Slytherin vs. Gryffindor

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Somewhere thousands of kilometers from Hogwarts, Voldemort was furious about the latest information he had received regarding the older students from Slytherin House.

Voldemort glared angrily at the Death Eaters.

Voldemort: How is it possible that your children have submitted to this blood traitor?

Goyle: Master, it's not what it seems...

Voldemort: CRUCIO!

Goyle screamed as he writhed on the floor.

Voldemort: Are you insinuating that I am wrong?

Goyle: No, sir, I didn't mean to insult you.

The others watched the scene in silence.

Most knew he was furious with Sasuke Uchiha due to the failure of his plan to assassinate Dumbledore after his spy was discovered and also because of the howler received from the emo who insulted him, calling him a coward for not fighting his own battles.

The Dark Lord's fury was overflowing; it now seemed to be a competition of who he hated more, Harry Potter or Sasuke Uchiha.

Amico Carrow stepped forward and knelt.

Amico: Master, the test subjects didn't survive; they are all dead.

Voldemort: Get more and continue the experiments.

Amico: Yes, master.

Voldemort: Bella, Rabastan, form teams and pay a Christmas visit to the Ministry of Magic.

Bellatrix: Yes, master.

Voldemort: Bole, get more test subjects. Go to the usual places.

Bole: Yes, master.

Voldemort: And what about the others? How is the recruitment going?

Scabior: We have the support of the giants, master.

Voldemort: Excellent.

Gibbon: The werewolves have refused, master. They don't want to come to England, especially after hearing that the bounty hunter Raven annihilated Greyback's army.

Voldemort: I don't want excuses. CRUCIO!

Gibbon fell to the ground screaming.

Voldemort: I want results.

Torfin Rowle: We managed to place more spies in the Ministry.

Merula Snyde: Several pure-blood families still want to remain neutral.

Voldemort: CRUCIO!

Merula writhed, screaming.

Voldemort: Make them aware that time is running out and they need to decide. There are no more neutrals in this war.

A few hours later, Severus Snape, summoned by Voldemort, arrived.

Voldemort: Step forward, Severus.

Snape: Yes, master.

Voldemort: I have a mission for you. I want you to find out the location of Sasuke Uchiha's residence.

Snape: Master, I'm not sure that's possible. Although I am head of Slytherin, I don't possess that kind of information. The only person besides the headmaster who might know is the deputy headmistress.

Voldemort: I am ordering you, and you will obey me. I don't want to hear your pathetic excuses.

Snape: Yes, master.


The next day, in Dumbledore's office, Severus informed him about Voldemort's request and the little information he managed to extract from his fellow Death Eaters regarding the recruitment.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now