Third Test I

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The next day, Snape was in Dumbledore's office discussing the disappearance of Bartemius Crouch.

Snape: We searched the entire castle and its surroundings, but found no trace of him.

Dumbledore: I understand. This is alarming. First Bertha Jorkins, and now Bartemius Crouch. Cornelius keeps insisting that it's nothing and that everything is fine.

Snape: That fool. He doesn't see the signs. All these disappearances are connected to the tournament.

Dumbledore: Don't worry. As long as Harry is here, he will be safe. Keep an eye on Karkarov. He may become agitated due to the attack on his champion.

Snape: Young Krum is merely stunned. It's nothing serious that would affect his participation in the third task, he said as he left.


That same morning, Sirius sent an owl to Harry, while another owl arrived for Hermione, carrying a copy of the Daily Prophet. She took the newspaper and began to read.

Hermione: They don't know about Mr. Crouch's disappearance, she said as she read the newspaper.

She, Ron, and Harry started reading the letter sent by Sirius about what happened two nights ago.


What on earth are you doing going into the Forbidden Forest with Viktor Krum? I want you to swear, upon receiving this owl, that you won't go wandering off with anyone else at night. There is someone extremely dangerous at Hogwarts. It's clear to me that this person wanted to prevent Crouch from seeing Dumbledore, and you were probably just steps away from him in the dark. You could have been killed. Your name didn't end up in the Goblet of Fire by chance. If someone is trying to attack you, this is their last chance. Stay close to Ron and Hermione, don't leave the Gryffindor Tower late at night, and prepare for the third task. Practice Stunning and Disarming spells. A few jinxes would come in handy. There's nothing you can do for Crouch. Don't expose yourself and take care. I'll be waiting for a letter in which you promise not to breach the school boundaries again.


Harry: Who is he to lecture me about breaking school rules? he said, slightly indignant, folding Sirius's letter and putting it into the inner pocket of his robes. After everything he did at school.

Hermione: He's worried about you, Hermione reminded sharply. The same goes for Moody and Hagrid. That's why you should listen to what they're telling you.

Harry: No one has even tried to attack me this year. No one has done anything to me at all.

Hermione: Except for putting your name in the Goblet of Fire. And they must have had a good reason for that, Harry. Sirius is right. Maybe they're waiting for the right moment. Perhaps the third task is when they'll go after you.

Harry: Look, let's say Sirius is right and someone stunned Krum to kidnap Crouch. Well, he would have been hiding among the trees near us, right? But he waited for me to be out of the way to act, didn't he? So it doesn't seem like I'm their target, does it?

Hermione: They couldn't make it look like an accident if they had killed you in the Forest. But if you died during the task...

Harry: They didn't care about attacking Krum, did they? Why wouldn't they just finish me off too? They could have made it look like Krum and I had dueled or something.

Hermione: Harry, I don't understand either, she said desperately. All I know is that there are a lot of strange things happening, and I don't like it at all... Moody is right, Sirius is right. You have to start training for the third task soon. And don't forget to reply to Sirius and promise you won't go off alone again.


Sasuke was in the Great Hall having breakfast, accompanied by several Slytherin classmates. They were asking the emo to talk about the third task, knowing that Bagman had informed the champions.

Sasuke: It's a maze. I think it will be a race to see who reaches the exit first.

The emo got up and headed to his first class of the day. Thus, the weeks passed until the final exam week arrived. The third task would take place after the final exams.

After the last History of Magic exam, Professor McGonagall informed that the champions' families were invited to watch the final task and that there would be a meeting with the champions in the entrance hall.

During the meeting, only three champions showed up. Sasuke didn't attend because he was meditating in the Owlery.


At this meeting were Viktor Krum and his parents, Fleur Delacour with her sister and parents, and Harry was with the Weasleys and Sirius. Harry was surprised not to see Sasuke. Ron and Hermione approached while he was talking to Mrs. Weasley. She glared at Hermione, making her tense, all due to the news that had come out in the Daily Prophet about Hermione and Sasuke.

Mrs. Weasley: I want to have a private talk with you about that Slytherin boy, Hermione, she said, and Hermione nodded.

Harry intervened, saying that the Prophet's news about Hermione and Sasuke was false, and Mrs. Weasley quickly believed his words. She returned to treating Hermione kindly, and Hermione realized the intense hatred the Weasley family felt toward Slytherin.

Harry: Does anyone know why the Uchiha family didn't come? he asked, but no one replied.

Hermione: Maybe it's because they're Muggles, and Hogwarts has anti-Muggle spells. To them, Hogwarts is just a rundown zone with a danger sign.

Everyone went to the Great Hall, where they had lunch with their families. Sasuke did not appear. He was having lunch alone in the Owlery, enjoying the silence.


Ludo: Ladies and gentlemen, in five minutes I invite you to the Quidditch stadium to begin the final task of the tournament. he said, encouraging people to applaud as Harry, Fleur, and Krum left the Great Hall.

They went to the Quidditch pitch, which was unrecognizable, and in front of the entrance to the maze sat a person with closed eyes: Sasuke Uchiha.

Hagrid, Moody, McGonagall, and Professor Flitwick entered the stadium. The hats they were wearing were adorned with bright red stars. Hagrid told Harry that if things got tough inside, he should shoot red sparks, and they would send help.

Moody also entered the maze for a check since he was the only one who could walk through the maze without problems due to his magical eye.

Harry sighed in relief upon hearing that Moody would enter the maze to protect him in case the mysterious person decided to attack.

Ludo Bagman explained the rules of the task. The four champions would enter the maze in accordance with their previous point standings.

Ludo: Sasuke Uchiha will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Viktor Krum, and Harry Potter will go last, with Fleur Delacour.

After loud applause, cheers, and whistles, Harry saw the emo disappear after entering the maze. Once the other champions had entered, all the spectators could see and hear were flashes of spells and explosions.

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