Slytherins Divided I

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While the meeting with Sasuke was happening at the Hog's Head, Harry, Ron, Leanne, and Hermione followed Professor McGonagall to her office.

The professor closed the door and sat at the desk facing Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the confused Leanne.

Minerva: Well, what happened?

Hesitant and pausing frequently as she tried to control her tears, Leanne told the professor that Katie had gone to the bathroom at the Three Broomsticks and returned with an unidentified package. Her friend had seemed a bit strange, and they had argued about the wisdom of accepting unknown objects, which had escalated into a struggle that caused the package to tear. By this point, Leanne was so emotional that no more words could be pried from her.

Minerva: Very well – she said almost kindly – Please go up to the hospital wing, Leanne, and ask Madam Pomfrey to give you something for the shock.

When the girl left, Professor McGonagall turned her attention to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Minerva: What happened when Katie touched the necklace?

Harry: She floated into the air – he replied before the other two could speak. – And then she started screaming and lost consciousness. Professor, can I see Professor Dumbledore, please?

Minerva: The headmaster will be away until Monday, Potter – she informed, looking surprised.

Harry: Away? – he repeated angrily.

Minerva: Yes, Potter, away! – she emphasized sarcastically. – But anything you have to say about this horrible incident can certainly be said to me.

For a fraction of a second, Harry hesitated. Professor McGonagall did not inspire confidences; although Dumbledore was, in many ways, intimidating, he seemed less inclined to dismiss a theory, no matter how far-fetched it might be. But this was a matter of life and death, and it wasn't the time to worry about being laughed at.

Harry: I think Draco Malfoy and Sasuke Uchiha gave that necklace to Katie, Professor.

To his side, Ron scratched his nose, visibly embarrassed; on the other side, Hermione shuffled her feet as if trying to distance herself from Harry.

Minerva: That's a very serious accusation, Potter – she said after a shocked pause. – Do you have any evidence?

Harry: No, but... – and he recounted how he had followed Draco and his father to Borgin & Burkes and overheard the conversation between the patriarch and Borgin. Lucius seemed very interested in buying the necklace, or maybe Sasuke Uchiha bought it, since he lived on Knockturn Alley for three years and had dealings with Borgin & Burkes.

Minerva: Enough – she said furiously. – Potter, I appreciate you telling me this, but we cannot accuse Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Uchiha simply because they visited the shop where the necklace might have been purchased. That would probably apply to hundreds of people...

Hermione: That's what I said... – she whispered, unheard by anyone.

Minerva: ... And, in any case, this year we've implemented strict security measures at the school. I don't believe the necklace could have entered without our knowledge... Now, return to the common room. I need to see how Miss Bell is doing.


News of what happened to Katie Bell spread quickly throughout Hogwarts, and everyone suspected it was the work of some Slytherin student.

Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws eyed the Slytherins with some caution, while the Gryffindors glared at them with pure hatred, clearly desiring revenge.

The Slytherins went about their lives undisturbed, but knowing they could be attacked by a Gryffindor student, they began to move in small or large groups.

The Slytherin common room was divided into two factions: one side wanted to dominate the other, while the other side was losing members.

They murmured threats at each other, with no larger issue at hand, for, as they said, what happens in Slytherin stays in Slytherin.

This tension continued for several days until everything exploded.

Zabini: Surrender, you can't remain indecisive; you must choose a side – he said, looking at the few students gathered in a corner of the common room.

The small group consisted of Astoria and Daphne Greengrass, Damian Fawley, Adrian Pucey, Kevin Bretchy, Terence Higgs, among others, totaling twenty students.

Daphne: We prefer to remain neutral, Zabini.

Zabini: For the Dark Lord, there is no neutral side. Join us; the Dark Lord will emerge victorious, and we will reign alongside him.

Bretchy: You've gone mad; we still have our freedom of expression...

Zabini cast a spell into the air to interrupt him.

Nott: If you don't make a decision, you will be considered blood traitors. Come on, join us.

Yaxley: All seventh-year students have decided to join the cause of blood purification. If you're not with us, you will be considered mudbloods. Once we deal with you, we will take care of Uchiha.

Astoria: You've gone crazy; you can't attack him; he is stronger than you.

Crabbe: Yes, he's stronger, but he won't be able to fight us all. He will regret staining our house. The Dark Lord will reward us if we rid ourselves of him.

Everyone raised their wands and pointed them at the small group, who did nothing, knowing that if they raised their wands, they would be "targeted."

The common room door swung open, and Damian hoped it was Professor Snape, but saw that it was Draco.

Draco: What's going on here?

Goyle: Come on, Draco, let's teach these blood traitors what happens to those who are not on the Dark Lord's side.

Macnair: Come on, Daphne; do you really want to be on the losing side? If you don't join us, what happened to Bell could happen to your sister.

Draco walked over to Daphne and stood beside her.

Pansy: What are you doing, Draco? Your place is here.

Draco moved instinctively, not knowing what to say, trying to think of a way to convince them not to attack.

Crabbe: Traitor, your father is turning in his grave. We used to follow you because of your father's influence, but now you are nothing without him.

Goyle: You're a disgrace to Slytherin. Once you fall, we will take care of the mudblood.

Everyone unleashed their spells, a mix of curses and the Cruciatus curse. The small group, not knowing what to do, closed their eyes, waiting for the inevitable.

Sasuke Uchiha in Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now