Greengrass, Yaxley, Selwyn, and Parkinson families.

Lucius: I'll leave the organization and the guest list in your hands.

Narcissa: I will invite our friends along with their respective sons and daughters. Perhaps it won't just be Draco who finds a betrothed. Blood supremacy must continue.

Lucius was reading the newspaper when he noticed an article about the witch's heart, which discussed Sasuke and Hermione.

Like Dumbledore, Lucius had also conducted an investigation on the emo. He knew that Sasuke had a great fortune in Gringotts and a large house, not as grand as Malfoy Manor, but still substantial.

Lucius continued sending letters to Draco, advising him to maintain a good relationship with Sasuke.

Although he didn't care for Muggle-borns or half-bloods, to him, Sasuke was an exception. His strength and wealth were enough for Lucius to overlook the fact that he was Muggle-born.

In his view, a brilliant person like Sasuke should do everything possible to marry a pure-blood witch to improve the genetics of the next generation.

Lucius thought that Sasuke was merely toying with Hermione, as he believed it was better to marry a pure-blood than a half-blood. He smiled, as an idea came to him.

Lucius: My love, let's send an invitation to Sasuke Uchiha. Perhaps he will find a suitable betrothed as well.

Narcissa: That sounds fine, she said, listening to her husband explain the reasons for inviting Sasuke.


At Hogwarts, the fake Moody was cursing Sasuke in his thoughts. His plans were falling apart. If Harry didn't touch the cup, his master wouldn't return, as he specified that Harry's blood was needed.

Moody: I need to come up with a plan. Think, think, think, he said while looking at the class schedules and smiling, as an idea struck him.


The third-year students from Slytherin and Hufflepuff were heading to Defense Against the Dark Arts class. They all sat down and waited for Professor Moody.

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