Prologue III

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A young man walked through the streets of Sofia, drawing the attention of many young women who watched him and began to murmur among themselves.

He stopped in front of a shop and looked at the sign that read "Wands by Gregorovitch." Upon entering, he saw an elderly man behind the counter.

He approached to greet the shop owner and got straight to the point.

Sasuke: I need you to make two wands.

Gregorovitch was surprised by the request.

Gregorovitch: I understand the need to make a wand. They can wear out or even break, but it's somewhat unusual to request two.

Sasuke: I will keep just one; the other is for someone else.

Gregorovitch: The other person needs to be present so I can make the necessary adjustments.

Sasuke: I will leave our wands with you for reference to make the adjustments. I think it will be easier that way.

Gregorovitch: It certainly is easier, but it's also curious. Under normal circumstances, a wizard would only buy a second wand if something happened to the first one.

Sasuke: This is just a project. Will you do it?

Gregorovitch: Alright, I will. But it will take some time, as I will have to find the same core for both wands.

Sasuke: That won't be a problem. - He said, handing over a bag containing unicorn hair and Thestral hair.

Gregorovitch: I want 50 Galleons for each wand. I assume you don't want anyone to know about this.

Sasuke: Here you go. - He said, handing over a small pouch of money.

Gregorovitch: It will take me a week.

Sasuke handed over the wands and left.

Gregorovitch: How curious. Having two wands. This boy thinks differently from others. I wonder if he will try to control both at the same time. - He thought.

Sasuke was contemplating what to do next. The wands would take a week, so he decided to stay at a hotel.

After booking a room in a magical hotel, he bought a newspaper to catch up on the latest news. The front page discussed the upcoming Quidditch World Cup.

There was nothing particularly relevant, but he decided to read the entire newspaper anyway. Afterwards, he went to rest, already knowing what he would do the next morning.



In a certain mansion in Little Hangleton, a gardener approached the property upon noticing lights coming from a room on the second floor.

This caretaker was Frank Bryce, an elderly man who lived in a nearby cabin.

He entered the mansion and, as he approached the room, could hear two people discussing the murder of a certain Bertha Jorkins, along with mentions of someone named Harry Potter and a tournament. However, upon sensing Frank's presence, one of the voices ordered his servant to open the door.

Frank threatened to report them, but the voice, identifying itself as that of Lord Voldemort, decided to kill him. Voldemort laughed as he cast a green bolt of magic at Frank, who immediately fell to the ground, lifeless.

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