First Class

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The next day, Sasuke woke up early to head to the secret base. He ran through the Forbidden Forest until he reached his destination. He sighed, knowing he'd have to clean up, so he called his four house-elves (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Winki) to help clean the base faster.

After an hour, the base was completely spotless. He asked Beta to take him to his room, took a shower, got dressed in his uniform, and headed to the Great Hall.

Upon arrival, he saw prefects Draco and Pansy handing out schedules. Sasuke received his and noticed that he had Herbology in Greenhouse 3 with Ravenclaw and, after lunch, Defense Against the Dark Arts with Gryffindor in Room 303.

While he was having breakfast, Luna approached him so they could head to class together.

Sasuke: It's still early, Luna. Sit down and help yourself.

Luna nodded and sat down. The students from other houses were perplexed, especially the Slytherins. Most of the older students wanted to do something and were slowly approaching, hands in their robe pockets.

Draco quickly went over to them to prevent them from doing anything rash. Sasuke glanced at them, releasing a bit of his killer instinct, which made them shudder.

Draco felt that killer instinct and remembered his father's words, warning him never to offend the Uchiha, as he was extremely dangerous.

Meanwhile, Luna continued to peacefully eat her cereal with yogurt. She noticed the older students standing still and commented that the cereal was delicious, offering them some as well.

The older students, their pride hurt and fearing the emo, not wanting to offend Luna, sat at the table to eat the cereal.

Some time later, Sasuke was walking to Greenhouse 3 with his books and equipment for class. The professor had brought something rather ugly for that day's lesson.

Instead of plants, she had brought a creature that resembled a large, slimy, black-skinned worm, emerging directly from the earth. They slithered frantically, and their bodies were covered in sacs filled with a liquid.

Sprout: Does anyone know what these are?

Sasuke: Bubotuber - he answered automatically.

Sprout: Correct - she said, smiling. - Can anyone tell me what it's used for?

Astoria: The concentrated bubotuber pus has high medicinal value. If used correctly, it has strong detoxifying effects and is also very good for treating acne.

Sprout: Very good, five points to each.

Avery: Nice work, Sasuke.

Sprout: Today's task is simple. You just have to squeeze them with your hands to collect the pus.

Teresa: What? - she asked with a tone of disgust.

Sprout: Pus, Teresa. You need to squeeze them well and put the pus in these jars. Put on your dragon-hide gloves; undiluted bubotuber pus causes burns on the skin.

Sprout: During the medieval period, Muggles accidentally obtained bubotubers and used the pus on arrows. The extraction process is disgusting, but it also brings a strange sense of satisfaction in the end. When squeezed correctly, the bubotuber releases a thick, yellowish-green liquid that smells like gasoline.

Sprout: Pair up and collect the liquid according to the instructions on the board - she said, holding up a jar. - Madam Pomfrey will be very happy with this - she added, smiling.

Some time later, they heard the bell signaling the end of the class. They left the greenhouse and headed to the Great Hall for lunch. Sasuke had Defense Against the Dark Arts in the afternoon, and Luna had Transfiguration.


Minutes earlier, the golden trio had arrived at the Great Hall after their Potions class. While Harry and Ron were cursing Snape, an owl flew in and delivered the latest issue of the Daily Prophet to Hermione.

Harry: The Daily Prophet is still printing rubbish.

Hermione: WHAAAAAAAT! - she screamed, drawing everyone's attention.

All the students around them stopped what they were doing and looked at the golden trio. Hermione blushed and showed Harry and Ron the headline of the article.

Peter Pettigrew Dead

The false hero Peter Pettigrew escaped from Azkaban prison and was found decapitated, his body cut into pieces. Due to the Ministry's delay, Pettigrew's body was discovered by Muggle authorities at the start of the summer. The body attracted the attention of several local media outlets because they were unable to identify the victim.

This became a great unsolved mystery for the Muggle community, but Ministry authorities managed to resolve the issue by altering the memories of all those involved in the case. According to confidential statements from an Auror, the body showed no signs of magic. Every type of inspection was carried out, but they couldn't determine how he had been mutilated in such a way.

According to Muggle forensic sources, the body had been cut with a sword, but no trace or fingerprint was found on the body or the surrounding area.

The Aurors do not believe that a Muggle could have killed a dark wizard, but they said they got to the bottom of it and found the culprit...

Harry was stunned. Murmurs began spreading. Students were already forming theories about Pettigrew's death. The trio agreed that they needed to speak with Sirius to see if he knew anything.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now