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Sasuke closed his eyes, and when he opened them, his Sharingan was activated.

Tom: What are these eyes? I've never seen anything like this before—he thought, observing the red eyes with black details.

Sasuke smiled and dashed toward Tom with a clenched fist.

Tom was taken aback; he never expected Sasuke to want to fight like a Muggle. He believed a Muggle could never defeat a wizard.

Tom quickly pointed his wand at Sasuke. CRUCIO!

Sasuke saw Tom's action in slow motion, thanks to his Sharingan. He smiled and vanished, reappearing behind Tom. When the wizard turned to face the Uchiha, he received a punch to the face that sent him several meters back.

Tom: How did he Apparate? Hogwarts is protected by anti-Apparition spells, and he's just a first-year student—he thought as he got back up.

Tom stood up and felt something trickling from his nose to his mouth—a metallic taste. He touched his nose and saw blood on his fingers.

Tom: Damn it! How dare you make me bleed?

Sasuke: I don't have time for this nonsense. If you're not coming, I'll go—he said, running toward Tom.

Tom pointed his wand at him. AVIECTUM AGNIS!

Sasuke easily dodged the spell. Tom flicked his wand, causing what looked like a fiery whip to emerge from the tip.

Tom swung the whip toward Sasuke, who dodged the attacks by ducking or jumping.

Tom: What's happening? I'm attacking, and he shows no signs of intimidation, even facing me without magic—he thought.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. Looking down, he saw Sasuke's fist buried in his belly.

Tom: Damn...

Sasuke stepped back a little and delivered a spinning kick that sent Tom several meters back.

Sasuke: It's time for you to tell me how to wake up Weasley.

Tom struggled to get up. I'll never tell you. She'll die soon, and it will all be thanks to my diary.

Sasuke: I see. In that case, I'll make sure to avenge her death.

Tom: What?

Sasuke: I'll show you a real fire attack.

Sasuke made a hand sign, and the bomb paper he had placed on Tom's back exploded. Tom dropped his wand from the pain of the blast.

Sasuke threw shurikens with cords at him that ensnared him.

Sasuke made a few hand signs. FIRE STYLE, FIREBALL JUTSU! he shouted.

The fireball hit Tom squarely. He screamed in pain until he was completely reduced to ashes.

Sasuke, with the Sharingan activated, saw that after he turned to ashes, some lights exited and entered the diary.

Sasuke deactivated the Sharingan and looked at Weasley, who hadn't woken up. Then, he remembered Tom saying everything he did was thanks to the diary.

Sasuke walked over to the diary and grabbed the basilisk fang he had cut. He plunged the fang into the diary, and a deafening scream erupted from it. When it stopped, he noticed Ginny was waking up.

Ginny: Harry, I'm sorry; I was the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets.

Ginny looked at her savior and was surprised to see Sasuke.

Ginny: Why did I end up confessing what I did to a Slytherin? Harry was supposed to be here, not him—she thought nervously.

Sasuke: Let's get out of here. Soon you can explain everything to the professors.

Ginny: Alright.

As she was getting up, they heard the door to the chamber close, trapping them inside.

They walked to the door and tried to open it, but nothing happened.

Sasuke: Alohomora—he said, pointing his wand at the door, but it didn't budge.

He kept trying for several minutes, but nothing worked. He couldn't use any ninjutsu because of Ginny.

Sasuke was pondering how they would get out when he noticed the water surrounding the chamber. He observed it until he realized that the water was coming from the Black Lake.

Sasuke: Can you swim, Weasley?

Ginny: Yes.

Sasuke: Great, because we're going to escape through there—he said, pointing at the water.

Ginny: Through there?—she said, not too fond of the idea.

Sasuke: There's no other way. Now let's go, or do you want to live here forever?

Sasuke entered the water, and Ginny hesitated for a moment but eventually followed him in. They both took a deep breath and submerged.

Sasuke identified the current of water entering the chamber and signaled for Ginny to follow him. They swam until he spotted where the water was coming in, but the hole was too small. He pulled a bomb paper from his pocket and stuck it in the hole. After a few seconds, the paper exploded, enlarging the hole and causing the water to flow into the chamber more forcefully.

Sasuke grabbed Ginny's arm and swam with all his strength so they could both escape.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now