Department of Mysteries

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Harry and Hermione emerged from the Forbidden Forest, pondering how they would reach the Department of Mysteries when they heard a voice behind them.

Ron: So—he said, pushing aside a low branch and handing Harry his wand—do you have any ideas?

Harry: How did you guys escape?—he asked, surprised, taking the outstretched wand.

Ron: A couple of Stunning Spells, one Disarming Charm, and Neville executed a beautifully timed Impediment Jinx—he said casually, now returning Hermione's wand. But Ginny was the best; she caught Malfoy with a Boggart-Repelling Charm.

Ron: And what did you do with Umbridge?

Harry: She was taken away—Harry said. —By a herd of centaurs.

Ginny: And they left you here?—she asked, astonished.

Harry: No, they were driven off by Grawp—he informed.

Luna: Who's Grawp?—she asked, intrigued.

Ron: Hagrid's little brother—he replied promptly. —But that doesn't matter right now. Harry, what did you find in the fireplace? Did You-Know-Who capture Sirius or...?

Harry: He did—his scar gave another painful throb—and I'm sure Sirius is still alive, but I don't see how we'll get there to help him.

Luna: Well, we'll have to fly, won't we?—she said in a tone closer to the mundane than Harry had ever seen her use.

Harry: Alright—he said irritably, turning to the girl. —First of all, "we" aren't doing anything if you're including yourself in the group, and secondly, Ron is the only one who has a broom that isn't guarded by a troll, so...

Ginny: I have a broom!

Ron: Yeah, but you're not going—he said angrily.

Ginny: Excuse me, but I care just as much about what happens to Sirius as you do!—she shot back, setting her jaw, causing her resemblance to Fred and George to suddenly intensify.

Harry: You're so...—he started, but Ginny interrupted him vehemently.

Ginny: I'm three years older than you were when you faced You-Know-Who for the Philosopher's Stone.

Harry: Yes, but...

Neville: We were all together in DA—Neville said quietly. —The idea was to fight You-Know-Who, right? And this is our first chance to actually do something... or was it all just a joke or what?

Harry: No... of course it wasn't...—he retorted impatiently.

Neville: Then we should go too—he concluded simply. —We want to help.

Luna: Right—she supported, smiling happily.

Ron's gaze met Harry's. He knew Ron was thinking the same thing he was: if he could choose anyone from D.A. besides Ron and Hermione to accompany him on the attempt to rescue Sirius, he wouldn't have chosen Ginny, Neville, or Luna.

Harry: Well, in the end, it doesn't matter—he said, frustrated—because we still don't know how we're getting there...

Luna: I thought we had already decided that—she said exasperatingly. —We'll fly!

Ron: Listen—he said, barely containing his annoyance—maybe you can fly without a broom, but we can't sprout wings whenever...

Luna: There are other ways to fly besides brooms—she countered calmly.

Ron: I suppose we're going to ride on the back of a Thestral or something.

Luna: Thestrals don't fly—she said dignifiedly—but they can fly, and Hagrid says they're very good at finding the places their riders are looking for.

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