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Moody was drinking from his canteen like a madman. Half an hour after the third-year students left, the fifth-year students arrived. They untied the teacher just in time, and he started drinking like a lunatic.

News of Sasuke defeating the teacher spread throughout the school. The third-year students were happy since Professor Moody had been using the Imperius Curse on them. The other professors weren't pleased with this news, except for Professor Snape, though his expression suggested otherwise.


Most students from the third year and above were excited for the weekend, as it would be the last visit of the year to Hogsmeade. Sasuke, on the other hand, was not interested in visiting the village. He just wanted to train.

In the Ravenclaw Tower, there was a blonde girl plotting a plan to convince her friend to visit the village with her. Her two other friends had already agreed to go; they just needed him.

In the Slytherin dungeons, a blonde student faced the same dilemma. Most students had planned a small celebration in Hogsmeade. They had already reserved a spot for the celebration, but they were still waiting for confirmation from the guest of honor, and they had no idea how to convince him.

In the Gryffindor Tower, the trio had already made plans to meet Sirius in Hogsmeade.


A day before the visit to Hogsmeade, Luna approached the emo.

Luna: Sasuke, do you have a minute?

Sasuke: Sure.

Luna: I wanted to invite you to go with me and some friends to visit Hogsmeade.

Sasuke: Sorry, but I have to prepare for the exam.

Luna: You're always training. You also need to relax so your body can recover from all the physical strain you put it through.

Sasuke had no words to counter her, and he ended up agreeing to go. This conversation was overheard by a blonde Slytherin student. After Luna left, Draco approached.

Draco: Sasuke, can I talk to you?

Sasuke reluctantly agreed.

Draco: Since you're going to visit Hogsmeade, why don't you show up at the Three Broomsticks? Our friends are having a gathering on the second floor.

Sasuke: Sorry, but I already have plans.

Draco: Please, Sasuke. We're gathering to celebrate your victory. The gathering will start three hours before we head back to the castle.

Sasuke: No.

Draco: But...

Sasuke: I'll go if I can bring a few guests.

Draco: You can bring them. We'll be waiting for you – he said, walking away.

Draco thought, Damn, who is he going to bring? The only ones that come to mind are Lovegood and Smith. I better warn the others not to offend anyone.


The weekend arrived, and all students from the third year and above headed to Hogsmeade, but a trio was waiting for the arrival of a certain Slytherin.

Sasuke approached the trio, which consisted of Luna, Zacharias, and, to the emo's surprise, the third person was Ginny.

Luna and Zacharias greeted the emo, and Ginny nervously greeted him. She hadn't expected the fourth member to be the emo.

Luna: Sasuke, do you have any idea what the next exam will be about?

Zacharias and Ginny looked closely at the emo.

Sasuke: I can't say for sure. We'll be informed tomorrow, but if I had to guess, I think it will be a duel among the champions.

Zacharias: So that's why you're training your body every morning.

Sasuke: Yes, I need to stay in shape.

Ginny was surprised by the emo's dedication. - I have to tell Hermione so she can warn Harry - she thought.

Noticing that Ginny was deep in thought, Sasuke said he didn't mind if she told Harry about his hypothesis.

Ginny nodded shyly.


There was a teacher observing the interaction among the four students from different houses as they made their way to Hogsmeade from a distance.

The first stop for the four was the Shrieking Shack. There were rumors that it was haunted. Everyone was surprised, except for the emo and Ginny, since Hermione had told her the truth about the Shrieking Shack.

The emo observed the house carefully but didn't sense any presence or anything resembling the ghosts of Hogwarts.

Sasuke: Let's go inside.

Luna: Yes.

Zacharias: Is that a good idea?

Ginny: Come on, don't be a coward.

They entered and saw the interior filled with dust and broken furniture, but no ghosts. Disappointed, Luna suggested they go somewhere else, so the four headed to Zonko's. Ginny hid to avoid being seen by her brothers. The others browsed the products and bought a few items, except for the emo.

The third stop was the sweet shop. They looked at all kinds of sweets and began to buy some treats. Sasuke noticed that Ginny was buying a smaller amount compared to Luna and Zacharias.

The emo bought four boxes of different candies and treats. He handed one box to each of them and received a "thank you" in return, but Ginny felt a bit nervous and confused by his gesture.

Sasuke: Don't worry; I'm just giving a gift for the inconvenience I'll cause later. Consider it compensation.

The fourth stop was the Pen Shop, where they sold all kinds of school supplies, from parchment to quills and ink.

Once again, Sasuke bought four boxes and gave one to each of them.

Sasuke: Don't worry; it's just compensation for the trouble.

The three were puzzled, wondering why he was giving so many gifts and where he was taking them.


Not far from Hogsmeade, there was a cave where Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Sirius were gathered. Remus decided to share his suspicions about Karkarov and Crouch.

Sirius: Harry, have you mastered the spells on the list I sent you?

Harry: Yes.

Sirius: Great. Then let's practice in a duel. I will duel with you and then duel with both of you – he said, looking at Hermione and Ron.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now